Requiescat in Passaic: Tuesday Open Thread

First confirmed kill of the season goes to: A.A.Ron!

That’s right- Robert Saleh is No More in the Big Apple. Well, the drainage field next to the Big Apple. Whatever.

Owner Woody Johnson announced the firing after the Jets dropped to 2-3 in London with a lifeless showing against Minnesota. Overall, Saleh ends with a 20-36 record, while the defensive coordinator assumes interim Head Coach responsibilities.

How do I figure Aaron Rodgers is to blame for this? Couple things:

  1. For the last 16 months, nothing has happened in the Jets organization without Rodgers’ consent, if not prompting,
  2. Rodgers has made little effort to disguise his disagreements and tension with Saleh, and
  3. Woody Johnson specifically stated that the decision was “mine and mine alone.” That’s not something a real owner who is in actual control of his organization says.

It’s hard to judge the contribution (or lack thereof) Saleh made to his dismal record. For the majority of his tenure, he was staked to Zach Wilson as his starting quarterback. When Wilson was riding pine, his primary options were Mike White and Tim Boyle. I feel confident that the greatest offensive minds of the last 30 years would have struggled to reach .500 with that Murderers Row at the game’s most important position.

Now, a normal franchise would take a hard look at the GM who provided the chocolate teakettles that Saleh was obliged to use. But no- Joe Douglas somehow remains in his job despite having one good draft round in the last five years.

The reason, of course, is that Aaron likes Joe Douglas. He says “bring me Allen Lazard and Randall Cobb” and Joe just fetches his shovel and goes down to the churchyard to dig up the corpses. If he doesn’t land Davante Adams, though, watch for another summary execution.

It really is fascinating to watch these assholes triple down on their bad Rodgers bet, because it is such a beautifully Rich White Business Guy thing to do. The Brilliant Plan was perfect, sir, no question, sheer artistry. It must be the coach’s fault for failing to properly execute your Vision.

Anyway, Saleh seems universally respected, so he should be snapped up by some team as at least a DC for a year.


-That raspy, rustling sound you hear? That’s half a million TAWWMY clones taking down their sweatpants and polishing their knobs with their TB12 Special Time Towels, because IT’S DRAKE MAYE TIME IN NEW ENGLAND! Despite Coach Mayo’s steadfast support of Jacoby Brissett, the 1-4 start with no signs of life was too much. Normally I advocate for sitting a rookie QB until at least the bye week. But I get it- if Mayo waited until Week 14, he would likely be killed.

-Rashee Rice had surgery on one of his knee ligaments today. It’s a real tragedy when you’re out there minding your own business and some guy hits you out of nowhere, huh Rashee?

-Staggered bye weeks suck. Every team should have the weekend before Thanksgiving off. Make that the trade deadline too, so the talking heads have something to occupy them.

-Sean McDermott delenda est.


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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
Feared conqueror; scholar; poet; revered holy man; professional raconteur; soldier of fortune; aloof yet thorough lover; bandit; blazing gypsy speedboat. I have been called some of these things.
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One part of our travel planning that I feel is somewhat inefficient is the process of the Dr. Mrs. sending me 8,000 word articles from Conde Nast and me adding every single restaurant mentioned to our Google map for the trip and then going to none of them.


We had an election debate in BC tonight. Just look at this fucking energy!

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The guy on the left is the the Conservative, who said he wants a Nuremberg trial for the Provincial health officer during the pandemic. The giant in the middle is the current NDP Premier & is mostly responsible for not better regulating provincial drug treatment. The lady is from the Green Party & has to face accusations of being a spoiler for the Conservatives by bleeding away left-wing votes, and has to answer for the guy she replaced who is actively working for the Conservatives.

These three fucksticks are what I have for choice. I pity the fuck out of all y’all who have a ballot next month the size of a newspaper.


ESPN announcers just openly mocking the Chicago Blackhawks power play. Good. I get the whole rebuilding thing, but organizations should be shamed for icing shitty teams.


“power play”

Gonna take a bit to get used to these wacky terms


A power play is what Aaron Rodgers did to get his coach fired.

