It was my birthday Monday, so I guess we’re doing one of those kinds of posts. (It was also The Maestro’s birthday Monday, confirming the ol’ “How many people does it take for two people to share the same birthday?” thought question.) So with that and my new age, it’s not 25 Questions, but 32 Questions on… whatever. Let’s see where my ramblings take us!
- Highlight of my birthday? Well, this weekend was also Senorita Weaselo and my 5th anniversary, so we basically did that stuff. Considering the car crash was on her birthday, I wasn’t feeling super celebratory on a just-me end. We did see a short shamisen concert and try out a Japanese bakery all in the same area (Japan Village at Industry City). At some point we’ll do belated birthday stuff for each other. Or at least her, considering hers was ruined.
- Do I think that it’s hilarious that in Demon Slayer Zenitsu is a fantastic shamisen player during the Entertainment District arc? Yes, and it checks out with Thunder Breathing and his sense of hearing. And also his being a massive simp.
- At what point do birthdays stop being milestoney numbers-wise and start being “meh, okay”? I think the inflection point is 31. Nobody cares about 31, and even more so nobody cares about 32. Next milestone for me is 35, because then I can run for president! (Weaselo 2028: A More Perfect Union)
- “A more perfect union” …that doesn’t accidentally sound fascist, right? I’d be going more for the “Listen, we’re clearly not perfect, but as long as we keep striving to make things better the ideals are still on track.” As Porco Rosso put it, “I’d rather be a pig than a fascist.”
- Brief sidetrack: Favorite Ghibli movie, go. (For me, I loved Porco Rosso, and also believed it or not loved The Wind Rises. Do I secretly like plane movies?)
- Speaking of milestone numbers, since Hermana Weaselo’s 30th birthday is going to be on a Friday the 13th, I know she’s already decided on a Tim Burton themed party (aka, “The Nightmare Before 30”). Which Tim Burton character should I go as?
- This is absolutely more of an offseason thing, but why didn’t the rest of us do the “our life” playlist? It was just Balls and me, but I thought the rest were gonna run with it.
- Similarly, why haven’t I kept up on my regular columns? Well, 1) the banner bracket takes time and we just got polls working again a few months ago; 2) I haven’t been home enough to go ham on my hot sauce, (which includes putting it on ham)—I have not gone grocery shopping in months; 3) I didn’t watch the Sin City Slugfests because I was busy mentally recovering from car crash, so watching vehicles crash into each other might not have been the best medicine for it, even if that’s what they’re designed to do. We will have the Golden Bolt Finals either tomorrow, if I can watch all the fights tonight, or next week, and then the Beaties will follow after that, either the week or two weeks after.
- Hey, it’s ahead of BattleBots Update, since Draco is *checks notes* doing stuff like playing for Extra Life and being a good human being, but isn’t that what it’s all about, being ahead of the game over my made-up sitcom style rival? (In reality the bit I’ve talked with him online he’s great and is aware of the column, but we all know it’s about commitment to the bit!)
- (That and my long-running suspiciously specific denial of a man-crush on Will Bales, but doesn’t everyone have that?)
- Related to #5, do I still owe Doktor Zymm a bottle of Djablo hot sauce? Yes.
- Did I buy it? Yes.
- Do I have a House of Pain lined up between it, the Aubrey D’s Rebel sauce I got two years ago for winning the Freezer Vodka league, and the Szechuan peppercorn ghost pepper sauce they gave me at Heatonist because they had a new sauce they were about to drop, I tried it, and pinpointed what the flavors were? Also yes. (They did not give me the mystery sauce.)
- Would I get that mystery sauce? Eh. It serves a specific purpose, and I don’t know if I need a sauce for that purpose, because I don’t eat breakfast. (Here’s the sauce in question.)
- Do I just need to go to the post office and send the aforementioned Djablo sauce to her? Also yes.
- Am I probably just going to wait for the next time she’s in her old stomping grounds, which is to say the next time she’s in the city? Yeah, probably. Also for trading Pokemon purposes.
