Sexy Friday, Pre-Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 edition

I am still catching up from previous pictures you all have posted, so today you get more than just 11 pictures. Thank you to all that have contributed! *** For those of you prudes that don't like cheesecake or beefcake, click HERE to skip to the music videos. Here are your Top

Sexy Friday, It’s November 2021 already? edition

This week, we have a special treat! Mr. Ayo decided that 11 pictures wasn't enough a few weeks back and provided a bounty of booty! Please enjoy a special Mr. Ayo showcase in the pictures this evening! *** For those of you prudes that don't like cheesecake or beefcake, click

Sexy Friday, Halloween Weekend 2021 edition

This week, I am doing a bit of catching up as you guys have provided more sexy goodness than usual. Thus, tonight we have more than 11 pictures to enjoy! In addition, I am giving you my Halloween tale and a special Halloween-themed sextet of songs. Enjoy! *** Nocturnal Emissions As you

Sexy Friday, No Time To Die release weekend edition

Technically, the movie has already opened in Europe and other parts of the world, but it's opening weekend in the US for the latest James Bond movie. I'm not sure about Canadia, but I'm assuming you guys, unfortunately, get lumped in with us dumbfucks. Today's post is dedicated to the

Sexy Friday, First Friday in October 2021 edition

Holy shit time flies, huh? Thanks to Brocky's prodigious penis, we have an amazing selection of ladies tonight. Seriously, man, that's some quality work! It's an ALL-BROCKY pictorial! Congratulations to Gumbygirl, who was able to determine the link between the states in last week's song puzzle. The answer

Sexy Friday, Last Friday in September 2021 edition

No one got the song puzzle last week, so I am rerunning the songs. Y'all got pretty close with the states thing, but I wasn't going to make it that easy for you. There is a relationship between the states that you need to figure out. Thanks again to y'all that

Sexy Friday, Mexican Independence Day Weekend 2021 edition

Technically, Mexican Independence Day was earlier this week, but I can guarantee you that Mexican neighborhoods in your neck of the wood will be partying heavy this weekend. Which coincides perfectly with the girls that you guys chose to post a couple of weeks ago! Today's pictorial features

Sexy Friday, Post LaboUr Day Weekend 2021 edition

Thanks to his amazing and no doubt well-endowed penis, we have an All-Mr. Ayo pictorial today. Truly one of our best, if I'm being honest. Thank you very much for your contributions! Keep up the awesome work! On to Balls' Thoughts O' Da Week! *** Balls' AFL Finals Preview Part