Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Season Ten premiere! Chicken Penne? Rigatoni? Mostaccioli? Ziti? You cooked it, You Name it

Good morning everyone!

Well holy shit and goddamnit, would you look at that?

And it’s a 3-day weekend too! Woo hoo!

Season motherfucking ten of Sunday Gravy in the motherfucking house!

No, I’m not going to Roman numeralize it and call it season “X” because fuck that Space Karen motherfucker for forever ruining the coolest of Roman numerals.

Cock Hole.

Never mind all that negative shit because here the fuck we are again! I guess you can be equally sad because we’ve got about 7 shitty months without football to get through.

But we know just how to do that shit don’t we?

By drinking of course, but also by indulging in other sports, maybe take a vacation or two, hang out with family and actually socialize with them. You know? Non football stuff.

We also have food. Delicious, life-sustaining, glorious, goddamn food to cook and enjoy and you certainly came to the right place for that!

As always a reminder that Sunday Gravy is part of our sustained attempt at engaging and occasionally entertaining you good folks with off season content while the colossus of The Shield rests for the next 7 months. 

Please do stay with us yes?

Season fucking ten. Fuck me with an immersion blender that’s a long fucking time. Way more than I ever expected, thought, planned for or imagined.

Since it’s been ten fucking years of doing this thing right here, I decided we’re going to start all over again. I’m throwing out some of the former rules and guidelines that I personally instituted for Sunday Gravy and we’re going a little more free form.

There are going to be some simple, quick and easy recipes. Probably a repeat recipe or two. Or three. I may throw in a restaurant review or visit another fast food joint for critiquing.

After 10 years I’m going to just wing this shit because, to be honest? I’m pretty much out of ideas at this fucking point.

I do promise some detailed, challenging and even new cuisines will be explored but I can’t say when. How about soon or eventually?

That works just fine for me.

Ready to get this shit started?

Thought we could do a simple one-dish, quick and easy recipe today. Something that I made up years back when my daughters were young and the former missus was still the missus. Not to mention she was still alive at that time too but I digress.

This dish requires just a handful of ingredients and an easy prep because I’m getting lazier in my old age.

We’re making baked chicken rigatoni or penne or mostaccioli or what the fuck ever. It’s chicken, leftover mother sauce, some pasta and some cheeses. And that is fucking that.

This dish will be greatly aided if you made your own mother sauce like I did but you know what? If you have a store bought sauce that you like, who gives a shit?

Use it.

Like I said, new fucking rules.


Let’s begin.

Grab some protein.

Boneless skinless chicken breast will work. I used this package of 2 half breasts and it was a goodly amount.

Now season that shit up!

This is my tried and true baked chicken prep that I’ve been making for over 20 goddamn years. It’s ground black pepper, some garlic and onion powder and the secret ingredient.

Not sure if I’ve shared my secret baked chicken ingredient before but if so just humor me over here.

It’s this stuff.


That’s Chef Merito carne asada seasoning and it kicks ass on any protein. Yes, it’s designed for steak and yes also, there is a pollo version from the same folks but I like this preparation and I’m sticking to it.

Make sure you season both sides of the chicken because one-sided seasoning is bullshit.

Bake the chicken in a 350 degree oven for 16 minutes, rotate the pan and cook for 16 minutes more. Trust me on this shit. I’ve done it enough fucking times to be an expert. You do need to make sure that your chicken is at room temperature prior to cooking for these times to be accurate but if you follow these instructions, your chicken will be stone cold immaculate!


Me and that baking dish have been to fucking WAR together!

This is the base of my world renowned chicken burrito but that chicken works in any application. Thin slice that shit and make a sandwich out of it. Cut up some chunks and add it to a salad. It’s your baby. Do what you want!

Cut up one of those breasts into bite size bits and save the other for your choice of chicken application. I used it in the aforementioned chicken burrito the next day and it was goddamn heavenly.

Keep that oven on at 350. It’s been a cold rainy motherfucker this winter so appreciate the ambient warmth it will bring.

Now, lube your freshly washed baking dish and add in the chicken.

Next get yourself some pasta. I’m using tubular form today which is the preferred version.