- Speaking of, does anyone have a Torkoal or Relicanth? I need them to finish my Hoenndex. In addition to the usual regionals (namely anything from Hoenn on).
- Am I still playing Pokemon Go? Yes. I’m Level 45.
- Is it as good as it was? No, the change on remote raids pissed people off and even in the outer boroughs it’s tough to find people to do a raid, but it’s easy to keep playing on with all the mileage I do, and I still need to catch *checks* 581 more Dragon-types to platinum the Dragon type, and that’s the last type I need to platinum.
- Fuck, I oversold this immediately. Uh, best birthday present? Well, the violins were Christmas present, so birthday might be a little more muted. Honestly off the top of my head I’m not sure regarding birthday presents. Last year Padre Weaselo did get me an Adam Fox sweater, so that was pretty cool.
- Speaking of, why is “Bagels and Fox” both the best and dumbest thing I’ve ever heard? (Dumbest because of the name.)
- What are some other potential hometown kid/hometown product ad spots that would be fantastic? (Since Foxy’s a Long Island kid.) I’m talking like Joe Mauer doing something for a place that sells tater tot casserole.
- So am I going to Chelsea tomorrow for the Meet & Greet? No, because I have to be at work at 9, and I don’t care how quiet it is for my tutoring hour, I can’t casually go up the E train five stops, hang with Foxy, get a sesame bagel with cream cheese, Nesquik, and a bag of kettle chips, and come back down.
- Relatedly, because he went in the Hall this week, but is there a picture of Henrik Lundqvist where he doesn’t look dashing? (The answer is no.)
- Less of a question but more of a comment, but I’m glad that I got peer pressured by my friends into actually following hockey so I could keep up with conversations. So the question: What sport(s)/team(s) have you gotten peer pressured into following?
- Conversely, I did not get peer pressured into attempting to play chess, that was just watching the World Championship a few years back. Who here’s got a chess.com account? I admittedly just got to 800 in daily games and I’m only a 500 in rapid because I think I have less time than I actually do and end up blundering something. Normally a rook, but occasionally my queen.
- Actually the mistake right now in this 3-day game was with 4. Qe2 after 3.… Bc5, which will result in either my losing a pawn or my right to castle. Man, why am I shit at openings? (Actually, that’s simple to answer, because I don’t want to have to memorize openings after 1. e4 e5.) *sees what black did* Hey, it kinda worked out, I’m up a bishop for a pawn after move 6, I’ll take it!
- You know how to immediately fuck me up when I’m playing black? 1. d4. Then I can’t play 1.… e5, and have no idea what I’m doing and am just making shit up as I go along. Also bringing out your queen early, regardless of which side. Still gotta work on defending that. And don’t get me started on dealing with the Caro-Kann. Or why it works.
- Hey, can that be our next thing after the brief time we all won tWBS’s imaginary money in poker? Love him and miss him, but dude almost made me look competent in poker, and I notably suck at poker because I can’t bluff for shit. I can at least pull out a decent mid/endgame, it’s just my openings that are garbage.
- You know who knows I can’t bluff for shit? Senorita Weaselo, and that fortunately made it a whole lot easier for us to get together because I couldn’t hide my reactions, so you know what, I’ll take it.
- Oh look, we’re almost at the end. Everyone still with me?
- Hey, don’t you love it when these end with a punchline? Well, I don’t got one. Onto the news!
-Deshaun Watson needs shoulder surgery and is out for the rest of the year.
-This is as opposed to Leighton Vander Esch, who is once again injured (neck) and out for the year. Because at least with him we feel bad! This could be the end of his career!
-Tom Brady’s trying to do a Space Jam on CJ Stroud, and all it’s costing him is potentially a Super Bowl ring, and he’s got seven of those. I guess we’re all Ohio State fans now, so congrats, Redshirt!
