"Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe
Tag: Hate week
Your “[DFO] Super Bowl Hate Week” Monday Evening Open Thread
Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week” Monday Evening Open Thread
[DFO] Hate Week & Thursday Evening Open Thread
At last, we reach the zenith of Hate. No, not my childhood. That's for my "discussion" with the therapist. (Insert Moose gif here.) Something more visceral... There we go. Much like Tom Brady, it's time for Roger Goodell's annual appearance during Hate Week. Even as the season started, he knew he was up shit creek
[DFO] Hate Week & Tuesday Evening Open Thread
Tonight's target: This fucking guy. Tommy Fucking Brady. Goodell's precious little fucking angel. He who cannot be hit. How this fucking look is still worth two penalties & seven points a game is beyond me. I thought that shit ended the second he left Gillette's distribution network. He's made previous appearances in Hate
Welcome to [DFO] “Hate Week” – A Monday Primer & Initial Rant
(As a brief aside, a big shout-out to Low Commander for his annual & delightful help with the photoshops.) Hi everyone, I'm Beerguyrob. I've been away for a while, recuperating from rotator cuff surgery. And in between hydromorphone tablets I have been trying to figure out how to ease back into my routines. One
DFO Hate Week Halftime Hate! The Superb Owl Halftime Show
Or as it's better known, Pepsi Presents The Superb Owl Halftime Show. https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/345b1fd0-3f82-4972-ab59-630c9b233555 No but seriously, it actually is sponsored by Pepsi. Also Frinkiac wasn't playing nice with the length of the quote. Where to begin, where to begin! I guess we can start with the performers. Jennifer Lopez and Shakira. Now, I
Saturday Evening Post: Hate Week Concludes.
DFO Hate week continues: The Modern American “Muscle” Car.
Yeah, I'm gonna vent. Maybe borderline hate here. What the everloving fuckall is this fucking shit? This? VVVRRROOOOM! I am the fiercest vehicle in my suburban block house stucco encrusted beige apartment building and everybody fears me! They see my matte finish and my fierce pre-fab "ready to be broken the second I bump into
Your Saturday Evening “Why Do I Do This Every Year?” [DFO] Hate Week Open Thread
[DFO] Hate Week Presents: Owners Who Suck – Stan Kroenke & Dean Spanos
Today's final installment of [DFO] Hate Week is brought to you by marrying rich, prenuptial agreements, and the Mayflower Moving Company. Now, normally the fourth day & final day of [DFO] Hate Week is set aside for attacking pet peeves I've had with the league over the year: GOODELL, Roger DISGRACE,