Of course my local grocery had mostaccioli, it’s the national pasta of San Pedro. No fucking joke! Every mom and pop, Greek, Croatian or Italian place has their own version of Mostaccioli. I think they teach the local kids how to make it in high school. Some of the restaurants serve it as a side dish like mac and cheese or some shit. It’s true!

Use the tubular form of pasta you have available.

Now cook that damn pasta in salted water.

We’re using about half of that box of pasta. Cook until al dente. Don’t go over because this shit will finish by baking in the oven.

The driver, nay the very inspiration for today’s meal is this.

I had some mother sauce leftover from our Christmas lasagne. Yes indeed that’s the meaty mother sauce with the ground pork and the sausages. What? You don’t like extra protein in your pasta?

I just whipped this container straight out of the freezer and defrosted it for our menu today. It was, as always, fucking dynamite in this dish.

 The key to this dish is getting the proper ratios correct. You need just the right amount of pasta to sauce to chicken here or it will be too wet or too dry and fuck both of those potential outcomes.

Feel like a little cheesy gooey topping on this creation?

Why not.

Sure you can use fresh mozzarella but if you have some of the bagged shit go ahead. See? I ain’t gonna holler at yez!

Now all ya gotta do is dump your cooked pasta on the chicken.

Warm up the mother sauce then add it next, Give a few good stirs too. Don’t want any dry ass pasta bits at the bottom.

Grate some parmigiano reggiano on there and then top with the mozzarella.

Then in she goes into a 350 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes. Just enough to get the cheese melty and bubbly.

Get yourself a plate already!

A little more parm on there and hey? Like it a bit spicy like I do?

Check this shit out.

Yessir. That’s a pepper grinder with nothing but crushed red pepper flake in it. Ever mess with one of these? Anybody who thinks that red pepper flake doesn’t have enough of a kick has never fucked with one of these. This wakes that shit RIGHT the fuck up.

For what it’s worth, in addition to this pepper grinder I have 2 additional grinders with black pepper in them and ANOTHER grinder with nothing but Szechuan pepper in it because that how this motherfucker rolls!

All you need now is a little bread, a side salad or whatever and a glass of wine and you are straight the fuck up in business!

This shit is delicious and very satisfying. Again the end result will depend on the effort you made to develop the ingredients.

Another benefit? The leftovers are ridiculously good and you can nuke that shit up in like 45 seconds.

See? Easy as a motherfucker and no massive kitchen skills even required.

It’s good to be back in the Sunday Gravy saddle again.

Wait. Something about having gravy and saddle in the same sentence just fucks with me.

Anyway we’re back in business and the gravy train keeps on a rolling.

Hope everyone is well and let’s do this shit again next week. Alright?

See you then.



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yeah right
yeah right is a fully vaccinated lifelong Vikings fan, fromager, world traveler, food guru and LA Harbor resident with a black belt in profanity and an actual human being.
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Scotty didn’t know?

King Hippo

This seems TOTES normal (with apologies to the Weaselo clan):

Senor Weaselo

Oh, so that’s why this team falls apart in February every year since 2001.

Or earlier, for that matter.

Horatio Cornblower

Pitino’s a hack, and now that paying players is legal coaches like he and Calipari are being exposed as such.

Go fuck another waitress for 15 seconds behind your wife’s back and shut the fuck up, Rick.


That IS the puskas!

Horatio Cornblower

There’s your dinner, FIFA!



I’m told this song includes the lyrics “the door flies open”.


Anything by Clutch is good by me.

Doktor Zymm

Boarding is complete. ETA on second lunch, probably about an hour from now. The halloumi appetizer looks good! The arrival meal is breakfast, so I could potentially have 4th breakfast then, 5th breakfast in the Polaris lounge on arrival, and 6th breakfast on my flight to Chicago.

I like breakfast and all, but I feel like 6 in a calendar day may be too many breakfasts


No such thing

Game Time Decision

-A Reid


Safe travels Cara

Game Time Decision

Saw “The Beekeeper” with Jason Strathem in the theatre. No car chase but lotsa fights


I’m in the middle of Rebel Moon. It’s exactly what you would expect from a Zack Snyder movie. Like, exactly.

