Just Another Sabado de los Footy

I have no overarching theme this week.  Keep those brains turned off and treat yo’self.

Fronk’s Hammers welcome Our Brand Is Crisis Chelski (7:30, USA), quite plausibly worth your asshole mind waking you up.  I mean, mine’s will regardless, why not look on the plus side.

I refuse to make any mention of the 10:00 TV match.  You should instead stream Fulham/Geordie Arabia, Very Disappointing Everton/Unded Jamie Vardies, and/or Spurs/Brentford (all on Peacock).  Perhaps Sean Dyche will win the Prem sack race with another loss here, but I doubt it.  We’d fuck up the next hire, anyway.  Pray for new ownership by the summer.

Spotlight is a tad dim this week, Palace hosting Men Untied (12:30, NBC).  As you will see below, the JV schedule ain’t so hot, neither.  Such is life sometimes.

Sunday’s USA double is a monster, with Trashbirds/Robins Hood (9:00) leading into Clash of the Titans, Take One – City of Men braving the assault of the King’s Afrikan Water Pistols (11:30).  Will we get an appearance from the distinguished Gov. Cecil Rhodes?  Surely, we must.

NC State (+20.5) at Clemson (Noon, ABC)

Heavy sigh.  Look, I don’t want to write about this any MOAR than you want to read about it.  But it’s really all this window has.  True freshman QB CJ Bailey will lead the Wolven Sort – who have been complete pants to date.  But Son de Clem are mediocre, and still ripe for the picking if the offense can click into gear.  I haven’t given up all hope, for which I thank drugs.  Drugs are good.

Florida (-6) at Mississippi State (Noon, ESPN)

Failure pile in a sadness bowl.  Losing coach might as well walk home (especially if its Billy Napier).

Southern Cal (-5) at Michigan (3:30, CBS)

I know UM sucks out loud, but I still have a hard time imagining Lincoln Riley’s Troi Boiz going into the Big House and winning their B1G opener.  This is tantalizing moneyline fruit.

Arkansas (+3) at Auburn (3:30, ESPN)

Sam Pittman is basically Fat Billy Napier – each loss just throws MOAR dirt over his grave.  With Pig Sooey’s schedule, there’s basically no way out.  A win on the Plains is a necessary predicate to mere survival.  War Damn Eagle…is really bad.

Arizona State (+3) at Texas Tech (3:30, FS1)

Guns Up! for the Satan del Sols, a surprising and mildly impressive 3-0.  They get their Big Twaaaaaalve opener in Lubbock, and I think this will be watchable.  Possibly even chaotic.  If not?  Fall the fuck asleep.

Team Secular Big Love (-2) at BDSM State (4:00, Fox)

Look, sometimes I use proper names, sometimes their HippoSpeak Monikers.  There is no rhyme nor reason to what I do.  DEAL WITH IT, Murrika.  Winner here takes pole position in the Big Twaaaaalve race.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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Michigan tradition includes singing “Mr. Brightside”? As if I didn’t need more of a reason to hate them.


That’s Trojan stole that football easier than Paris stole Helen.

Horatio Cornblower



“Pretty empty.” – Lauren Boebert describing her date with Brett Favre


Diet Update: Just crossed the 190-pound border after spending three weeks being Diet Plateau’s bitch, but so desperate so something different that I ordered a Subway bowl of their tuna sludge.

Simultaneously a good sign and a cry for help.


[important to note that DFO has been pre-revenue for ten full years now]

Horatio Cornblower

A bowl of Subway’s tuna oughta take another 4 or 5 lbs off by tomorrow.

Last edited 5 months ago by Horatio Cornblower
Doktor Zymm

Forget dolphin safe, it isn’t anyone safe

Doktor Zymm

I feel like this captures the spirit of DFO


That should be our motto!


This game between Notre Dame and Miami the Lesser is…ugh…something else.


Guys, Gumby got his Cameo from Rocky Bleier today. He really enjoyed it. I would post it here if I could figure out how to do it! Maybe Don T can? But we both really appreciated it! You are all so awesome, I am so grateful I stumbled in here. You are all my favorites, and you can tell anyone you want! Thank you for thinking of us, you will never know how much it helps.

Don T

Aw, man, that’s wonderful. Thanks so much for putting this together DonT!

yeah right

I remember that season perfectly. I also remember that the Steelers beat the Vikings.

After this much time now knowing what that season means to Gumby and it leading to this gesture, I will gladly accept the result of that game 100 times over.

That was a lovely message.

Best to you both.


NC State has a Breath Work coach?


Heather Brookes has to get work somewhere.


Somebody has to work with the mouth breathers.


2nd and 29?



That United draw against Palace was so bad, I keep saying I can’t believe we lost


Does anyone really cheer for Palace? I’m including Palace supporters.


Seems fitting for the Raleigh area squadoos to be getting bent over and reamed today, no?


Fuckin’ Urban Meyer is on my TV!


Animation fail. 🙁


Went to a baseball game last night. tonight i’m going to watch paint dry.

jesus god almighty what a boring fucking sport


And to think you could have been catching up on Emily in Paris, and now I’m going to spoil the season finale for you by announcing that SHE IS MOVING TO ROME! That’s right, her upwards-failing ass is going to be sullying the homeland of your ancestors, how do you-ah like-ah them-ah apples-ah?


Oh god, here come the flashbacks. It’s amazing liquid shit like that show continues to be produced and has an audience. I’m going to reach out to my family in the old country and see if they can take care of her.

