It's funny, when you think about it: German brewing culture, in some form or other, has dominated the mainstream American beer landscape for, what, a century or so? German immigrants brought lager to America in the 1830s and 40s, and by 1857, lager beers were outselling the previously dominant English-derived
Author: makeitsnowondem
Kommenter Beer Barrel: Animal Farmhouse
2015 NFL Team Preview: Toronto Blue Jays
Kommenter Beer Barrel: Calling All Hops
I remember very clearly, seven years or so ago, a time when the cutting edge of IPA brewing methods seemed to involve cramming as many hop cones as you could into a boiler of wort. Later, breweries would become bored with merely filling the boilers to overflowing with hops, and started cramming the hop
Windy City: How Hurricane Katrina Saved Chicago
Kommenter Beer Barrel: Coffeebeernerdness
Introducing the Locker Room Discomfort Advisory System
Familiarity Breeds Contempt, Because We’re Idiots: A Beer Review
Human Interest: Local Man Identifies As On Fire
Human Interest is an occasional series of stories investigating the whimsical side of our rich and diverse community. News 7 Reporter Sandra Santos: Turn on your television, tune in on your radio, and chances are these days you'll hear people talking about identity. But for one man -- local small appliance repairman