Wednesday Night MACtion
Not the Bills vs. Definitely not the Dolphins (Buffalo vs. Miami OH, 7:00, ESPN2)
Not The Rivalry: Mid-chigan vs. ~The (Central Michigan vs. Ohio, 7:00, ESPNU)
HIT SOMEBODY! (Fun fact, it’s Letterman saying that on the album)
Gritty’s… gain of any remaining sanity? vs. Vichy Whalers (PHI vs. CAR, 7:30, TNT)
Gorton’s Fishermen vs. Whales on Skates (NYI vs. VAN, 10:00, TNT)
Chaos Dunks
Fuck these teams on principle, but they are pretty good: (BOS vs. PHI, 7:30, ESPN)
BEAAAAAAAAAAM vs. Not Staples (SAC vs. LAL, 10:00 ESPN)
JV Chaos Dunks
Marmadukes vs. *Senor gets annoyed by “Yarrrr”* (Albany vs. Seton Hall, in progress, FS1)
Getting dunked on by Patrick Chewing vs. Somehow now longer the most egregious conference shift (Georgetown vs. Rutgers, 8:30, FS1)
I still hesitate to say so but it’s raining and it’s cold so I’m gonna do it anyway.
Pedro had no summer this year. We went from spring/ summer to fall/ winter and it never got too hot.
I realize I’m pissing off the furies by saying this but it’s been fucking incredible.
/ waits for hottest Christmas on record
Totally legit, although I’m pretty sure I’m nawt in with SoCal gods so my approval means nothing
One million cent idea: green eggs and ham bikini
OR…. Hear me out:
Eggs and green ham bikini for those with chlymydia.
Not actually this week’s matchup, but I don’t think Alaska flies to Cincinnati and I’m too lazy to find a Philadelphia napkin
Good enough. #AlaskaAir rules no matter where they go.
It was darker than 6 feet up a well diggers ass out there this morning. Should have worn the watch cap with built-in head lamp. But I survived. Just goes to show what a charmed life I enjoy.
Assuming that’s nawt a straight line six feet, because while everyone has moar than 6 feet of intestine, there are very few if any who have a mouth 6 feet or moar above their asshole
You are correct Ma’am.
USA 17, the 2010 America’s Cup winner. 17 tons, 113 ft overall length, 180 foot mast, with a rigid wingsail presenting 13,700 sq ft of sail area.
This boat could reach speeds 2 to 2.5 times the true wind speed. In fact, it was so fast that when it was sailing downwind it was going faster than the true wind speed so that it was effectively always sailing upwind.
Note the helmsman up on the starboard outrigger. This photo shows the original soft-sail sloop rig, prior to the windsail conversion.
That looks scary as fuck but I would totally try to sail it (after an appropriate training period)
Yes, and absolutely not
Just learned displacement is the same as weight for boats. Hard to believe 17 tons moves that fast under any circumstance.
Summer blueberry
The sun low in November
A beer of contrasts
I suck at drunk haiku
No one is good at haiku. The best excuse you have is that you’re drunk when writing.
As long as I could pass a 16th century civil service exam, I wouldn’t want to end up with a shitty career if I get stranded in the past again
I was a poet
I didn’t even know it
that was a haiku
I was a dumbass
Princess is pissed off at me
I really fucked up
You know what to do
Apologize right now, serf
Or off with your head!
I am a moron
Lost sight of the greater point
Have to be wiser
Most people are dumb
or so I say to myself
It isn’t just you
When various things in this photo were made (L-R, top-bottom):
1944, 1983 1964, 1974, 1962, 1967, 1959, 1943, 1951, 1958, 2021, 2000, 2004 2022, 1920.
Those binders are some real antiques.
How can you have bakelite without bakeheavy?
In a sea of photographic history distant and no-distant past, Tricky Dick is always watching.
Sneaky bastard. He’s taping too.
Wifey has been looking for a lamp like that for years.
Just search Amazon for “Catalina Bankers Desk Lamp”
Christmas list impacted. Thank you Sir.
If you please sir, I’d like that phone!
We all need to just pillage Bricks house after slipping him a micky.