Doktor Zymm

Baseball games are excuses to drink beer outside with a bunch of friendly people you don’t have to talk to


Last night I had pizza for dinner. This morning I had a bagel with tomatoes and cheese and a bit of fresh pepper. It’s nice to be a homo sapiens and have such a diverse diet.


United should be beating Palace by at least 4. They’re totally going to lose 1-0 after Onana concedes a softie, aren’t they?

Senor Weaselo


Last edited 5 months ago by Senor Weaselo

I believe the phrase is “Onana con-seeds”.


Spills it right on the ground!


Found a funny:

Fuzzi Nuzzi was a bear,
Fuzzi Nuzzi had no hair,
Whale juice was flying everywhere,
Cheryl Hines was in despair,
RFK Jr was very sucky,
Wasn’t he?


I seriously cannot recall the last time I had a fast food burger. And since I moved to the lake my pizza consumption is down to maybe four times a year. I’ve been able to hold off any weight loss by renewing my vows with chicken wings.


I am going to take one for the team and do a malt liquor comparison post. What drinks should I get to compare?

Here is my preliminary list:

Olde E
Mickey’s Big Mouth
Colt 45
St. Ides

Any suggestions?

Last edited 5 months ago by ballsofsteelandfury

Don’t do it?


Gotta. Tis written…




Is that really malt liquor or is it just shitty beer?


Used to be both. Don’t Say Beer, Say Bull BULL! The Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull was the commercial


Oh, I’ve already got a couple of places lined up with good selection.

I just need to know what the peoples want!


Now that’s a Lisa Nowak-approved malt liquor!


It’s like Tang for the crazy astronaut!


Yup, that was my brand.


Crazy Horse.

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Horatio Cornblower

This was my suggestion. I’m not sure it’s still around; I haven’t seen it recently, but I haven’t exactly been looking for it either.

Senor Weaselo

Steel Reserve?


My go to was Crazy Horse malt liquor, god it got me so fucked up. i liked it. also, because I’m white the hangover was well deserved.

Doktor Zymm

I was so pissed when the price of a 40 went over $3
I assume there will be plenty of vintage ads in the post?
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Heck yeah!


Bailout Flag, Buckeyes? I guess the referees see the red jerseys and are confusing them for Kansas City Chiefs?


Home cookin’ at the Shoe.


I ordered the Charles Woodson official Raiders Whiskey like, September 5th. I got another text today that their weird delivery service Is going to try to deliver again. To my office. Which is closed today.

This has been the MOST Raiders experience….


Serves you right for paying full price.

Dhgate all the way


$10 on Dhgate


Don’t think that site has booze.


Does it come with multiple turnovers?


That’s My Whiskey!


Brady looks like a fucking cyborg in that Fox commercial


cyborg implies some humanity


All guys calling the Napoli game. WTF?
/ switches channel to AFN
Clemson spankin wolf azz…


Okay, this is two commercial breaks at the same time?!

That’s it! I’m voting for Trump!


…and on cue, THEE-INT.

We now know who God/BLEERGH is voting for.


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Cannot confirm due to lack of information.

Will check various sources on the internet to confirm report.




I was told by reputable sources that they’re either eating pussy or lying that they’re not.


The fact that the comic utilizes zero irony whatsoever is a disturbing note about the state of our society.


If you are ever hungover just go to the local pool and sweat it out!


[Misunderstands, goes to local pool hall, falls in with some ruffians]


[Understands, goes to emptied city pool to sleep it off]


Ohio State and UC on at the same time?

(stretches thumb and replaces remote batteries)

Let’s do this!


Might have to switch to the UC game if The Herd gets beat up too bad.


Perhaps, but OSU usually has an early Brain Fart Game every year or two.


Let me get this straight, there’s a limit to how much you would watch of this guy getting pummeled?

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Would like to thank Arsenal for Smith-Rowe and Nelson. Mighty Whitey beating Saudi FC.

Horatio Cornblower

[jots down note to make a Ben Shapiro joke the next time he sees a coach get a Gatorade shower]

Game Time Decision

Still not enough to get me wet
-Mrs Shapiro

Horatio Cornblower

She’s probably banging RFK, Jr.




Are you tired of the teabag string and tag getting sucked into the cup when you pour the water in sometimes? Tuck the tag under the cup before you pour! This happened to me accidentally one time and has now become canon.

Game Time Decision

Tell me more
-P Manning


Wrexham game is on Paramount+!


Twas a good win!


I remember when just last week I woke up without a hangover on Sabado. Well, it did nae last. Went out last night with the injured members of Cavalry FC. 20 something athletes can fucking drink.

Game Time Decision

Said the guy that can drink


What’s the “eskimo brother” equivalent for hangovers?

Horatio Cornblower

I don’t have a hangover this morning. Apparently the cure is to get drunk by 10:30, stay up until 2:30, then sleep until 11.

Hi! I don’t have children!

/The cat did get me up around 8 for breakfast and I did not feel good then.


blax here.

Could go for a classic eggs, bacon, potatoes breakfast.

yeah right

You could go for the Full Irish instead.


Missing the stewed tomatoes or is that just the full English breakfast?


I thought full Irish was a keg of Guinness


Welp, this match is over. Time to look for something else to watch.


Chelsea looks good. But also not sure that West Ham isn’t just that bad. :/


I woke up early for this shit? Click. Zzzzzzzzzz.


GOOD MOR- and we’re already fucking losing…

Don T

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Over here we get Napoli (currently 3rd very early in the season) – Juve (5th) tonight. We’ll see if Napoli is for real this year. I will update with hostess pics, if applicable, and as is the way of our people.
