Early Window Sunday Sub Job

Buenos días. Your friendly neighboUrhood Scotchnaut caught a case of the Real Lifes and is indisposed for posting duties on this most blessed (and kinda hungover) Sunday, may Gamblor be unto you. Let me wish, for those who partake, a Happy Fantasy Football playoffs. Your 14 weeks of blind luck

Media Whoring ‘Fessing Up: Sunday Preseason Thread

Perhaps I’ve had occasion to express to you that I am a fan of the NFL. And I can no longer bear the weight of my secret perfidy because you certainly deserve better. So here goes: throughout the DFO Era, which will start its TENTH fitbaw season in a coupla

Saturation Saturday (Early Edition)

Muy buenos días, ladies and degenerates, minors without parental supervision, sociopaths all. I will be subbing this AM because King Hippo picked this weekend to cram all the continuing Donks re-education courses, per Sean Payton’s overhaul of the franchise into a constitutional theocracy. Hippo showed me some Powerpoint slides, and

Wednesday Motivational: Apologies

When I’m at peak misanthropy, I wonder about all the importance given to apologies. Nobody’s perfect, everyone says. It’s an accepted truth, such as “people make mistakes”, “shit happens”, “I’m a Gemini”, and other gems of exculpation. And sure, admitting being wrong is a big ask: Who the hell wants to

Wednesday Motivational: Try Again

The Arizona Cardinals were one thing I liked about the 2023 season. They started the legend of Black Powder (nickname of the season), three of their four wins were against playoff teams (DAL, PIT & PHI), and got Kyler Murray back. Murray looks fine to either start or trade. Arizona

Wednesday Motivational: Xmas Music Special

Hello hello. Happy Holidays, which I wish earnestly. Not everybody celebrates Christmas, but nobody is clear from its tornado of consumerism and reliculous traditions. Stores get crowded, traffic gets worse and everywhere you go, there it is, again: Xmas music, melodious browbeating of JESUS, BUY, CHRIST, PAY, LORD and so

Wednesday Motivational: Appreciate, Reflect, Repeat.

Good morning, folks. I’m stepping in for tWBS in writing this Motivational because he’s still dead. Three years… Wow. Luv ya man [pours black coffee over kitchen ants]. I think about tWBS at least weekly, on account of his commitment to post something positive every Wednesday, even when he didn't want

2023 Titans Buh Bye Report

If you’ve been online this week, you certainly caught all the flowers and blowjobs thrown at Eagles GM Howie Roseman. He traded for Safety Kevin Byard, two-time NFL All Pro and, in Tennessee, the bluest chip for the Titans between 2017-2022. I like Roseman, an Iggles numbers man since 2000. He