I remember my parents having one of those old phones when I was a kid. I know it used to still work and was plugged in to the landline for most or all of my childhood, I can remember using it. I wonder if they still have it, probably still packed in some box from when they moved though.
Rudy Gobert should have been suspended for the season. Did you see the way his neck attacked Draymond’s arm? Totally inexcusable.
For some dumb chess, try the app “Really Bad Chess”. The number of a given piece can be changed to whatever. 4 queen’s, sure. All pawns, sure. Just the back row, giver.
Also, it’s Manos Day, if you hate yourself and want to watch the worst things ever.
Update: BattleBots Beat next week, on account of I’ll take the extra week to actually watch the fights.
I am an old person and yes, it was better back then
I agree with all four
I, too, am an old person. These are all correct.
Mine is, I think all upgrades to existing programs (I’m looking at you PowerPoint) should come with the up front Retain Classic Look option. I’m sick of going on egg hunts to find the fuckin duplicate icon.
My old person trait is I still like sending letters to my friends, well thought out and hand written. These damn kids with their “telegraph grams” or whatever they’re called are just too impersonal and curt! And don’t even get me started on party lines or women voting…
I believe that I ought to be able to use a product or service without being asked to review it. What am I, Leonard Maltin?
I have permanent survey fatigue at this point. If I take your survey it means you done fucked up bad
My old person trait is . . . I can’t remember.
My old person trait is that it is not a good party if cameras are being used.
My other old person trait is that I have an arsenal of vintage photo flashbulbs and the slide rules that meter them and the cameras that use them and everything works perfectly and there is film in the freezer. However, I never take pictures with them because I hate photography.
Ironic that you hate something you’re good at.
Highly ironic.
It’s like Spain on your Redding day
As for Tim Burton characters, Tor Johnson is your best bet, and his head has been a best-selling and readily available Halloween mask for decades:
Just put on a stuffed bullet bra, a cashmere sweater, and go as Ed Wood.
As of now I’m going Sweeney.
Pecan pie beer with a snickerdoodle cookie? Eh, don’t want sweet though. Maybe more grapefruit IPA and I’ll try the lasagna soup
Real headline anyone can enjoy

This is why I grow organic guns in petri dishes. They shoot teeth which confuses medical examiners in a really entertaining way!
Rule 34 could also be in play here.
Sorry New York Times, I’m pretty sure “politician talks to other politician then declares it a success” is NAWT breaking news
I watch Hoarders, don’t ask why, and about 2% of me really feels for these people. The other 98% feels they should be run over with threshing machines and then used to fertilize crops.
Don’t watch Hoarders.
Are you insane?
Only after those threshing machines take care of my neighbors who have gotten into the habit of putting their trash, including bagged pet shit, just outside their door in a freaking apartment complex because they are too damn lazy to walk the 20 seconds to the dumpsters. And then they wonder aloud why there are flies all around our doorway area. IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE FILTHY. And they don’t even have the excuse of a mental disorder!
Okay, here’s what you do.
Buy some bleach and ammonia.
Mix them together in a sealed container.
Open the container in front of their door, then knock and run away.
If that doesn’t work, I have a contact who takes care of things.
They live about 6 feet away. I’m gonna need a shaped charge
Having the same issue. Except it’s a fucking rat infestation now.
I fixed the initial ant infestation 6 months ago. Maddening.
I watch it, and then start cleaning like my Grandma, because I’m so squicked out! It’s very motivational.
Just play chess with old people, they’re from the era when queens didn’t come out
Glances at the door, waiting for Buddy Cole to arrive
I’ve got my own sitting in Drafts, but I kept on squeezing out Request Line topics so it never ran. We’ll definitely need to go down that route next summer though.
Do I think that it’s hilarious that in Demon Slayer Zenitsu is a fantastic shamisen player during the Entertainment District arc? Yes, and it checks out with Thunder Breathing and his sense of hearing. And also his being a massive simp.