I was thinking that to become a modern action star you’re probably better off doing more training in dance than in actual fighting. Because that’s more of what modern action scenes are.


JUst got home from the Speed skating world c’ship. Man they move fast. They were topping out at 60 km/h in the 1500 m.

Get with the metric system dammit!!!

Doktor Zymm

No one wants to joins the 1.8 km high club tho


Yeah but how many people want to join the 52 mL club?


Or we just measure everything in stones.

Doktor Zymm

What I really want to know, how many giraffes would you have to stack to reach the plane I’m on?


Depends what type of giraffe I imagine. Is there a standard one?



Game Time Decision

*1.6 KM high

Doktor Zymm

I always want it to be symmetrical with the kg/lbs conversion. I should complain to NIST or the General Council on Weights and Measures

Game Time Decision

I blame the English

Doktor Zymm

Always a good policy

Senor Weaselo

But lb to kg is around 2.2.

/And I only know that from robot combat, I shit you not.

Game Time Decision

4.2L per gallon
454 grams per pound
30 grams per ounce


39 inches/m. 28 grams/oz.
1 bar = 100K Pascals = 14.5 psi

Doktor Zymm

Right, so double plus 0.2, so I want the other conversion to be double minus 0.2 for symmetry


From what I can tell, most of the guys in this movie were ‘disrespectful’ to women. The fact that they beat Nazis in Pretendland-does that not mitigate their legacies?


Germans falling out of second floor windows is so hot!

Senor Weaselo

Cue the Captain Holt “Hot damn!”

Doktor Zymm

Over at the AirNZ lounge now, it’s almost 10 which seems to be when they swap the buffet to lunch items. Glad I’ll be able to have first lunch instead of fourth breakfast before boarding my flight. All of this traveling backwards in time makes meals kind of repetetive. When I land in SFO it’ll be the third time I experience 6:30 am on Feb 19th


Robert Ryan did a great job of imitating a dude with a stick up his privates.


Oh for a second I thought you were talking about Rob Ryan and was like, well yeah of course, you know many times he’s had his urethra swabbed?

Brick Meathook

Here’s a lens test using a 1943 Kodak Aero-Ektar 7″ (178mm) f/2.5 aerial reconnaissance lens.

The lens was built for a special hand-held camera that American bomber crews used to photograph the target during raids to assess damage. It was “fast” with a wide-open f/2.5 to allow for fast shutter times on slow fine-grain stock. This was to get crisp images from a potentially violently moving aircraft.

They were expensive, yet after the war they were sold as surplus for almost nothing. Sometimes the shipping cost was more than the lens price. They were snapped up and used as portrait lenses due to their outstanding bokeh and other depth-of-field characteristics.

The hat belonged to my Uncle George, who was a pilot in the Ferry Command during WWII and could fly almost any US Army Air Force aircraft. They would fly new planes from Southern California mostly out to Kwajalein Atoll for delivery to combat units. Then they’d fly back and hang out in Palm Springs. After the war he became a screenwriter, wrote 30 features and 300 TV episodes, including an original Star Trek episode.

Those are just standard little Xmas lights in the back.

The lens is mounted on a 1951 4×5″ Speed Graphic Pacemaker, and this image is just a shot of the ground glass I took with my iPhone.

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The Gang Are Treated to a Bunch of Whores.*

*not a IASIP episode, oddly enough


No . . .football . . .eyes closing . . . must ingest . . .mescaline


TCM, the channel that skips over bloody scenes during their Halloween specials and censors “fuck” and “shit” in other features is fine with the N word in this movie.

Last edited 1 year ago by scotchnaut

Jim Brown and Barry Sanders (who did not appear in The Dirty Dozen) both should have played at least one more year.

Horatio Cornblower

Apparently Brown quit because Modell was going to fine him for being late to camp due to The Dirty Dozen shooting long.

Jim Brown also beat women, so fuck that guy.


I mean, it was their second anniversary after all. He meant well.


So the traditional gift for secondary anniversary is traction?

Doktor Zymm

As long as they use cotton bandages it totally works




Telly Savalas was still bald way back in 1967.


