INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth sipping coffee. CONNOR, THE INTERN: …but seriously, if there's anything here you actually care about, get it out of sight. PRODUCER: [picks up a gold-plated miniature Peabody Award replica and opens a desk drawer] CONNOR: …mmm, probably better if you
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
DFO Insider: Problems With The Third Act
DFO Radio: Normal at Heart
Request Line: Normal at Heart
DFO Radio: Exit Music (For a Season)
Request Line: Exit Music (For a Season)
Hate Week: Two Minutes Hate
Better Know a Mythical Woodland Creature: Romonculus
As we delve deeper and deeper into the postseason, we're also going to be delving deeper and deeper into DFO's mythological pantheon. This week, we'll be taking a look at one of the most ephemeral creatures to make occasional appearances on the gridiron, the Romonculus. Species Name: Romo Sapiens Individual Names: Leon Lettucewin,
Your “WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR FOOTBALL!” AFC Championship Game Open Thread
GENERAL: Mr. President, Agent Scotchnaut is pinned down in Bucharest and can’t post the Open Thread this afternoon! PRESIDENT RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: [pulls up pants] I’ll handle...wait. This seems familiar. GENERAL: He's getting 418'd! THERE'S NO TIME! PRESIDENT RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Fine, fine, sheesh. You know, when my Russian handlers coerced me I signed up for this job of my own
DFO Insider: A Quarterback’s Purpose
INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE – DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are talking to their lawyer on speakerphone. RIGHT REVEREND ELECTRIC MAYHEM: ...I mean, they're both orangutans, they're both librarians, they both only ever say "ook"...I'm just saying that I don't think throwing premiere tickets at him is going to make this
Judge, I’d like to request a sidebar to discuss the season finale of The Good Place.
A Team Without a Franchise Quarterback is Like a Patriots Team Without a Gritty, Scrappy, Lunchpail Type Guy Playing Slot Receiver
Editor's Note: This song, with minor tweaks, was composed by reddit user A_Participant, and I was so moved that I decided to package it along with some images. Enjoy! BILL BELICHICK The name's Belichick, Bill Belichick, and I come before you general managers tonight with a trade proposal. Probably the greatest [turns