So for the two of you who actually saw my post earlier, sorry for the headfake. I lost my grandfather last night (ironically, he had the winning square for "How Long Will He Outlive My Grandmother?") and I was getting all emo and Goth Aaron Rodgers and shit. But then I
Tag: Reverend Mayhem
CrimeBeat!: “In five years the Spanos family will be completely legitimate” Edition
CrimeBeat!: Supplemental Edition
CrimeBeat!: Take the Cannoli Edition
Well boys and girls, we made it. Training camps are all now officially "going on". Peter King is probably on some back road in Iowa between Mankato and Missouri Western State University, glorying in the soybean fields and meth shacks that he considers "Real America" and (God willing) getting crippling
CrimeBeat!: Isn’t This Where We Came In? Edition
CrimeBeat!: Better Never Than Late Edition
CrimeBeat!: Anticlimax Edition
[DFO] Theogyny: The Feast of the Suspension
[1] Lo, and once every summer, Venus and Jupiter and Rigel III shall come into alignment, [2] an obscure and ancient bell shall toll within in NFL Headquarters, and the Watcher of The Seals [3] shall be shuffleth out of his office with an antiquated boombox bigger than he. [D]
CrimeBeat!: “We Voted To Do What Now?” Edition
CrimeBeat!: Requiem for a Lightweight Edition
It's 4 pm on an offseason Tuesday. Do you know where your tangentially-NFL-related crime stories are? THEY ARE RIGHT FUCKING HERE! LET YOUR CELEBRATIONS AND MERRY-MAKING COMMENCE! Once again, I find myself compelled to apologize to you, gentle reader, because you come to this site for The Funny, or at least the