Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Hey, It’s October!

You know what that means!

No, fuck your spooky season, and quadruple-venti-fuck your PSL season. (Cider season is better anyway, comparing apples to pumpkins.)

It’s ALL THE SPORTS season! Football is in full swing, now it’s the baseball playoffs, the NHL season starts in Czechia on Friday and in North America on Tuesday, the NBA starts… well, just its preseason because the regular season doesn’t start until the 22nd. So we’re getting close to the best part of the year, the sports equinox!

What is the sports equinox?
The sports equinox occurs when all four major North American leagues have games going on on the same day. As the regular seasons of the NBA and NHL seem to stretch out more and more, and we get more and more MLB playoff games, we do get the potential for more and more, or at least for one annually. The most recent one was October 30th, 2023—Monday Night Football, World Series, plus regular season basketball and hockey. This year will also be on a Monday, so more MNF, World Series, and again, regular season basketball and hockey.

What’s the word on the street?
Devonte Adams saga: Will he be traded? To whom? Will it be the Jets or Saints?

Brandin Cooks is OUT this week due to an infection in his right knee that needed surgery.

P*ts C David Andrews will undergo shoulder surgery and will likely miss the rest of the season.

CrimeBeat! update: Von Miller suspended for four games under the personal conduct policy.

What’s on?

Wild Card, Bitches! (MLB Edition) GAME 2/ELIMINATION GAME EDITION (best 2/3)
-Trashcans Schadenfreude Day! (DET sweeps HOU)
-Lorde, ya ya ya vs. Fightin’ Fozzes (KC vs. BAL, Royals lead 1-0) (in progress, 2-1 KC, bottom 7, ESPN)
-Shamrock Shakes vs. Champagne of Beers (NYM vs. MIL, Mets lead 1-0, 7:30, ESPN)
-You didn’t just get tomahawked! vs. Rockin’ Pads (ATL vs. SD, Padres lead 1-0, 8:30, ESPN2)

There’s preseason hockey and MLS lesser lesser footy, so nobody cares there. And I’ve spent this time putzing around in the tutoring office doing office trainings, so time well spent!

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Senor Weaselo
Senor Weaselo plays the violin. He tucks it right under his chin. When he isn't doing that, he enjoys watching his teams (Yankees, Jets, Knicks, and Rangers), trying to ingest enough capsaicin to make himself breathe fire (it hasn't happened yet), and scheming to acquire the Bryant Park zamboni.
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Doktor Zymm

I live in a mostly overlapping universe where the main difference is the sensors on sinks only exist in the other universe and have to be tricked into emitting a short burst of water


When we built our house I foolishly let quasi techie BIL talk us into a bunch of gadgets. 3-5 years later they all failed or irritated the living shit out of me. For our current youngest new home/Wifey inherented property… it’s back to simple on-off switches.


Smart houses ain’t.

Also, I trust no one.

yeah right

We have motion activated sink and soap dispensers at work and half of the time the water stops while my hands are still soapy and the other half of the time I have to use a paper towel to dry the sensor to shut the water off.

Then every once in awhile when I reach back to rinse my hands the soap dispenser splooshes on my shoes.

Do better technology.

Last edited 6 hours ago by yeah right
Don T

comment image


I mean, makes sense.



I had to explain who Pearl Jam is to Lil’er WCS today.
It’s also her seventh birtheraversary.

Last edited 8 hours ago by WCS

The “competent drumming” line still kills me.

Happy birthday to the little princess!


In addition to the sports overload, I like the harvest festivals also.

Doktor Zymm

I’m still waiting for the Blernsball revolution to arrive. Jazz it up already!


I grew up in Milwaukee until 18 and have now lived in San Diego for 17 years. I have a lot of feelings about this post-season


And they all end badly.


Yup. It’ll absolutely be Yankees/Dodgers


I just don’t have LA “hate” in anything. I don’t love them, either. LA sprots are as “meh” as they get.

Except both Clipperses. They’re just funny to point at and laugh.


Nor do I (despite 17 years in SD and 6 in SF). That’s just the big market match up the media would love to see


As a lifelong SoCal guy…

Angels: My team, for better or worse
Doyers: Liked them as a kid, when O’Malleys sold them, stopped caring. Still ain’t care.
Padres: It’s cute, they think they’re people!
Rams: RAMMMMMIT loved em, hated em when they left, they’re back in good graces
Chargers: It’s cute, they think they’re people!
Lakers: Fan since pre-Magic. They hate us cuz they ain’t us. And all the other reasons.
Clippers: It’s cute, they think they’re people!
Kings: Fan since pre-Gretzky. Used to see games at the Forum for $5.
Ducks: Hate them. It’s irrational at this point, but still.
UCLA: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT yay they’re in the Big Ten
USC: I hate them SO MUCH.

