That’s a restored 1967 Chevy Camaro SS. If you don’t find that sexy, then you’re an idiot.
Getting Down To Brass Tacks
It’s been a weird coupla weeks. I have no idea where this edition of (not so) Sexy Friday will go. No shit. I don’t really much care either.
Truth Hurts.
But you can rest assured I’ll hear about it later from someone out there.
Frankly, I’m pretty damned tired of hearing drive by comments about TGISF (and sometimes even me personally) with no constructive feedback for what you people really do want. Which is the whole point of the rest of this, just so you know. If you don’t like it, tell me why. If you can’t do that, then just STFU and change the fucking channel already.
(Huge thanks to YeahRight for actually telling me something constructive, something no one else has had the balls to do until now)
This Was Not Supposed To Happen
For various reasons, the future format of TGISF is in question.
Yet….here we are this week. And I’ll be the one to catch hell for it. And that’s fine, actually. Again, I don’t really much care anymore.
The Pimp of DFO (that’s me btw)…. has no fucks left to give.
A Time For Change
The 60s were a time of great….well….let’s call it “instability”. But both in a good and bad way. There were a lot of gray areas and a lot of conflict.
But with conflict comes change. It can be good change if people are at least somewhat conscientious and have enough backbone to stand up for what they believe. Even when everyone else around them disagrees. ESPECIALLY when everyone else around them disagrees, actually.
Be Careful What You Ask For
This song was written by Sam Cooke and originally recorded by him in 1964. It’s obviously a product of a very socially/emotionally trying time. A time which was in flux in many ways. How do you think Sam Cooke would have replied if his producer had said….”Hey Sam, sorry, but we think you’re crossing the line here.”
I’d like to think Sam would have told them to fuck off. But given the time, socially speaking, I doubt he would have. It makes me sad to think he might not have felt comfortable doing exactly that, if that’s how he felt.
But that above version? Aretha Franklin, 1967. The times then were of course still plenty unsettled enough, tho. The song has been covered a shitload more times since then, however. If you’ve never heard this song before, well…..I feel badly for you.
Things are always changing. It was true then. It’s true now. More than you know.
Prepare Your Anus, Things ‘Bout To Get Weird
tWBS was a literal WeeBaby of 0-1 year old, depending upon the time of year (December, 1966 baby). So, what happened before tWBS turned one year old? Let’s have a look….
More music later if I feel like it.
I probably will, FWIW.
What About TV?????
Oh fuck, I thought you’d never ask!!!!
Did you know that Superb Owl I (January 15, 1967) wasn’t even called that until AFTER the fucking game was over? Talk about your revisionist history. But yeah, Green Bay beat the fuck out of Kansas City in that one, 35-10. It was NOT a good game. But that didn’t stop the media and the NFL from figuring out a way how to lie about that (so at least some things don’t change, eh?). Origin stories for the fucking win, huh? The Packers were a fucking 14 point favorite and still ended up beating the spread by 11. Does that sound like a good game to you?????
Super? Yeah, OK. The Coliseum has rarely been victim to any worse spectacle than this one. See all those empty seats back there? I bet there’s NFL execs even now who regret not being able to retroactively sell those for a coupla grand apiece.
OK, but fuck sports. What else was on that year?
Yep, your beloved Star Trek, possibly the worst show ever in the history of mankind, was going hot and heavy…
I apologize in advance if you’re an idiot Trekkie, but this is just fucking pitiful. Wait, fuck you, no I don’t apologize. If you think this is good writing or good acting, you’re a fucking douchenozzle.
But the show did have its merits. Remember this lovely lady?
Well she was the only good thing about that show. I don’t care if you don’t agree.
And even now, at the age of 84 AND after a stroke, she’s still a pretty damned beautiful lady, IMHO…
So what else?
Oh right, that literary bastion, Gunsmoke, was still hanging on by a thread. Wait, did I say by a thread? That fucking shitshow would hang on for eight MORE fucking years….20 in total (not including nine on the radio before that). Holy shit, how did that show even get on the fucking air, let alone last as long as it did?
Fuck you, Miss Kitty. No, I’m actually serious now, I would have….she was really fucking hot. When the show first fucking started…
20 years later…..?
Well fine, OK….she was still pretty hot, all things considered. But you get my point goddammit!!!!!
Moving on…..
I Dream of Fucking Jeannie had been on a coupla years by then and was a household staple. Major Nelson was a tool, who would later go on to be an even bigger tool in Texas (JR? Dallas? Come on people…keep up FFS), while Major Healey was….well, he was a pussy, more or less. Dr. Bellows was a little dickhead pencil pusher, of course. But Jeannie?
Oh my yes….Barbara Eden. Hells Yeahs. Now we got our Sexy going (plus she had an evil sister….see? You forgot that, didn’t you??)
