Your “Wait – Is The ‘Victory Formation’ Now An Anti-American Protest?” Monday Night Football Open Thread

NFL News:

  • Anthemgate update: (Anthemgazi? 9-11them?)
    • Roger Goodell told latte foam inhaler Peter King he is “proud” of the League’s response to Donald Trump’s “divisive words”.
      • “Aren’t you bothered that the president might be on a crusade against your league?” I asked.“No,” Goodell said. “We live in an imperfect society. A public discourse makes us strong.”
      • King also notes that the protests had nearly died out, with only 10 players participating the week prior, so Sunday is more Trump’s fault than anyone’s.
    • Josh Norman dropped a “not my president” as one of his responses to a reporter’s question.
      • which should absolutely curry favour with the #MAGA types who said that about Obama.
    • A Louisiana lawmaker wants the state to withdraw all funding & support the Saints receive for using a state facility like the Superdome.
      • since the Saints pay no rent & keep all gameday profits, plus retain the naming rights, it would be a tidy sum.
        • The New Orleans Times-Picayune valued the state’s contribution to the Saints $1.5 billion in value at $165 million.
    • also has player & coach responses to yesterday’s action. Comments are, not surprisingly, turned off.
      • including Dreamboat, who went on WEEI and expressed his opinions about supporting his teammates, and how the people booing have the same speech rights as the guys who kneel.
        • Count Matt Light as a non-supporter, because kneeling goes against “the Patriot way”.
        • Also, consider these stories a reminder never to read the comment sections of online articles

  • Finally, a Bills stadium employee quit on Twitter yesterday in protest of the kneeling, and became a #MAGA hero in the process. I refuse to post the tweet because it’s just stupid.
  • Oh, and a drug addict had something to say about his beloved Steelers:

Remember – until 2009, teams stayed in the locker room during the anthems.

Real NFL News:

  • One of my favourite players, Darren Sproles, managed to both break an arm & tear an ACL on the same play yesterday, and is now out for the season.
    • The guy was always late-round fantasy dynamite.
  • Positive news: Teddy Bridgewater is eligible to return to practice in three weeks.
    • Given the Vikings next two games are against the Bears & Lions, if they go 1-1 with the feared Bradford-Keenum connection, the team might go slowly with the rehab, given that a healthy Teddy is still their future.

Finally, as a coda to the weekend anthem protests, John Oliver rightly points out that “when you have lost the moral high ground to Roger Fucking Goodell,” he said, “something is horribly wrong.”

Game preview:

Tonight’s game is expected to be closer than many imagine. The current spread is Cowboys by 3, mostly on the basis of last week’s drubbing by Dallas at the hands of Denver. Plus, many prognosticators are pulling for old man Palmer to finally get a chance to light up a secondary, and for Fitty to be the beneficiary.

Me? I expect Palmer may finally actually get Fitty killed this week, as he tries to lead him over the middle, and either Sean Lee (close to the line) or Orlando Scandrick (deeper in the zone) do what they can to avoid fines for hitting a defenceless player.

Look for Zeke to get a whole bunch of yards, as the Cowboys look to avoid too many deep balls that run the risk of getting picked off, since Arizona actually has a secondary that can keep up with Dez Bryant.

I’m tuning in early to see if freshly pardoned felon Joe Arpaio rambles onto the field during the anthem to arrest players disrespecting the flag.

Over/under on Pat Tillman references:

  • By ESPN: 4
  • By fans in the stands: 26

Tonight’s sports:

  • NFL:
    • Cowboys at Cardinals – 8:15PM | ESPN / TSN
      • en español en ESPN2
  • WWE:
    • Monday Night Raw – 8:00PM | USA / Sportsnet360
      • the night after “No Mercy”
        • Cesaro lost two teeth during his match.
  • Invictus Games:
    • Highlights show – 10:00PM | TSN2
  • MLB:
    • Blue Jays at Red Sox – 7:00PM | Sportsnet

I want someone to come up with the Venn diagram of where #MAGA & #UpForAnything meet. DON’T SAY “WAL-MART”!

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

“No Risk It No Bisquit”

That is a marvelous T-shirt idea. If I wore that T-shirt I would be inspired to try to achieve my goals for that particular day.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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“Look out below, motherfuckers!”


Is that a Trubisky fan motto?

King Hippo


/look behind teh Giraffe

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I hope that cat’s alright but I can’t stop laughing at this.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Cat’s fine; camera is no longer under warrantee.

King Hippo

the best secondary is whatever roided-up beast DAL has at LE

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Shogun Marcus

It’s like my pug hearing food. But with better control.

