Sexy Friday, Almost the end of the Olympics edition!

I've greatly enjoyed the Olympics. I think I've enjoyed them more because the coverage is more focused on the action itself instead of all the hoopla around it. I haven't seen one story about sex in the Olympic Village and I'm really happy about that. Which brings me

HOLY HELL MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF IS BACK… Your Thursday PGA Championship slash afternoon open thread

Hawkey is back, the NBA is back (I think?), based ball is sort-of back who knows, football... again, who knows. All of that stated, golf has been back for six weeks. Granted, there aren't any galleries, so, it's been a bit strange, but, I'll take what I can get at

Sexy Soccer Saturday Morning Open Thread and Champions League Group Stage Review

Good morning everyone! Today is the first day this fall without any college football! No, Army-Navy doesn't count as football. It's on par with Russian military parades and North Korean Dear Leader rallies as far as the propaganda machine goes. So, I am completely ignoring it and focusing on the