I like the bitch sister better, if I’m being honest. I bet she’d do butt stuff. A chick who would do butt stuff wasn’t easy to come by in the 60s. Plus she’s like a Jeannie and shit, so after doing butt stuff, she could just blink and make a beer and a burger appear. Tell me that’s not awesome!!!!!!
1967 Musical Interlude?
Bet your sorry asses!!!!!!!
Gratuitous Profanity In The Body Of The Text?
It’s almost as if you fucking asshead people don’t know me.
Remember back when you couldn’t say shit (literally and figuratively) on TV?
So This Was Weird Tonight, Right?
And yet….it’s about to get worse.
What else was popular back then? Pubic Hair.
Yep, you heard me right. Tending the garden was much less of a concern back then. Why? Fuck if I know? I mean a pubic hair caught between your teeth was just as annoying then as it is now, I’d presume. I mean, when you’re “down there”, really giving her the business so to speak, but then have to pause for clean up? Very annoying.
If one wishes to play Croquet, one should keep the lawn tended. Just saying.
But bushy was beautiful back then.
Artist’s Rendering….
Well I’ve Probably Pissed Enough People Off For One Week
Aaaaand…..I need a drink, anyway.
Here, have a few more 1967 songs.
More Aretha? Fuck Yes!!!!!
Have a great weekend, folks.
Feel free to yell at me in the comments. But be aware that if you don’t yell constructively, I might yell back.
Still Love ya’s tho.
I am really enjoying jSD’s Star wars date.
It was fun to watch. I still liked the movie.
I liked the movie but let’s not call it a cinematic masterpiece, it was basically New Hope + Jedi,. Also I accidentally saw it with a girl who had never seen any of the other Star Wars movies so I had to tell her about the whole story while myself only seeing a little of the prequel trilogy. (She actually wanted to see Sisters but there was an issue with the screen or something.) And before you ask the next question, you already know the answer.
1. That should have been a response to MTWV.
2. I’m all for “This Date is an Absolute Shitshow” open threads!
He’ll be jerking off to Padme later if he doesn’t take my advice.
/I will possibly be jerking off to Padme later
Her “That was a great movie right?”
Me: “It was…something”
Her: “You didn’t like it? I’ve seriously never met someone that didn’t like Star Wars. How could you not love Star Wars”
Me: “I liked Battlefield Earth”
Suddenly the problem clarifies itself.
JSD is either John Travolta or L.Ron Hubbard, because those are the only two people who liked Battlefield Earth.
Apparently my sarcasm is undetectable…
Testing something
Eva Amurri plays Susan Sarandon’s character when she was younger? That’s rather inspired casting by Adam Sandler.
Is luxury hand soap just soap for luxury hands or luxury soap for hands?
How about sexy Friday themes from the birth year of each week’s DFOEFFF subject?
This intrigues me.
1961 wasn’t that sexy.
That’s a good gif.
I really do appreciate all of your support. SF will go on I think, just trying to figure out the details so EVERYONE can enjoy it. I don’t want to offend anyone.
So if you have opinions, good or bad, I’m happy to hear them and promise to try to incorporate them.
But the next time anyone decides to berate me with no constructive criticism, you will be exposed publicly.
Is this a fair enough deal?
What are we talking about?
I think he is bragging about getting a date with some girl who he thinks will be tossing some salad…..
*Small chance I could be reading this wrong.
I respectfully request no pictures of that
Too late. The mental image is already there. Next comes the scars.
This seems like a job I’d like to have.
Keep it up and you’ll get the live video feed, buddy boy.
Bitch forgot the fucking croutons.
To quote one Geoffrey Peterson… is that code?
No, I disagree. But thanks anyway.
Nothing anymore.
I hope.
Exposed in public? I’m fine with that. The schools on the other hand…
Yes, I don’t want to make the effort to berate, but I do expect to be exposed in public. Which is easy for me; I like baggy shorts and have old man saggy balls.

FWIW, this was rhetorical for most of you.
The small handful for whom it’s not rhetorical know who they are.
Let’s end this and just have some fun now. OK?
No, YOU have small hands!
Who’s fucking with you in private you won’t drag them publicly now? Like Balls said, if something is missing there’s nothing stopping them from posting it themselves.
As long as it’s not a continued issue going forward, I really would prefer to just let it die here.
I appreciate your concern. Sincerely.
Understood. I just wanted to jump onto the dogpile and ended up being that one asshole who flies onto the top as people are already beginning to crawl out.
Damn you TV censors.
Needs Moar Hula Hoop.
I mean….who is this?
So the dark lord of the force is apparently an angsty teenager…and the characters talk like they are on the shore “Friends”.
