Is anyone else horny, er, excited? It’s been such a wait and by golly, the scheduler-makers got this right by blasting a potential Superb Owl matchup directly into our eyeballs. (I, for one, will completely forget about this feather in their cap while being forced to watch a turgid early morning offering from London later on this year) Seems a bit odd that one of these powerhouses will exit this tilt sporting a big “L” on their permanent record.
Many, many kudos to all the folks on the site that provided content and who commented all through the dog days. It’s quite the accomplishment that all that combined effort kept this “football-specific” site alive and thriving through yet another offseason. But hey, it’s not really about the football anymore now is it? Sure, we lean that way but the talent on board has taught us all kinds of disparate things and kept commenters engaged when they might have hoofed it elsewhere. Huzzah!
To The Motherfucking Game!
-There’s so much damn star power featured here!
-I’ve mentioned it in the past but I do give a nod of the head to any team that’s this close to a championship going out and getting more ammo. The Bills grabbed Von Miller so that they have extra firepower on D and the Rams likewise grabbed Bobby Wagner and A-Rob. That’s the way you do it.
-The news broke a while ago regarding Stafford’s elbow/arm issue but I swear I’ve read about this in the past. It just didn’t strike me as that big a deal. Perhaps it was because the news was coming out of (eww!) Detroit in the past and folks forgot or didn’t care in the first place?
-We’ve got some official Pomp and Circumstance happening afore the game in the form of a Rams Superb Owl Banner Unveiling! Will there be fireworks? Will the smoke from those fireworks create a haze over the field during kickoff? I’m only asking questions.
-If the Bills win this it will be the very first time that the Rams will be under .500 at any time during McVay’s tenure with the club. Yup, they’ve won every opener and haven’t stumbled from there.
-The Bills have slightly rebuilt their o-line and should be tested by the Rams formidable front. (by that I mean Aaron Donald-who the hell knows the other guys that play on that unit?) I do think that if Donald does get a paw on Josh Allen the latter won’t go down as easily as that namby-pamby Joe Burrow did at the end of that last pertinent game that we all saw.
-Van Jefferson is out so we’ll be treated to the likes of Tutu Atwell and Ben Skrowneck(?)
-The Bills have a bit of a dilemma in that cb Tre’Davious White was sent off for PUP training and so will be gone for 4 weeks. Rook cb’s Elam and Benford-who have impressed in camp, but hey, they’re rooks-might see a wee bit more field time than they might be ready for. Advantage: Rams.
Well, I came here to drink some Genesee Cream Ale and bust some tables and I’m all out of beer. Gotta go-your turn.
Pour out a Gin and Tonic for the Queen. Did NBC play Morrissey / Smiths or Sex Pistols?
best version of god save the queen
Never sure why Nestle’s Toll House Cookies didn’t do an endorsement deal with Lemmy, cause, you know.
It would have been cool if Queen Elizabeth had had a list of “secret knightings”. Like, people she gave knighthood to but never told the public about. Fred Durst, Wayne Rooney, etc.
George Dub I, Clinton, W., Obama, and Biden
Or that monthly angry pegging of Snoop Dogg she done
That’s Martha’s gig.
Nipsy Russle. Bob Hale. Gumby.
This a picture of my grandfather. Yes, he has a raw steak in his mouth. He probably had already slammed a sixer of Bud and smoked half a pack of Camel filterless. I grew up across the street from him, and this is why I am the way I am.
Neither of my grandads had a sense of humoUr-no idea where I got mine from.
Another one of his tricks: he’d put ketchup in a napkin, then pull a door open, but have his foot in front so it didn’t really hit him. Then he’s smash the napkin in his face, which looked like blood. His mother, my great grandmother, would start screaming hysterically in Italian.
the bills turning the ball over, a former detroit lion throwing ints
ah, a classic thursday night game!
Stap Fatford
Sorry, liver. Gonna be a rough night.
Hmmm, maybe Fatty DOES need that throwing elbow.
White shorts were a poor choice for that kid.
It feels good to have football back.
Even when it’s bad, it’s REALLY GOOD
Oh, Fatthew.
Tis the Gospels!
That rookie is getting duct taped to a urinal after that game
Preseason: “Buffalo is so talented. Why aren’t they able to put it all together?”
Season: “Oh, yeah. That’s why.”
Buffalo churning out turnovers like they’re trying to feed Andy Reid.
yup that’s out pre-knee
like i said, these are still the bills
Did anyone know that it’s hot in California? I heard it’s hot.
It’s only 99° today! A much-needed respite.
Is it also on fire?
It’s on fire. Literally.
it was hotter in Sacramento today than Vegas.
Billy Joel covered this a long time ago-here’s the documentary
Some Billy!
Fuck yeah new Knives Out movie
“Sign me up!” – Ray Lewis
Oh Bananas!
“It was just one knife and it never really came out, bitch.”
