Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Nocturnes Magazine, Vol. 1 Issue 1: The (Slightly Belated, Shhh) Inaugural Season Preview

Okay, what in the crap is this? This is Nocturnes Magazine, a look into the Brooklyn Nocturnes. Okay… that doesn't help me. Who are the Brooklyn Nocturnes and what do they do? Remember the diceball I mentioned? Well, I'm going to use a monthly Wumbo column to write in more detail because it got

Wumbo Wednesday: This is Scenery?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=071cXxCNj5A So Monday/Tuesday was Manhattanhenge. For those of you new or unaware to New York customs, Manhattanhenge is the four days a year (two in late spring, two in early-ish summer), where the sunset aligns with the grid of Manhattan. It looks something… a-like a-this. One of the things I've always wanted

It’s Wumbo Wednesday with Weaselo! (Aka Your Wednesday Evening Thread)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1O_cR8WUYA Yes, yes, welcome to Wumbo Wednesday (image courtesy of Know Your Meme), and keep your applause until—well that ended quickly! Jerks. Anyway, I’m taking this vessel over as my own damn soapbox. What can I ramble about? I don’t know, then it wouldn’t be a ramble. Sometimes I may use this