Ok so I know some of those words individually, but together they are Urdu,
As for the Tim Burton character…
Ok, semi-serious answer for Tim Burton costumes…
You: Sweeney Todd or Edward Fortyhands
(I really like ArmednHammered suggestion of Otho)
Her: Corpse Bride or Mrs. Peregrine
You can only be edward fortyhands on your OWN birthday
But he’d be really fun and she’s really enjoy it! IT’S HIS PRESENT TO HER!
SHE can be Edward fortyhands. HE cannot on that day. BUT he could be corpse bride and help her out with the whole having forties instead of hands thing and FUN WILL BE HAD BY ALL. ALL.
Fine, we’ll team up and plan the party.
What’s our budget?
I already have some duct tape, I haven’t checked the price of a forty recently but if they’re more thanb $5 I dispair for humanity. Let’s chuck in $10 each and we can also get Senor some Mad dog
We’re still good:
About treefitty
Go as that creepy sculpture in Beetlejuice.
Courtland Sutton posted this

For Tim Burton characters, I would suggest Max Shreck but play it as Max Shrek. So hear me out, you’d be a big green Shrek ogre but in a suit with a top hat and talking like Christopher Walken.
Rule 34 is in play here!
Does anyone else only understand around 43% of what the weasel was talking about here?
wipes away tear of pride
Yeah not great that I speak hippo more fluently than young person.
The English don’t really have great asses
Yes, but if I had to smell an English ass, or an English tooth, I’d go with ass.
My influence is increasing…
Just Q2 and Pokemon. Also, still can’t decipher the chess moves abbreviations unless I have a picture of the board in front of me, much less all the chess strategies.
I got almost none of it, but I am an old.
*checks Pokemon app, realizes she’s right next to a gym with a 1 star raid going on, catches some stupid frillish, closes app and returns*
How are we not lucky friends??
Oh, and I totes have a torkoal for you. Just tagged it so I don’t purge it by accident
Oh Pokemon. You were responsible for three cracked screens during your heyday – and all three were broken within hours of one another.
Well done I think!
We were on vacation when all this happened. Once the middle child brought in the third broken device, I looked at my wife and said, “Let me know how this turns out”, then I went down to the beach and got shitfaced.
That’s one way to solve the overcrowding issue…
Pacific rainstorm rollin’ in:
Hell yeah. Bulldoze the ocean is the real Pacific battle.
The guys who work for the county here doing beach maintenance have the greatest protected civil service pensioned jobs in the universe, maybe second only to the guys who mow the lawn at Punchbowl National Cemetery at Diamondhead on Oahu, where all the grave markers are flat and flush to the ground and they just drive tractors all day in the Hawaiian sun and they don’t even have to go around anything.
My god. If I knew this was a job I’d have done things much differently.
We’re having some thunder and lightning here in the desert, it’s pretty cool. Rain is welcome.
Rain is awesome
I’ll take thunder and lightning. But enough with the rain already. We’re good up here.
We’re starting on wet season up here in the Bay too. Nothing as fun as lightning though!
I mean, Pee Wee Herman counts as a Tim Burton character, right?
Or a spinoff, like Rabbi Scissorhands
He can tell everyone that Large Marge sent him.
¡Felicidades Señor!

5. Spirited Away
Tim Burton character: Otho from Beetlejuice
OSU team/alumni/fans to DFO
Due to the media it always feels like it’s Ohio versus America, but now Harbsy Voyeur has made it official.
Happy Birthday Senor, Maestro, Fozz, and any other Scorpios who may be lurking!
much obliged i am now the official speed limit of these united states
7- Yeah! What the fuck, man??
1- “so we basically did that stuff”. Butt stuff??
“Which Tim Burton character should I go as?”
Perhaps a member of the Halloween Town Band (hmm. Don’t see a violin player though, unfortunately)
This site is so goddamn old, I remember when Weaselo was single.
I always read it as Wumbo and then Weaselo was something from the cartoon in the image.
Ex: scotchnaut Wednesday with Crabby Patties
Oh so he’s the same guy as Señor then too!
Right on top of things, our Blax!