What? Did you think I’d do the overdone ‘revenge game’ thingy? That’s so tired-just like I was last night after so much football yesterday.
So I got all stupid in Freezer Vodka and benched Ridley (122 yards) for Jameson Williams (2 yards) so I’m going to lose. I’m doing penance for being so ‘cute’-this includes wearing a short-hemmed sundress with a panda print and twirling a parasol all day around the house. Them’s the rules.
-With Milano’s injury yesterday and White’s last week, the Buffalo D doesn’t look nearly as formidable. Milano was fantastic at getting to the ball carrier so you can play rb’s comfortably going forward.
-One advantage to the Giants woes is that neither Kafka or Martindale will be a part of the offseason coach’s carousel of interviews. Who would bring them on board? Wink can’t get his guys to tackle and they just got their first turnover in week 5. Kafka’s play-calling has become increasingly conservative but that may be out of necessity. After all, the team has backup o-linemen playing in unfamiliar positions.
-It’s just five weeks in but LaPorta is trending towards having the most fantasy points of any rookie tight end. At this rate his 244 points would top Keith Jackson’s 209 points. I think we’ll see more and more freshman te’s being significant fantasy assets. It wasn’t long ago that rookie wideouts (dynasty aside) were hardly ever considered but then along came the likes of Julio, A.J. Green, OBJ, A.J. Brown, Chase and Jefferson.
-Bill Belichick is in a tough spot and I don’t see the way out. He’s fallen into that familiar circumstance of a defensive coach that has too much influence on how the offense is run and it shows. That, and the inability to identify dynamic talent at the wr spot have really hurt him in the division.
To The Game!
-Aaron Jones is unlikely to play? That news popped up today seemingly out of nowhere.
-That’s ok, they’ve got Dillon and his season-to-date 2.7 ypc number to rely on. If he struggles maybe we’ll see more of uh, Patrick Taylor?
-Wouldn’t it be great if the brothers Carlson decided the game in the late going? Has anyone thought of that Narrative? If it did happen I’d be all for it because it would mean that we have a close game.
-Ok, fine. I’ll talk about it. Though Jaire Alexander won’t be on him all the time a matchup between him and Davante Adams would be interesting just because they know each other so well.
-They don’t play each other that often but the Raiders haven’t come away with a W since 1987.
-Green Bay can’t afford another slow start-in the last two first halves they’ve been down a total of 44-3.
-Love’s 59.1% completion rate is offset by the fact that he’s tied with Cousins in passes over 30 yards with nine.
Do your thing.
Just wanted to say… Spam? Hippo? I saw your suggestion in the previous thread and .. I iz not amused.
*goes to see if the Russkies have some spare Geran 2’s for sale
(note this also includes a TONIGHT GIRLFRIEND sighting)
marge looks so fucking stupid for some reason
It’s season 1, animation was still a bit rough, and Marge was drunk
You know I was projected to lose by 20 so you’d think I’d feel better by losing narrowly, but….
2.74 points is the margin of victory.
Someone post I gif I can’t even
Sorry, margin of lost points or whatever the fuck you call it.
Congratulations rikki
It’s Maxxxxxxxxx.
No, this is max
He is a cutie!
Dammit, I wanted another Love sack before the end of the game:
If you see a broken man at the end of the bench it means
Five men in the backfield, love sacked! love sacked yeah
We’re headin’ down the Wisconsin highway
Lookin’ for a guard on draft day
Hoping for a guard on draft day, a guard on draft day
Packers got a center, he’s as big as a whale
And he’s the reason for the love sacks,
Packers got a tackle, he weighs bout treefiddy
So hurry up and bring your blitzing safety
The backfield is a little old place where
You can hit our QB
Love sacked baby
A love sack baby
Love sacked, baby love sacked
green bay about to be the most suspect 3-2 in recent memory along with indy
Seriously, you HAVE to go for it. Even punting makes SOME sense.
I already hated Derek Jeter before this ad campaign, now I hate his wife and kids, too.
For 300 dollars I need Green Bay +1.5, feel like I am going to get Brocky’d here.
yeah, you needed a FG on that INT drive
Loooooooove sacked! Love sacked baby!
It seems like, you know, the region that hosts the Holy Land being the most volatile and brutally violent in the world is sort of a shot *against* The Good Word.