Thanks for attending my TED Talk.

Last edited 6 hours ago by SonOfSpam

USC fans about anyone else: It’s cute, they think they’re people


We’re a bunch of little Rory Calhouns.

The one I learned after moving here was “University of Spoiled Children”. Never liked them or the folks I met from there.
I’m glad to see the Rams back in LA cause that’s how hold I am, and I’m happy to see how the Chargers are like 10th in team preference in LA because fuck Dean Spanos with a femur drum.
But the Padres will become actual people this year!


Disembodied voice of Ron—-

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“Hey, that joke is getting worn out by this ass(beep)!”

Sidenote: I really want to believe Arrested Development is an accurate portrayal of LA County life in the early Aughts. Kind of like how friend of Mother Ship Reid Scott said Veep was considered by actual DC politicians as the most realistic show of actual life in the Beltway.

Last edited 5 hours ago by WCS

I thought it was about the OC (don’t call it that) beach cities but why not both


Is it Orange County? Same difference.

Doktor Zymm

In a burst of nostalgia, I’ve spent the last hour getting mad at Ventra for deleting my registered transit card along with all the money on it. They’re by far the least competent public transit agency I’ve ever had to interact with which is impressive when you consider that there was a twitter account called ‘is metro on fire?’ that regularly updated in the affirmative


Higoshioka coming up big! A certain dog would say “That’s rocking” and I agree

Mr. Ayo

That whole lineup is rocking right now.


Fuck, that was a long day. Time for a cocktail or ten.


/Wifey had a super tough day today, trying to place compromised old people in the appropriate place with the appropriate service-I knew she be grouchy when she got back home

Wifey: “Did you do anything today?”

Me: “I washed the dishes, did a load of laundry and brought two bags of garbage to their Forever Home”.

Wifey: [hesitates for a moment, begins laughing] “Asshole.”*

*she wanted to say that all along, of course

Horatio Cornblower

“trying to place compromised old people in the appropriate place with the appropriate service”

Is it that hard to find an ice floe in Canada?


If you REALLY wanted to 1) give her a good excuse to be mad at you; & thereby 2) made her happy, you would have just said “I watched TV, ate corn chips and masturbated, why?”.


He did that too.


He’s a multitasker!

Horatio Cornblower


Seriously Texas, everything this guy touches turns to shit. Vote Allred in November.


Today, with the two Fozz spawn in the car, I said, “Each of us needs to take a trash can up the driveway.”

Middle Fozz Spawn: “Nah. I want you to try and drag all three up the driveway at once, and I’m going to video it so I can laugh my ass off and post it online.”

Fuck that kid.

Horatio Cornblower

I’d have dragged one up the driveway with his ass upside down in it while his brother filmed it.


If I tried to lift that beast into a trash can, I’d get a double hernia and blow my knees out.


Say, “You gonna grab that can if you don’t want to be walking till you graduate high school.”


“You got two options: either you’ll drag up one can or I’ll drag down to the curb all your belongings in six days.”


After watching last night’s debate, I stick with my observation that Walz is a poor man’s Tommy Boy – which should make for some interesting meetings with heads of state.


…and now I can’t unsee that. Thanks!


So I told both of my sisters I was finished with trying to get the beach house sold. I did this knowing that my hyper-competitive, control freak little sister would just have to do something.

So she did. Lined up a realtor, lined up painters, emptied out unnecessary shit from the house.

I fucking love when a plan comes together.


Well, she sure showed YOU.


Every time I see Billie Eilish, it looks like she took a bath in liquid garbage


I still don’t know how a harsh whisper is a singing voice. She looks like someone trying to be grunge without knowing what grunge is.


/ from his comfortable perch ignoring the world


seriously, the Orioles can go fuck themselves, but judging by their play at the plate, they’d probably miss the hole

King Hippo

That Lorde shout is mighty solid work! And you can call her queen bee.


Not all the sports. Aussie Footy is over. 🥺


Don’t cry, it will be back again next year!


Not women’s!