Horatio Cornblower

I believe that is Demarcus Lawrence, who is very obviously in a contract year.

And yes, no doubt roided to the gills.

King Hippo

AZ’s right tackle is gonna piss the bed tonight. Assuming he doesn’t do so already on the regular.

Shogun Marcus

I’m glad he’s part of the new guard of owners, replacing the old, dying idjits. The fact he’s the most beloved in the sport only makes it better.

Horatio Cornblower

Hey, let’s all fight about fast food!

The 1/4 Pounder should be WAAAAAAYYYYYY higher.


What the ever-loving fuck is the Filet-O-Fish doing on this list? Oh, it’s from the Ringer? Nevermind.

Horatio Cornblower

I like the Filet-O-Fish and even I agree it has no place being in the Top 50.


5 Guys Cajun fries are underrated IMO


Sonic’s Cherry Limeade IS delightful. Firehouse Subs also has good Cherry Limeade.


Frostys are fucking garbage.


They used to be good, especially mixed with the fries. But now both suck ass.


Chik-Fil-A fucking sucks. That said, check out this idiot:

RYAN WRIGHT: Everything at Chipotle is pretty good and the soft tacos are good because it’s Chipotle.


The sandwiches are ok, for a little change from burgers, but the waffle fries are nothing special.

Horatio Cornblower

I wouldn’t say it sucks but it’s definitely over-rated.


I can’t believe we’re over two games into the season and Sean Lee hasn’t died again.

King Hippo

still time, Padawan


I just looked at what was trending on twitter and #youngsheldon is, and Fek is tweeting about it.


He is a hardcore Patriots fan and it upsets me.


It should upset everyone.

Horatio Cornblower

I think I saw him say he’d rather watch ‘Young Sandusky’ and that was when I checked out.


Meh. Moar tired than funny tonight.
You guys (and gal) have fun.

Later taters.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Cant stop watching. It is hypnotizing.


I’d walk into a goddamned wall, she is that distracting.

Horatio Cornblower

Not sure that was a TD but fuck, just give it to him.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Horatio Cornblower

If that isn’t 3:30 am on the 3rd shift I’ll eat a shoe.*

*Burger. And I’m gonna eat one anyway.

Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Can’t lie…not too sure about that one.

Horatio Cornblower

Dez Bryant plowed through the Arizona defense like it was his mother trying to keep him out of the cookie jar.

Spanky Datass



Game over.


Holy fucking shit….

Brick Meathook

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Eat shit, you old bastard.


About damned time you simpering moron.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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A dik dik gif gif.

Shogun Marcus

A dik dik here, and a dak dak there. Here a dik, there a dak, everywhere a dik dak. Ol mcmuffin had a frog, B I N G O!


-E. Smiff, Reconnoiters of a Running Brick



Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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That’s a good pupper, yes it is!


The NFL sucks.

Meanwhile, I feel like crap and I’m just hoping for a meteor strike.


So who’s going to bite the bullet and watch Doogie Rain Man, M.D. for everyone?

King Hippo



No. True, I was presently surprised with Duck Tales but that had Kate Miccuci and David Tennant so of course that could be good. But I’ve watched 19 minutes of Star Trek: Discovery and all Bengals games. I’ve suffered enough.


Don’t look on this side of the border. I would sooner watch anything on TLN, except the little people show. Took too much acid once and there was a bday party with about a dozen little people at the bar.. Mind blown forever.


The Dame has me recording that for her. She’s an RN, she watches this shit for comic relief.


My god. Stop him.


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Horatio Cornblower

Hello fellow sons-of-bitches. I have returned from walking the dog to see the Cowboys punt.


King Hippo

this has been a great evening if you like the art of punting


You oughta be worried right now.

TD receptions from Palmer to Fitzgerald should have you worried.

Yeah, I heard it as I was saying it. Imma take a damned nap.


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Horatio Cornblower

Oh just put a fucking welcome mat out for you-know-who why don’t you?


I was thinking the same thing. We really don’t want to go through that again.


Point taken. Moving on.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You could simply point out that gesundheit means health and not god bless you.


I still can’t figure out how her boobs are much larger in some pictures/videos than others. It’s too random to be just surgery. I’d love to investigate more in depth if possible.

Horatio Cornblower

Various push-up bras would be my guess.




This game is a microcosm of ARI’s season. Seem good but never take a commanding lead. Let everyone stick around then blow it after wasting my time.


….now when you say “blow it”….


Shit, I’m finally mobile (I heal quickly) and have a million things I need to do, but I also wanna watch this sports team contest match. I guess the other shit shall wait.


