Your “What Fresh Hell Is This?” Hall of Fame Game Open Thread

[blatantly ignores the long days and nights since the Super Bowl] Wow! It seems like just yesterday that I was watching relevant football being played and here we are again. The good folks of Canton, Ohio might just see a game in their backyard for the first time in two frickin’ years unless it gets aborted once again. Ye olde NFL and assorted hangers-on wouldn’t do that again, would they? Nah, they’ve had a year to prepare…just like the year previous. To The Game!

Dallas @ Arizona: Don’t kid yourself, home field advantage is crucial in a game of this (lack of) caliber and the Cards hold all the cards. When Carson Palmer doesn’t throw to Fitz who is not being covered by Scandrick, you’ll see why it’s self-evident. On the other side of the ball you can expect that a not-dressed RB Elliott will not pound the rock between the tackles, not wearing down… some Cards defender not named, uh, Patrick Peterson? What I’m trying to get at is that no one of starting quality will be playing this doozy of a tilt. No. One.

So where do we go from here? Oh, we’re going straight to Gabbertville and then heading over to undrafted rook Knighttown with a stop in Kellen Moore Corner along the way. Perhaps we’ll get a glimpse of a Taco Charlton stand at some intersection. The latest tight end that once played basketball-Rico Gathers-is expected to get some reps. These are some slim pickings for sure. But they are all dressed in bonafide NFL uniforms so it matters. As long as we’re wearing our respective drinking/pilling gear it’s all good.




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Doktor Zymm

Also…what’s with JJ’s jacket and slacks totally clashing?


Oh, SPOILER alert, you may be seeing this picture this season, when the Bengals are called a dirty team and the Steelers are called the victim or the example of a team that places by the rules.
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He knew what he did.

Doktor Zymm

Worst Calftime show ever. I’m out, g’night y’all.


Ooh, I need to remember Calftime as the name of one of the barbecue joints Andy Reid is reviewing in an upcoming post.


Jesus Christ, Cris, enough with the knob-shining, Jerry has hookers that can do that for him.


Come on Cris. Jurrah didnt risk SHIT on building that stadium

The Maestro

I dunno why it’s still fucking with my head so much that Tony Romo took Pheel’s job, but I literally forgot about all that even happening until just now.

Also, I can’t hear my iPad because the goats and sheep on this farm will not shut the fuck up right now.


I literally forgot about all that even happening until just now.

So did Pheeeel

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Uh, Al? Buying the Dallas Cowboys isn’t a risk? That’s like saying “So, I swallowed my pride and bought the BMW.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Only Eagle interception all year.


So what did I miss in the first half?


Shitty football


Ah, for Arizona’s in midseason form in Game 1. Good.


CBS put Romo and Nantz up in a deer blind to watch the game.


Yo Gabba Gabbert.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Need source. For science.


Fun Fact: Eli Manning was once able to convince his mom that “Valley of the Dolls” was a Pixar movie and enable it on Netflix. You don’t even wanna know how long he got grounded for when she came back early from her date night with dad and caught him watching it.


His wife ratted him out to Olivia.

Doktor Zymm

“And he is getting something on it!”

Is it boogers?


I absolutely don’t mind and kind of like the heat. The problem is that I’m a fatass and so I sweat like a southern tent preacher and it fucking sucks.


Redshirt’s Adventures at Taco Bell:

– Showed up. Placed order.
– 6 minutes waiting. Find someone waiting 10 minutes. Start talking to past the time.
– 10 minutes waiting. Guy waiting 18 minutes screaming for manager because order is taking long.
– 14 minutes waiting. 18 minute guy back with messed up order. More pissed offer.
– 17 minutes waiting. Talking with other people waiting. Having good time… until parents of Autistic kid gets into argument of old couple saying to shut up the Autistic kid. Tempted to ask if I can spit into old couple’s food, but don’t want to slow down the Dream Team working the food assembly station.
– 18 minutes waiting. Still screaming. About to play peacemaker until I see angry dad’s gun on his belt. Now finding possible places to take cover.
– 19 minutes waiting. Talking partner leaves. I guess I’ll be the one to talk to the cops if Angry Dad busts a cap.
– 19 minutes waiting. Angry Dad goes to parking lot. Manager trying to defuse situation.
– 20 minutes waiting. Get food. Running out the door.