Are we doing a live blog of The Dirty Dozen on TCM? As long as the booze holds out, yes. Just want to say that George Kennedy knocked it out of the park in this movie and Cool Hand Luke. To me his modern-day counterpart is John Goodman because he can do serious and comedy in equal measure.


First time I saw that movie, I was transfixed by Telly Savalas killing that German woman. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. Then, after killing a few people myself, it all made sense.


Myself, after I killed one central European, I thought I was sated but ended up wanting to kill another 10 minutes later. Alanis Morrissette addressed it in one of her caterwauling tunes.

Senor Weaselo

It is, in fact, like rain on your wedding day.


scotchnaut’s wedding day (artist’s conception):

Doktor Zymm

I don’t know why I find this phrase from Wikipedia so amusing: ‘the distinction between “sauce” and “gravy” in the Italian tomato world is debated’

I’m picturing a contentious panel discussion at an Italian tomato convention

Horatio Cornblower

I’m picturing a lot of hand gestures.


Jesus Christ on a roller coaster, it’s fucking gravy. Anyone who calls it sauce is extremely whitebread and should be force fed Miracle Whip on Wonder Bread sandwiches until they die.


Oh fuck, I think I said sauce earlier. Now I’ve got a Fozzie Fatwah on my fat ass. Don’t force feed me bro, I might ‘splode! Nobody wants that Gumbygirl goo all over the clubhouse.

Doktor Zymm

Just had my third breakfast in the Brisbane Silverkris lounge. They have a decent fizzy wine (Mumms) open, but I’m still a ways from wanting any alcohol. This has been a very drink-heavy trip so I’m actually glad that I’m on a flight where I can expect a decidedly mediocre wine selection so I won’t be missing out


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Brick Meathook

My Zippo lighter collection. Let’s take a closer look.

1) Solid brass commemorative with emblem of Canadian Oberon-class submarine HMCS Ojibwa. I got this when my sub visited their base at Halifax Nova Scotia and they hosted us. I traded a ball cap for that lighter.

2) Standard issue brass plated, purchased at a tobacco shop on Lincoln Blvd @ Michigan Ave. in Santa Monica California

3) Chrome plated Nat Sherman commemorative. Purchased at the Nat Sherman tobacco shop on 5th Avenue in New York City, around the corner from Grand Central Terminal. Sadly, it was closed during the pandemic.

4) World War II commemorative black crinkle finish, purchased at the Zippo factory store in Bradford Pennsylvania

1960s vintage Autopoint 1.1mm mechanical pencil, US Government issue. My father was an electrical engineer for the Department of the Navy. I bought a lifetime supply of IBM Electrographic leads for this pencil off Ebay, and I have a bunch more, in all different styles, that I also bought off Ebay. Electrographic 1.1mm leads write like butter and rival the famed Eberhard Faber Blacking 602.

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I was watching some sort of exhibition sport called “hawkee” and during what the announcer called an “intermission” (I can only assume it’s a group bathroom break since the players left the gaming surface); a shitty concert took over the venue!


The only new-ish band that I really like/bothered to listen to is Horsegirl. I think most of the trio graduated high school in the last two years!


That’s pretty awesome that John Elway’s daughter started a band.


If I’m not mistaken, this is their quite cheeky response to critics that aver they’re so guitar-driven that you can’t hear the lyrics.

Senor Weaselo

The Rangers are celebrating the NBA All-Star Game as well, judging by the defense.

Horatio Cornblower

Submitted for banner consideration.

Brick Meathook

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SKYNET will be created not out of misguided attempts to keep the world safer, but tech bros trying to save 00000000002% of a market share.

Horatio Cornblower

I’m largely against the concept of genocide, but when it comes to tech bros I’m willing to listen.

Doktor Zymm

See also: non-tech executive bros who push for implementing tech they don’t understand so people will think they’re ‘innovative’


Ha ha, nice! I can’t wait to share this with all the people on my blockchain!


