Three fixtures today. Seriously. Just three. But rage at the dying of (Evertonian) light, we must. If you are insomniac-awake, might as well turn on Palace/Rum Ham (7:30, USA). But I wouldn't go out of my way to do so. Neither team will get relegated, or qualify for Europe THROUGH THE
Down the Lesser Stretch They Goeth
This weekend will be slightly off, given that we have FA Cup raging semis (City of Men/Team Knifey today, Trashbirds/Men Untied tomorry) gumming up the works. But the Prem marches onward, starting with yesterday's presumed Anger Release Fixture (Gooners taking their frustrations out on Ded Sham Town)*. * Sometimes, a pre-written
Ides of April Lesser Funhouse
Men Untied Rise Again? Lesser Footy Thread
1 April Lesser and JV Hardwood Thread
The Prem Before the Break Lesser Footy Saturday
Next week, while I am traveling (I know, not looking forward to that experience whatsoever) Hippo will miss the last international break of 2022-23. Which is to say, hooray for me. All things considered, a reasonable slate of fixtures. Because of misaligned DST, we start later than usual (8:30, USA) with
Sleep-In Saturday Lesser Thread
PSG/Bayern – A Tale of Two…
Giant, prolapsed assholes. Sorry, we's not supposed to use swears in the title line. But yeah, these two plastic squadrons are expected to win their domestic leagues in their sleep. As such, Shempions League is their exclusive "dick measuring" domain, and one is about to go out before the Flacco Eight.
Nice Jerb, Minnows! Lesser Footy Saturday
Before we get to the weekend in the Prem, let's acknowledge the upstarts making noise in the FA Cup. Here is how the Flacco Eight break down: Two bullies (Men United; City of Men) Two Prem surprise packages (Trashbirds; Mighty Whitey) THREE Championship sides (Team Knifey; Boo-urnley; Blackburn) One miracle