Kommenter Beer Barrel: A Flying F-ck At The Moon

It's funny, when you think about it: German brewing culture, in some form or other, has dominated the mainstream American beer landscape for, what, a century or so? German immigrants brought lager to America in the 1830s and 40s, and by 1857, lager beers were outselling the previously dominant English-derived

Kommenter Beer Barrel: Calling All Hops

I remember very clearly, seven years or so ago, a time when the cutting edge of IPA brewing methods seemed to involve cramming as many hop cones as you could into a boiler of wort. Later, breweries would become bored with merely filling the boilers to overflowing with hops, and started cramming the hop

Windy City: How Hurricane Katrina Saved Chicago

McQueary: You don't know how many people acted like it was my fault, in those first few days. That's crazy, right? The biggest freak weather occurrence in history, because I wrote this silly little editorial? Of course, no one cared about the reality of the situation. I'd asked for it, and

Kommenter Beer Barrel: Coffeebeernerdness

I don't really drink coffee. I'll have a cup if someone offers, but having been diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, I am by this point kind of over stimulants in general. My meds worked, but they killed my appetite and my creativity and frequently my sleep, and in

Familiarity Breeds Contempt, Because We’re Idiots: A Beer Review

Remember the first beer you ever had? Great. No, shut up, I don't care, we're moving on. Remember the first time you ever realized beer could be awesome, and not just a liquid designed to get alcohol into your bloodstream inefficiently enough that you could drink for a few hours before