What are you talking about, they totally understand it. Exhibit A:

Doktor Zymm

On a positive note, Air Canada was unsuccessful in arguing that its website chatbot is a seperate legal entity and they’ve been held liable to comply with the bereavement fare policy the chatbot made up


I have a few hills I will die upon when it comes to my pasta gravy:
– I add bay leaves to the gravy, yes multiple leaves, not just 1
– I use basil over oregano as the main ingredient
– use salted pasta water instead of water from your tap
– Romano is the superior pasta gravy cheese (and is high up on the list of good Rays)
– gravy should simmer for at least 4 hours before it’s ready to serve


There’s a Canuck youtuber called the Anti Chef and whenever a bay leaf is called for he adds at least one more and says, “What the hell, I’m not driving tonight”. Such random absurdity always makes me laugh.


A secret ingredient of mine is mascarpone. Add in a few spoonfuls to thicken up the gravy and add a velvety sheen to it. A good butter can also have this effect, not the standard Land O Lakes level of butter, but like Kerrygold butter.

Using a good red wine* when sautéing the onions/shallots/garlic can go a long way into making a gravy that will elicit a Sex Cannon level of response from the Mrs. That is, add it to the pan, not just stand there and drink it.

*good for your tastes, I will never tell you a specific red wine to use because what tastes good to me might not taste good to you


I find ricotta to be a little too – watery? liquidy? something like that – to do the job correctly.

I prefer a thicker gravy that clings and coats the pasta over a watery, Cincinnati chili type “sauce”. That’s just me though.


Probably HRM Rex Goliath…..


Bay leaves: sacrilege.
Basil: approved (my grandmother loathed oregano. would not allow it in her house.)
Salted water: bonus points
Yes, you can go with Romano.
Four hours is about right, in my family that gravy cooks all damn day.

Horatio Cornblower

Jets and Giants players at The Meadowlands to introduce the Devils and Rangers:

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Mr. Ayo

Hey! Tommy Cutlets is out here doing a good job!

Senor Weaselo

I have at least two friends at the ice football game at the Meadowlands. I’ll see if I get a report from either of them.

Horatio Cornblower

“It’s cold and we can’t see the ice”


“Can’t believe they would show my arch-nemesis Daytona doing her 500 on regular TV!”


King Hippo

Since I am down the wormhole, new Vampire Weekend is straight fire:


Mr Pickle says lets dance to some new Vampire Weekend

Ever dance with a pickle?

Mr Pickle.jpg

Taj! Where have you been, you naughty boy! Glad you’re back !


I love you gumby


And you are my favorite, Pickle Man!


I’ve danced with a pickle in the moonlight. Bastard didn’t give money for the Lyft back home.

King Hippo

I wonder if the next generation of children (assuming there is one) will consider The National as “Dad Rock?”


I saw somewhere that The War on Drugs was Dad Rock and my 1st reaction was, “Really?” and my second was, “Yeah, I can see that.” Thing is, the next time my oldest comes at me for being old I can counter with, “Oh yeah, I took you to a War on Drugs concert and you loved it-you were into Dad Rock when you were 13!”

/it’s really important to put kids in their place

King Hippo

SPIRIT ANIMAL – I listened to Under the Pressure after I finished the above two tunes


If you track down their live performances on youtube, he’s always tinkering with that intro. It makes sense because I read that he took a very long time with the 2nd album because he just can’t let anything go. He always returns to his songs and tries (in his mind) to improve upon them.

King Hippo

Welp, I finished The Handmaid’s Tale (in 3.5 days, pretty good for a tired old bastard like myself). On to The Testaments we go, Other Hippo!


Her legacy will be Outstanding Canuck Writer or Prophet. Or both.

King Hippo

Between her and Emily St. John Mandel, the Canadia is really outkicking its coverage with lady booky-book writing talent.


“Man, I could sure go for a little handmaid’s tail…” – Bob Kraft


/Campari tomato update

Wife: “Let me use the food mill-it’s oddly satisfying.”

/5 minutes later

Me: “You really like working the handle of that mill, huh?”

Wifey: “Yes, I…Oh HAR-DEE-HAR-HAR.”

/she actually says that


Rice,Rice Baby

Horatio Cornblower

Luton Town looking like they think they’re people.

King Hippo

veritable pack of little Rory Calhouns, these!

Horatio Cornblower

It’s entertaining, but I’m not sure that “steal the ball and then whale away at it in the general direction of the goal” is a viable strategy.

And their corners are wretched things.

Horatio Cornblower

That was a much more entertaining finish than it had any right to be. Good for the Lutonites.