So I aged about two years in 20 minutes. And on top of that, I got to eat Taco Bell tonight!

Doktor Zymm

I hope they threw in an extra order of cinnamon twists


More interesting than my day.

Senor Weaselo

What Taco Bell takes 20 minutes to get your food? Is there one person there and do they have to grind the so-called beef themselves?


Remember when André Ellington had an ADP of, like, 9?


Ok Al, Gabbert looks sharp against guys that will be wearing street clothes in 5 weeks.


35 year old episodes of Johnny Carson out there are more entertaining than Fallon.


Johnny Carson’s rotted corpse is more entertaining than Fallon.

King Hippo

more laughs at a toddler’s funeral than Fallon’s Greatest Hits


I dare you not to laugh at the phrase Juggalo Baby Casket


I tried watching an episode of Fallon’s Tonight Show. I started to eat my own eyes and ears by 11:41.

Doktor Zymm

Neat! I think I’ll root for the Raiders in the like….2 games of theirs I might end up watching this year!


Well they are playing the Patriots in Mexico, that’s at least one.


Holy shit, that’s gonna be 105% Raiders fans.


Make America Ritually Sacrifice Winners Again

King Hippo

Terrell Davis is like the bestest football human in the whole wide world. He got all teared up pre-game. The Hall of Fame is stupid, but the honour meant a lot to him, and he was fucking great and played an entire quarter of a Superb Owl (of which he were MVP) fucking blind so WOO!!!!!!!!!!

Doktor Zymm

So, this season I will not be subscribing to Sunday Ticket streaming only. Partially because I can deal with watching at a bar and it’s actually pretty damn fun, especially when you can make fun of Eagles fans, but mostly because DIRECTV is the sketchiest major company I’ve ever dealt with, and this auto-renew scam they’re trying to pull this season is the last goddamn straw. This was already their second chance, and they just couldn’t avoid dancing close to the fraud fire.

King Hippo

I am very happy that RedZone became a cable option the last few years. The few times the Donks are not a late game or nationally televised, I can handle a bar.


I cut the cable and got sling. I was very pleased to see that it has Red Zone.

Doktor Zymm

Oooh, options!

Doktor Zymm

I get cable included in my condo fee…maybe I’ll call up RCN and get the add-on


Its crappy, but its still a game.



That Gunslinger movie looks like a travesty of the highest order.

Don T

Hold my beer.
-The rule of law


What’s this about Brett Favre’s sextape?


The Gunslinger will at least seem long…


This football-like product is good enough for me.

King Hippo


Methadone may not be thee bee’s knees, but there’s a reason junkies get up early in the morning and line up like good boys for it.

Doktor Zymm

From what I’ve heard, methadone is actually pretty damn good if you aren’t a junkie, and I resent all those junkies hogging it for themselves.

King Hippo

well, time to sell plasma for the needle marks and work on acting all twitchy!


Is this showing up for anyone? Bueller?


Yes, this is dog.



Make America Gabbert Again


Clearly I’m in preseason commenting form

King Hippo

Murder Guy do have nice footwork.

Don T

I DVR’d the game and have avoided spoilers. I’m like 30 mins. behind. What can I say…
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This is my first season with footbaw sans cable. So far the antenna is holding up. I am pleased with my decision.

King Hippo

But Scott Muthafuckin’ Hanson?!!!

Dat coke ain’t gon’ buy itself ,, ppl forget that


Our redzone will now be provided online by DAZN pronounced Da Zone. Which could be really good, or really bad. They just now got a website up. Apparently they are in Europe but if it is the only way to get my fix, then so be it.

Doktor Zymm

It’s all roses until you’re getting shitty drunk on a Monday night so you can watch a bloody awful MNF game in a bar


…Still not gonna use your site for fantasy NFL.

Doktor Zymm

So, I realize I have somewhat non-standard blog reading habits, but if you haven’t seen this yet, damn, it’s always crazy when something comes along pointing out how precarious pretty much everything actually is.


That’s what they get for flying into San Francisco.


I put the game on and immediately see a kickoff go out of bounds. GO PRESEASON FOOTBALL!


