These are the teams that will take to the pitch, and our SWAG's as to how they will perform. Take with the appropriate grain of salt. Also, trying sommet new, format-wise. The ded/relegated from 2023-24 simply have their last season's predictions in strikethrough font. I think it's kind of neat, but
Author: King Hippo
Half-Rear-Ended Fantasy FITBAW Roundtable
Mad Silence of the July Mind – Week Dos
Nothing to Say Saturday – Open Thread
Better Know a FITBAW Division – 2024 AFC West!
Micro-Thoughts on Euros Stuff
Euros Euros Everywhere Saturday
Partially Covered European Euros Thread
Better Know a Macro-Euros Roundtable
King Hippo asked some MOAR knowledgeable, less-inebriated Lesser Footy enthusiasts to weigh in. Our thoughts are as follows: King Hippo: Shempion - FRANCE - when in doubt, pick the Froggers. I wanted to pitch the Dutch, but their group draw scares me. In el Sud, URUGUAY - I am all-in on the cult of Bielsa. Surprise Package
Lesser Footy Merde Platter
Diet Lesser Footy Weekend
No, this is not a #HippoLyf reference, I am still a fat fuck who will remain such. Just...not much in the way of viewing. Our Kraut pals at Treyverkeusen look to wrap up their "Invincibles" status in the Bundesliga, home against Augsburg (9:30, ESPN+). Nothing else matters there, to my knowledge. After