Doktor Zymm

It seems incredibly silly to me that Google has decided to waste resources redoing their login page to have ‘a more modern look and feel’. Who cares about that for a login page? I just want it to be simple and work seamlessly, which it does now just fine. I have an apprehension that this update is just going to screw it up. I really wish tech companies would stop breaking things.

Last edited 1 year ago by Doktor Zymm
King Hippo

AMEN to that.

Mr. Ayo

Dok for VP of UI!

Horatio Cornblower

But Dok, think of all the people in management who wouldn’t be able to justify their existence by randomly changing random things every six months for the sake of “efficiency”!


I am so tired of having to learn all of the “new functionality” and “seamless integration” and “user friendly”… new look… bullshit… on… every… friggin… platform it seems. PowerPoint I’m looking at you. Just keep my stuff where I used to find it please.


Acrobat does things other than display .pdf’s?

Senor Weaselo

Fuck, I should do that with my Szechuan pepper for my tear gas steak seasoning.

/It’s tear gas because that shit will make you tear up while cooking it.


“Tear gas” sounds like some kind of radical holistic treatment that Qaaron would have tried in order to get his achilles tendon to heal faster.

Senor Weaselo

Give him enough Carolina Reaper powder and Szechuan peppercorn simultaneously and he won’t feel the Achilles for a bit.

Game Time Decision

Last night Latest Decision and her boyfriend made yr’s flatbread pizza by themselves. Kinda of a proud moment when your kid make stuff from scratch and it be edible*.

*I assume as there weren’t any leftovers and I didn’t have any


Sunday Gravy!!! Yes yes yes
Oh yeah Yeah Right! I’m sitting here wondering how I got this fucking old without ever thinking to put red pepper flakes in a grinder. It’s a good thing I have all of yinz to do my thinking for me!

Horatio Cornblower

“And Confucius say, name go in book.”

Doktor Zymm

Pasta is so good

They just called for Bueller to go to the gate for a passport check, I am more amused than I should be

King Hippo


Game Time Decision


King Hippo

something oodoo economics



– Coach Reid, finishing his description of how he’d like his three-course meal prepared

Horatio Cornblower

What are the next two courses?

Mr. Ayo

Thanks for showing up Luton

Horatio Cornblower

They did!?

Mr. Ayo

There they are!

King Hippo

still….they’re losing there in Luton Town

(dun dun dun DUN)


Wecome Back! Nice go to, easy dish to start us out. Penne looks like the best bet here… dat chit holds up under a flamethrower even… rarely gos whimpy on ya…


4 words: Rig. A. Ton. I. The Beast of the East.


I have some bucatini (you know, that hollow spaghetti) just waiting to be devoured one of these days.

Doktor Zymm

I have a ton of that stuff, one of my favorite pasta shapes


That’s the pasta we use with pecorino Romana… and just that. Little olive oil and black pepper… Dude!

Brick Meathook

I’m a rotini man myself


I have never been to a wedding/ shower/ family reunion/ funeral in the Greater Yinzburgh area that didn’t have rigs in red sauce. Speaking of that, shoutout to the awesome church ladies at Sts. Simon and Jude for the aprés funeral rigs with meatballs for my BIL’s sendoff. Yum.

Horatio Cornblower

Are you telling me a grown-ass English man with a mohawk haircut is making bad decisions on the pitch?

I simply cannot believe that.

Horatio Cornblower

Sheffield United? Moar liek Sheffield At Odds With Each Other amirite?


“Seems like Author should have used some legit Portuguese cheese in this recipe…”

-Bud Light Limerita Ad Executive, Passing on the DFO Banner Sponsorship


He’s back! Hey, I’ve got a question for y’all. I was gifted 25 pounds of Campari tomatoes and I think I’m going to roast them. Do I go high heat (450) or low and slow? (300-350) What else do I throw on the pans? Garlic, onion, thyme, garlic? Anything else?




You read it wrong. He said he’s going to throw OUT pants.

Don T

I’m pretty sure that Chef Merito and Doctor Sodium are in cahoots. Cahoots!

Doktor Zymm

Cahoots you say?


Yes. Cahoots.