-Yelp reviewer, R. Lewis
Quantum Leap is back. Was there actually an airborne drop during that war? I can’t believe there was. Who parachutes into the desert?
I just wish they explained why Sam Beckett leapt in a NCIS agent in New Orleans, or why he leapt nearly 200 years into the future as a space captain. I have questions!
He never got the accent right so he was stuck until New Orleans
Can’t wait for the episode where he leaps into a racist golfer who won’t play with a young Tiger Woods
It feels great to be back amongst you fine gentlemen.
Bills all the way
Puds Mackenzie
look, its not as silly as people a couple of years ago saying the browns were a sleeper team to make the super bowl, but with that int you gotta remember, these the bills
If anyone is wondering how that fucking insane dog we got last year is doing. I direct you to Exhibit A.
Posing like DeShaun getting a massage.
Has she calmed down a little?
A bit. Still has a lot of puppy in her.
Cole Beasley woulda caught that (and used the n-word)
Yeah, that’s the McKenzie I remember muffing punts for Donks WOO!
I entered the suicide pool what’s the picks pool?
I benched Fatty for Charmslinger, so I look forward to gritting my teeth through his garbage time yardage.
You think he’s lighting Seattle up. Hope you’re right
The Bills are never losing again.
This is called a scold’s bridle. A torture device from medieval times. People back then didn’t have an outlet like pro football so, this is how they occupied their time.
Hey man, just put it on and dance. Ain’t nobody paying you to talk smh
Devin Singletary is as old as my fantasy league that just bit the bullet this year. Fuck sakes.
Still need to make my picks for this week.
Did A-Ron attend all 10 days at Burning Man this year. Or left early?
Jalen Hurts starting for Philly? No receivers hurt yet?
Rodgers took so many shrooms he thinks he is on the field right now
“All the Small Things” as bumper music? Inspired choice, NBC.
Guess they’re really trying to lean into tonight’s theme of “incessant laughing at British egos”.
But enough about Collinsworth’s micropenis!
Funny story.
My son is playing JV football. At the end of the last game, our QB took a knee and one of the d linemen laid a hit on him.
I commented on what a shit move that was.
My son said, “I was hoping we’d run onto the field and fight. I didn’t really clobber anyone today and that would have made up for it.”
That’s yer boy!
He’s 14 and going through that thing called puberty. I take a deep breath every night and remind myself that I was just as big an asshole when I was that age.
Stafford going down like Ginger Lynn
Missed the first drive. Was it as effortless as the box score suggests?
perhaps MOAR? Don’t think it ever got to 3rd down.
Yes. Embarassingly so.
They did a Bison version of RRRRRAAAAAMMMMIIIITTTT
How old is Von Miller? Christ!
I keep waiting for him to slow down. He does get hurt more often, is all.
Two DBs, One Kupp
well, his fat arm didn’t fall off. YET.
Do they toss dildoes on the road, or is that just a home game thing?
Guess we’ll just have to watch and see.
they probably do have home dildos and road dildos
that is well important, for coloUr-blind viewers
A slightly, used fleshlight?
Show us your tits, FATTY!
Huh, that’s odd. Buffalo scored a touchdown on the Rams, but I still feel the same emptiness I’ve felt after the Super Bowl loss in February.
Let’s have Buffalo score five or six more touchdowns. Just to be sure.
I thought people in LA were too busy injecting collagen into their buttocks to care about football. I guess alot of people came down from Buffalo. TO AVOID THE MIND NUMBING COLD! RIGHT, CRIS?
Fozzie! How are you!
if Jackson St beats Prairie View Neon Deon might turn into the Joker if the team dumps any of that Jackson MS water on him.
holy damn that was all easy
Well, once again, NE ain’t winning this division.
So, I know a whole lot of people are grieving tonight, and I understand, and I want to be sensitive to that. But at the same time, I think we should be honest about what’s happened today. We didn’t so much lose a person as a symbol of hidebound conservatism and unthinking adherence to tradition, a figurehead best known in the end for ruling over a conspicuous mediocrity and, wait, you’re telling me Jeff Fisher isn’t dead? Fuck, never mind.
I give this comment a 7 out of 9.
I don’t understand the grief here in America. Seriously, I’m not being a dick – well, I am a huge asshole – but it’s not like Tara Reid passed away.
Only one Queen’s death moves me to tears and that’s Freddie Mercury.
Uh… someone want to tell him, or what are we doing…?
Don’t worry, I saw the movie.
The grief here in the states is a bit too much, but it is sad. She wasn’t supposed to be queen, but when fate called her, she answered and served admirably.
If anything, we can feel for our British siblings.
Huh, well.
Rams D looking as good as Bruce Jenner’s D.
I bet it looks like a hot dog that’s been on one of those rollers for too long
That was too easy.
Brokeback seems to be doing the RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAM(ing) IT.
(and ladies! and non-gendered cowpersons!)
I got a boner that could drill through Mt. Everest right now
yes Cris, because there’s no fucking summer in buffalo…fucking twat.