Hello hello. Happy Holidays, which I wish earnestly. Not everybody celebrates Christmas, but nobody is clear from its tornado of consumerism and reliculous traditions. Stores get crowded, traffic gets worse and everywhere you go, there it is, again: Xmas music, melodious browbeating of JESUS, BUY, CHRIST, PAY, LORD and so
Tag: Gratuitous Simpsons References
Wednesday Motivational: Appreciate, Reflect, Repeat.
Good morning, folks. I’m stepping in for tWBS in writing this Motivational because he’s still dead. Three years… Wow. Luv ya man [pours black coffee over kitchen ants]. I think about tWBS at least weekly, on account of his commitment to post something positive every Wednesday, even when he didn't want
Your “Random Thoughts With BFC, Volume 18” 4th of July Edition Slash Open Thread
Nine Voice Mails & A Text: A Fathers’ Day Special Offseason Etc. Etc.
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Pray for Maestro
If you don't live on the East Coast, Hank Scorpio hasn't started slowly and methodically vaporizing you yet. Imagine playing sports in this? Oh, wait, we have that. Image via The Sporting News. But for real, if you haven't heard, Ontario and Quebec are currently suffering from wildfires, and it's so widespread
Some Care for Caretakers: Offseason Sunday Open Thread
Chatbot Therapy: Offseason Sunday Open Thread
Give The Governor a Harrumph – Mel Brooks Open Thread
Your “It Takes Two to Tango (At Least Without TNF)” Thursday Night Open Thread
Slave LaboUrs Recap and Knockouts Day 1 Mundial Open Thread
Hola, beautiful gente. Your regularly scheduled pachyderm is doing kingly stuff so excuse me while I hijack this spot to talk about an infuriating, kooky, and pretty freakin' absorbing Mundial. But first, our respects and a word for the dead. Category obe, countries that only scored one goal: https://media.giphy.com/media/F21kBMSPSrdZDLBIbD/giphy.gif Yeah, the "respects part"
Chalk or Destiny: Argentina Slave LaboUr Cup Preview
On the Offensive – Uruguay Slave World Cup Preview
Greetings, cretins. Line up your toothiest, bity-est takes for the farewell performance of Luis Suárez’s career. More accomplished nags than I will also expound on Suárez’s presumptive dirty play and diving, which would sully further the already unredeemable festival of greed and homophobia that is the Cutter World Cup. It