I’m drinking at Avery instead of watching this game. I finally understand freedom.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Impressive hangtime.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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That’s why I don’t hunt.

King Hippo

especially in Texas


Painfully true.


The Hike? Where’s the crab?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Finally, a flag I can respect


I hope she’s OK taking a knee…eventually.


How dare she disrespect a flag by wearing it. I demand she removes it, right now!


That half went by really quickly, I would like the next one to do so as well.

King Hippo

yes, I am sleepy and find both of these sides slighty less-than-neutral


Relax all, your favorite #1 Dallas Texas Footbaw Cowboys homer is here. I missed the opening TV bullshit, I’m here to watch football. If I want to read the fucking Huffington Post or watch FOX news, I’ll do it later.
All that aside, I think Suzy Kolber should be the banner image for anyone doing a Wiki search for MILF.


Oh, I almost forgot…

King Hippo

the 2nd quarter went a little better for our ham-headed pal, eh?


Hello, sir

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Jerry Jones hires domestic abusers.


Not Japanese Wrestling, but worth sharing:


Why did I not get the memo we’re having a joshi night?

Brick Meathook

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the Alpha and the Amoeba

So that’s why he retired


Sometimes, Japanese wrestling is exactly what you think it would be.
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Gruden: “Back to back sacks!”
Rodgers: “I’m interested.”

Doktor Zymm

That Arizona pocket is like a fucking bear trap

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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That bear’s reaction: “I should have smelled the Aspercreme and Depends before they got this close.”


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When I see her in costume as Squirrel Girl, its going to give birth to some weird ass fetishes for me

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

We are nut here to judge.


I’d bust a nut for her.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You see, that squirrel joke can go either way.


Hahahaha…I knew I could find it. Thanks google.


So who wants to move to China with me and start a business?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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You know you love me.


Fuck Dallas
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Last time I had to pay $100 for that.


Damn, did he forget to put the seat down again?

Doktor Zymm

Hooray! I’m glad someone has been saying it here while I was yelling it without voice transcription on!

Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The first ref who found Georgia Frontiere’s G-spot.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Georgia Frontiere’s G-spot


Did you say that twice, or is there an echo?

Spanky Datass

… echo? … echo? … echooooooo

Brick Meathook

oh now i get it

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I just wanted to see it; could be a band name, sorry.


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The Maestro

Well, looks like I haven’t missed much. Someone on their knees for Jerry Jones before game time, as usual…

Wait you’re telling me it was actually Jerry on his knees, along with everyone else??

You’re telling me there’s room for yet ANOTHER gay joke in a sport that already features Aaron Rodgers, skintight pants AND running commentary from Troy Aikman?


Dak Prescott is a fucking thug. I bet he quietly hates #OURANTHEM.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Oklahoma University Ran Them?


Ohio University Rant Hem?

King Hippo




The problem with “escaping” to hockey to avoid politics are the ever present white republicans who can’t play up the sports virtues without disparaging the other leagues. Particularly the NBA

Doesn’t matter that nba have a far smaller roster than any other professional sport, doesn’t matter how much disproportionate criticism star players get, it’s still an us vs them mentality.

This shit infects everything. Dr who is about a body shifting alien, but hey, it’s out offhand to have a female in the series. Fuck


Oh man. Twitter is FULL of preening white people praising the Good White Foreigners right now.


Good White Foreigners.

That’s a great name for a bullshit hipster emo band.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I was thinking entertainment for a neonazi event.


Thinking out of the box. I like it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Correct; they DON’T get laid that much; thus the anger and self loathing.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Oh, you meant…….


It is a good band name and I don’t think the genre matters.


Gotta know your audience, tho.


Preening White People isn’t a bad choice, either.

King Hippo

The NBA does suck, Brocky.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

full o thugs and gang bangers smgdh.

King Hippo

don’t forget the shifty Europeans!


Don’t get me started on the Turks.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Fucking Latvians!


Why? Because the league is top heavy with only a handful of teams looking competent? Like EVERY other sports league on the globe? Like every other time in the nba’s time?


Oh jesus fuck. They just explained Cesaro’s mouth injury. He actually had his two front teeth rammed 4 mm up into his gums. How was he even walking let alone jumping around for 15 minutes?


Cesaro is not human.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Too bad his dental plan doesn’t cover this.


If he says the word insurance, Vince will have him deported.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Well, he probably could only say “inthurdunths” right now anyway.


The Wrestling Thread in That Other Website just found out and everyone is in pain. I knew about it, and even my teach are hurting now.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I have to take aspirin for my teach.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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