Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Sometimes you Just Need Some Ribs. Chapter 40 or so.

Good morning everybody! So glad you could stop by. Hope everyone is indeed having a "bitchin' summer" so far. Mine's been mostly good. Went through a wholly unpleasant experience recently that I'll try not to get into too much detail over. I had my first illness? Affliction? Health Issue? Since prior to March 2020. I

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Wait. Is that…Tuna Casserole? THAT is Tuna Casserole!

Good morning folks. Great to see so many happy, smiling...Who am I shittin'? I can't actually "see" any of you but you know what I mean. A few weeks back we were shooting the shit in the comment section, as we are wont to do, when we came up with a

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chicken Paprikash!

Jó reggelt kívánok, DFO! That's all the Hungarian I know and I had to get that from Google translate. Welcome back! Speaking of Hungary, hope all y'all have been following along with our DFO Euro 2020 and Copa America previews. They've been terrific. Staying on message here's SonOfSpam's awesome team preview - sort of

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: In lofty praise…Of Mayonnaise.

Good morning, DFO! Welcome back. Bit of a polarizing title for today's post, no? Before we get our menu going I think we need to discuss some things. The first of which is the current state of civility in the world, or at least in the US. A better statement would be the lack

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Inspiration can come from the Strangest Places. Tortilla Española

Well hello again everyone! Welcome welcome. Come on in. If it's not too much trouble can you take your shoes off? Hardwood floors and all. Thanks. Hope everybody is enjoying their long weekend, I am super fucking excited for today. Later this afternoon both of my daughters and all 3 of my granddaughters -

The DFO EURO 2020 (IN 2021!) Preview: Croatia!

We're on the verge of the greatest international sports summer ever! We have: Copa América Euro 2020 CONCACAF Gold Cup Tokyo Olympic Games And it all starts on June 11, 2021 with the European Soccer (Football) championships aka Euro 2020! Yes, it is 2021 but they decided to keep the name, ok? From

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chicken Piccata. You’re going to want this.

Good morning folks! Hope everyone has been double vaxxed and has passed their 2 week wait afterwards to achieve complete inoculation. It's a very liberating experience. Here's a strange story from my strange life: I've had tickets for a concert that's supposed to be Monday August 30th of this year. I've had

The DFO Euro 2020 (In 2021!) Preview: Portugal

We're on the verge of the greatest international sports summer ever! We have: Copa América Euro 2020 Concacaf Gold Cup Tokyo Olympic Games And it all starts on June 11, 2021 with the European Soccer (Football) championships aka Euro 2020! Yes, it is 2021 but they decided to keep the name, ok? From now until the tourney

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: The Sultan’s Plate

Good morning folks! It's that time again. Hope everyone is experiencing a lightening of stress, maybe finding an extra bounce in your step and holy fucking shit, this spring feels a little different than last years. The local health experts are saying LA County can reach herd immunity this summer.  I know last year

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chana Masala!

Good morning everyone! Good to have you back with us. Thanks to DJ TAJ for hosting last week. Always good to recharge the creative batteries now and then. Milestone passed! I just finished the 2 week agonizing goddamn eternity after my second vaccine and according to SCIENCE! I am now fully inoculated. WOOO!

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Again with the sandwiches? Again with the sandwiches!

Well hello! Mighty fine seeing you here this morning! Welp. I done did it! I got my second dose of the Moderna and I'm vaxxed the fuck up! It was even easier this time than before. I know some of you are curious as to the side effects and when/if you can expect

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: We Return to the Sandwich Extravaganza!

Hey everybody! Damn glad to see you! How's your spring going so far?  I'm just a few short days away from getting vaccine shot #2 and now I've gotten really paranoid. With only the few days followed by 2 weeks to reach full immunization it feels like I'm walking through a fucking mine