Plus, they’re like fighting over FUCKING DESERT. It’s not exactly MALIBU, people!!
Malibu is highly overrated
but I betcha dollars to doughnuts it still beats the Gaza Strip
religion sorta proves humanity on average has the reading comprehension level of about a 2nd grader.
i mean jesus wanted higher taxes on the rich, its written down that jesus wanted higher taxes on the rich, and yet…
I wonder how much ABC is paying the Golden Bachelor not to pick the youngest and thinnest one.
He is. It’s just the editing.
Tonight has taught me that I dislike these teams just about equally.
And there goes my lead, and quite possibly my sanity…
I’ll let you know in the morning
Disembodied voice of Ron Howard:
No one saw Brocky again.
You’re also fading Watson?
I fucking wish. I hate that guy
Davante stopped at the 1. You have him??
Nah, I had a small lead, but the opposition has jordan love. I never had a chance, but still its frustrating
That horsecollar saved Grimace Touched My Butthole, at least temporarily.
eve neen

lol at that douchebag putting his name on an AI generated image. Have some self respect you lazy hack.
Christ, Lowratio could have completed THAT one
Is Cloud Coverage powered by AWS?
Is it foggy inside that dome, or is NFL+ just giving a shitty picture? I guess it IS a Raiders game so could be smoke
a dragon done belched in one of them luxury suites
Are you sure it’s not just stink lines, since both these teams stink?
My, what a handsome interception.
Erin Dolan, anyone?
certainly seems nice
Is this bottle blonde Buck nepotism hire why we no have Matron Saint Emeritus?
Fun fact. She was working for ESPN before Joe.
But they met when she was still working for NFL Network.
One of my coworkers at my first job had pictures of Garropolo from a magazine article hanging in her cubicle. She didn’t watch football, just thought he was cute
He is cute. He’s not listed as “Handsome Jimmy” in the credits of That’s My Raiders! by accident, I’ll tell you that much.
I’m straighter than John Wayne voting for Reagan on a horse, but I must admit that Jimmy G does give me conflicted feelings, that little scamp.
Hypothetically speaking, I can appreciate the beefcake.
Nailed It!
— B. Walsh
Meanwhile in LA:
My sound is off, is Davante not playing anymore?
If he is he isn’t getting any looks.
It does make me feel marginally less stupid for benching him. After all, I might need Cort Sutton’s…2.1
When they were passing out looks, Davante Adams thought they said “books” and said “gimme something written by Lea Michele!”
I’ve met my recommended daily allowance of fiber today possibly! It’s too bad wine doesn’t have fiber in it though
try putting a dry red on your raisin bran?
You can tell yourself you’re basically just doubling up on the raisins!
[jots down business idea]
Wow. Might be a reason to keep me from killing myself this year
I should make a gif of Andy Reid yelling “I HAD RIBS WITH MCCAULEY HALF AN HOUR AGO!”
I haven’t really commented much on Riverdale here – in short I found it to be a silly, lovable show – but the fact that they used a Vitamin String Quartet cover of Moby’s “God Moving Over the Face of the Waters” (which was used as the closing credit music for Heat) says some very positive things about the people running the show.
Seems like every single black market NFL streaming site is working like shit tonight. I’m already mad at this being the end of a long weekend. I don’t need fate to tempt me any further.
Eh, you aren’t missing anything super fantastic
they havent been working too well this season
Might have to try running my Chromecasts on a separate VLAN to see if that resolves anything.
Josh McDaniels is a treasure.
“The kind of treasure that is so precious that if you open it up…OH MY GOD. CLOSE YOUR EYES. CLOSE YOUR EYES!”
-I. Jones, sports reporter
Shouldnt Buck be doing baseball right now. Didnt ESPN buy rights to some games
Buck should be collecting unemployment checks, nothing else.
I don’t know if cap guns still exist. In today’s world, probably not.
But my god did we love these toys. You could roll out a strip of caps and bang them with a rock so they would explode.
You could set a roll, or box, of caps on fire – big fun!
There was also this nifty accessory. When you ran out of caps, throw them at your cousin.
They still sell cap guns. They haven’t been outlawed like lawn darts
That looks like a butt plug.
“More importantly, it feels like a butt plug.”
Everything is a butt plug if you’re adventurous enough.
Balls’ last words.
Pretty sure that no matter what they’ll be “I’m almost there”