I really hate how every script writer does “banter” now.
Also…how does one go from going AWOL to actively killing their fellow soldiers like like 5 minutes?
AWOL due to shell shock, no less.
I’m a little worried about how much I’m laughing at this.
Another repost.
“What the fuck is that thing on her head??!!”
You have just summarized why I never go…. well that and racism, ignorance, etc.
Please, you can get racism and ignorance anywhere on the internet. Gotta go to Reddit for the hot hat takes.
True, but there the force is strong with little counter balance of fun.
Dios mío!
Ray Manzarek has had it up to here(!) with all this damn talk about doors!
So hanging out with a girl. She has the remote. She has selected that last Star Wars movie. The Force whatever the fuck.
Its like 20 minutes in.
I thought I hated Star Wars before…dear lord are these movies craptastic.
Maybe focus more on the girl and not the movie?
/just throwing that out there
This movie has pissed me off so fucking much in like 15 minutes,…Can’t focus… on… anything… other than trolling Star…War…fans on twitter.
Grab her hand and put it on your junk.
Or you grab her junk.
That’ll sort things out quick and I guarantee that one way or another, you won’t have to worry about the movie after that.
Hey man, I like Sexy Friday. It pairs well with whiskey.
Internet Dad has spoken.
I try not to click on sexy Friday at work, but I have no complaints. I just wish Seamus would share more personal photos. No not that personal
I appreciate that, BFC. Sincerely.
But that personal photo bit became too self indulgent.
It’s not about me. It’s about what you guys want.
Anyone that doesn’t like Sexy Friday can go fuck the fuck off. Don’t fucking click then. And, as Moose says, don’t go criticizing other people’s tastes.
If you want more black/Asian/Latin females/males/ transsexuals/ whatever, post your own and inspire us.
This post is about appreciation of beauty in all its forms. If you don’t like it, there’s the door.
[Flies Open]
Fly is open….. so is door.
I have no idea whats going on but this is one of the holdovers from our former wasteland. Leave it alone, everyone comes (heh) here for different reasons so relax and make a Trent Green joke
I too have no idea what is going on.
*Not limited to current subject.
Also food pics.
Jim Morrison’s rhyme scheme for “L.A. Woman”
Ago, blow, bungalow.
Light, night, night, night
Afternoon, blues, blues, blues.
Fire, a liar
Madness, sadness.
Anyone watching le Canadian Football?
There isn’t a gun pointed to my temple as far as I know so…no.
Jim Morrison’s rhyme scheme for “Riders On The Storm”
Storm, born, thrown, bone, loan.
Road, toad.
Holiday, play.
Ride, die.
Man, hand, understand.
DFO got acquired by Puerto Rico? Did anyone get their $12 dollars worth of shares back?
Puerto Rico is so bankrupt that DFO could buy it for $12
So when’s the intervention and will there be punch and pie?
If you’re good with Vodka and hot wings, call me.
/best intervention in evar
…Can I come?
Jury’s still out.
Jim Morrison’s rhyme scheme for “Light My Fire”
Liar, Higher, Fire, Fire, Mire, Pyre, Fire, Fire, Fire.
Too bad he didn’t get a flat tire while writing it.
There are photos from this set of her painted but fully nude.
Anybody else freaking out with the NSFDFO haircut?
A repost; because.
It is close, but none of the Danger Zones show.
Oh dear lord.
My bloodflow might have just diverted.
I saw no problem, and see no problems going forward. I mean if you were so inclined to do curvy women for inclusiveness well then that is well within your right. …
Curvy, skinny, booby, athletic, Idris Elba, all colors, shapes, and sizes. I agree with you wholeheartedly; don’t be an asshole and disparage someone else’s tastes.
Translation: Litre likes fatties. (duly noted)
All sizes, but curvy women are better in pics. Ex was a beertub girl, didn’t work out, weird. Current is a dietician with a round posterior.
Marriage HELP!
Wakezilla has been working like a horse and forgot 10 year anniversary was today.
I bought some time saying we have plans for tomorrow. I frantically booked a really nice and swanky restaurant by the beach.
What the shit do I get Mrs. Wakezilla for 10 years of putting up with my shit?
Hot stone massage. Book it, if there are wee Zillas then you got em Tex for the day.
Holy shit, I can’t believe I forgot that a high end spa is by my place. You’re a genius and I’m clearly exhausted for not thinking of this.
Seems time earned that she should get to meet your boyfriend.
That aside; HAPPY FUCKING FRIDAY. Let’s get on with the flood… the Moose flood anyway.
Also love this theme, Brick’s head will cave in.
Thank you Moose. Sincerely.
But stop yelling and calm the fuck down already.
Damn, that car is hot.
My first car.
(not that one specifically)