Request Line: Chatter

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – NIGHT A producer moves around the interior of the booth, showing the basic features to its occupant, a physically perfect specimen of a man. PRODUCER: ...and so mostly everything is controlled from outside, so all you need to worry about is chatting with the callers.  Sound good? ADRIAN PETERSON: NO PROBLEM! PRODUCER: Actually, you're

Quick Draft: Travel Companion

I'm headed to London in a few hours, and thanks to a family connection, there's a decent chance I'll be flying in first class.  Since I'm flying out of LAX, there's also a decent chance that someone famous will be on my flight.  I've given it some thought, and I

Request Line: Free Agency

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – EVENING The radio booth sits empty.  A pair of radio professional are chatting casually in the outer office in front of a massive new piece of equipment.  CONOR, THE INTERN: when does she get back? PRODUCER: In two weeks.  It's been pretty great.  I've been letting the animals sleep upstairs,

DFO Radio: Delusions of Grandeur

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – MORNING A producer and a pair of drive-time radio personalities are engaged in an animated discussion. THE ANIMAL: Is this a fucking joke? PRODUCER: I assure you, this is not a joke. JIMMY: We're being pulled off the air for WHAT? PRODUCER: Trust me, I'm as surprised as you guys are.  Take the

Request Line: Delusions of Grandeur

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – NIGHT A producer sits outside the recording booth, sipping coffee.  A redheaded young man is seated inside the booth. PRODUCER: So I'll count it off, and then you'll be live.  I'll feed you a few interview questions to get things started, and then we'll start taking requests.  Sound good? —[door

Request Line: Outright Thievery

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth sipping coffee. CONNOR, THE INTERN: …but seriously, if there's anything here you actually care about, get it out of sight. PRODUCER: [picks up a gold-plated miniature Peabody Award replica and opens a desk drawer] CONNOR: …mmm, probably better if you

DFO Insider: Problems With The Third Act

INT.  DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE – DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are pacing back and forth in front of a huge mahogany desk.  They both exude nervous excitement, with one of them - DARKEST TIMELINE ZACH MORRIS - repeatedly checking the time on his Apple Watch.  The other - RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY

DFO Radio: Normal at Heart

Happy Valentine's Day!  My wife insists that this holiday is a ploy by BIG LOVE to make unattached people feel shitty.  I disagree, I think it's a naked cash grab (jots down note for a movie script about a bank robber who pulls his jobs in the nude).  Either way,

Request Line: Normal at Heart

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – EVENING Open on an empty studio.  The door opens and GARY KUBIAK and a PRODUCER step through, chatting happily.  GARY KUBIAK takes a seat at the booth. PRODUCER: ...and I'll be in here with you for the interview segment, and then I'll head out to the other side of