I ain't got a lot to say today because our office is doing our little Thanksgiving potluck here shortly. As many of you know, I moved for work from Phoenix to Las Vegas this year. Each of our offices does these holiday cookouts a little different and the Vegas office
Commentist Participation
2019 Quotables – Week 9 (Submissions)
Mouth Flies Open: DFO Advice Mailbag #16
2019 Quotables – Week 8 (Results)
2019 Quotables – Week 8 (Submissions)
2019 Quotables – Week 7 (Results)
2019 Quotables – Week 7 (Submissions)
2019 Quotables – Week 6 (Results)
Happy Friday and welcome back to Quotables, [DFO]'s most popular in-season weekly feature (according to Rasmussen polling) so Suck It, Hippo Think! A strong week by this week's contributors though I'm seeing some commentists are on bye. Time to clean things up, watch some gifs, and get healthy for the