It would be best for everyone if Brady just retired

King Hippo

my brain auto-corrected to “died”

Doktor Zymm

The only thing that would even vaugely make a P*ts repeat bearable? A team video with full dance moves to “Oops I did it again”


“The Superbowl Skrillex”?
“The Championship Charleston”?
“The Lombardi Trophy Lambada”?


So Law and Order goes from passively ripping off headlines, to blatantly ripping off headlines.


Is it true that Phil Sims is picking up shifts at Red Lobster?

King Hippo

I read that differently at first.

/was funny both ways

Doktor Zymm

Oooh! The first “IS IT A FOOKIN CATCH WHO KNOWS?!” of the season!

Doktor Zymm

Yup, I’m still bitter about Alfred Morris to YEEHAW

King Hippo

ah hear tell he is on the roster bubble, so perhaps he will end up elsewhere less irksome.

Seems perfectly cromulent, though, no idea why he keeps getting shoved aside from all meaningful roles

Doktor Zymm

I know why DC got rid of him, cause Gruden 2 wanted to get rid of anything Shanny. Don’t know why the Cows would ditch him, other than putting all their eggs in the asshole zeke basket. He’s total value at this point.

King Hippo

Jerral has a YUUUUUGGGGGE hard-on for McFadden, and I guess the #3 guy traditionally is younger and does more special teams work. But with Zeke’s, uh, THEEEE-ness, and McFadden being a 50-year old scatback, I’d want another bell cow on the active roster.

The Maestro

So I’m in an airBNB in rural Nova Scotia, with a sketchy WiFi connection and an iPad app that has geolocked me out of watching this game. All that is available to me currently is the CFL in 480P on an ancient piece of hardware.

And I’m actually disappointed about missing preseason NFL action.

What I’m saying on behalf of everyone here is that I may indeed have a problem with my love of football.

Doktor Zymm

You missed some AWESOME dumb penalties, and some totally KICKASS commentary about how many people have the initials “LT”


“This Blaine Gabbert guy is way better than Colin Kaepernick”


Yeah but at least he respects his native country. Kaep could learn a lot from guys like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benedict Arnold.


I’m out.

I have a fucking business internet account due to work. I can do 42 and 25 download/upload speeds but god forbid, trying to use the fucking NBC Sports website, I feel like i am having a fucking seizure every 30 seconds as the feed locks up.

Someone please explain to me how NBC is so fucking bad at their job? CBS, NFL Network, ABC…I don’t have this problem. NBC…its like a fucking high school AV club is running the fucking show.


It’s quite simple: exclusive rights.

No competition means they feed you shit and you can only say thank you may i have another.


I seriously don’t get how they don’t get into shit when they don’t even get the commercials casting correctly. Like if you ever follow an internet feed for a sporting or live event, even if the game cast is bad, the commercials always come in clear because they get fucked if they can’t get that right. Companies that pay for commercials will have people watching to make sure those commercials come through.

I’m even losing the feed between commercials.

I have a really hard time believing that the issue is on my end. I have a fucking business account. I can remote into a crane on the other side of the Great Firewall and I don’t run into a feed this fucked up.

King Hippo

funny thing is – they are AWESOME in how they cover the Premier League. Everything is as accessible as humanly possible, and it’s the best studio crew in sport.


Premier League? refresh my memory, it has been such a long time.

King Hippo

EIght days left in the Lesser Footy Lesser Desert!

/speaking of which, unpronouncable Slovakian side really made Everton sweat, and news of Giroud definitely not being available on the transfer market makes me not-so-happy


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Doktor Zymm

NBC is weird, they also broadcast their HD on a line-of-sight system, so like, 5 people with an HD antenna can get reception, while every other network gets decent reception almost everywhere.


Rico Suave Gathers

King Hippo

look out, Jimmy , another basketballDOWN!

Doktor Zymm



Napoleon Dynamite throws a great rainbow. i liked him coming out of Boise.

King Hippo



Romo and Nantz are in a tower surrounded by the VC in Nam

Old School Zero

/crawls out of his dark hole in the ground, sees the shadow of football

Fuck football.

/crawls back into his hole and boots up the ps4


You’ll be back when NSZ finishes your last beer


My boy Romo, leading the league in smiles.

King Hippo

oh he got him some pillz, BUHLEE DAT

King Hippo

why is Dez wearing a sailor hat? Did he lose a bet with DAK?