Icing is what the Bengals did to their own kicker.

Glad to help!


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“shitty icing”

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What SoCal police department just got a Cybertruck?

If you guessed “Irvine” you’ve been to Irvine.


I mean I feel like “Huntington Beach” would also have been a perfectly valid guess.


Yes, they would’ve put a “cop flag” skin on it.


And like a dozen Punisher logos.


The Beverly Hills PD uses BMW motorcycles, which sounds made up but is absolutely true.

Doktor Zymm

First bike to have anti-lock brakes

Last edited 11 hours ago by Doktor Zymm
Mr. Ayo

Mets. Padres. Collusion course.

I will have to regretfully abandon our rocking dog for that matchup.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

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Game was officially rockin.

Doyers are one loss away from winning as many playoff series as the Angels this season.

They should get rid of Ohtani and let him go to a good team.




ROCKING! is right

Horatio Cornblower

“Is Shohei Ohtani Actually Bad For Baseball?”: My article!!!


Tom Delonge sighting!
They were singing All The Small Things at the game!

Gooooo Padres! ⚾️

That’s Rocking!!!

*sorry I’m posting from Xitter


He was only there to find UFOs.


“One of Brett’s ex-girlfriends pranked my wedding by phoning that in to the DJ as a request.” – Deanna Favre

Game Time Decision

Every team should have the weekend before Thanksgiving off

Um, Thanksgiving is this weekend


Enjoy the traditional Roughriders vs. Rough Riders game!


It will be Rough!


The Roughriders are favored by a rouge




I didn’t know we could upload mp3’s as media! EVERYONE LISTEN TO THIS RIGHT NOW!

Link to mp3

Last edited 12 hours ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

John Ruf (yes, THE John Ruf) was quite possibly the very first person I saw perform after I moved to LA. He was the opening act for…I can’t even remember who…at the El Cid.


I kid of course, because John Ruf did not have the kind of musical career that I had hoped he might. It still cracks me up to listen to that song.


Airline is supposed to allow check-in 24 hours prior to the flight. It is fifteen minutes past that deadline, check-in is not yet available, and the Dr. Mrs. is already demanding that I phone them.


Just go straight to the airport, check in at the counter, and wait there until the flight tomorrow.


You’ll bring me In-N-Out for lunch?


Regular fries, don’t have Animal money.


Are vacuums allowed as carry-on, or do they have to be checked?


They will make her turn it on at the gate. She will then vacuum the entire airport, and they will miss their flight by days.


Man, and I thought I was in trouble for calling WineWife the dishwasher.

Doktor Zymm

Have you tried refreshing the page?


Turns out we had to check in via Iberia, which is a different airline. Kind of irritating that neither of them notified us as much when the 24-hour window opened. Major points to the Dr. Mrs. for actually finding that information somewhere.


Another view of the Tatis HR!
This was pretty ROCKING!!!

Mr. Ayo

Put in the Louvre! Game winning run scored and batted in there.


Evening. I see we’re all off our fucking rockers tonight.

Senor Weaselo



Well, I just filled out my ballot so I feel a little better.

I think the guy across the street with the Steve Garvey For Senate sign is gonna be mad at me.


Hopefully Luis Tiant has a better shot


About the same, that being zero.


Ours came today. Very excited to get them in the ballot box tomorrow!


We got them yesterday and dropped them off today. It was very satisfying.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers


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Horatio Cornblower

Oh god, just keep moving a little more south, just a little more south…

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

If we get a cold front, it’ll shrivel up perfectly.

Brick Meathook

Wait, doesn’t Tom Brady still own property in Tampa Bay? Not that I’d want to see an entire city destroyed just to cause him a minor inconvenience, but…no, never mind. Forget I even mentioned it.


But it’s also where Baker Mayfield parks his football van!


Just watched a video of the NOAA Hurricane Hunters flying into Milton. Much respect to those people because fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.

Horatio Cornblower

Yeah, I saw that. That, and they, are insane.


I’m terrified of the tiniest little turbulence bump. I can’t imagine deliberately flying into a hurricane.


Hard same. I don’t like to fly for that reason. I mean I’ll do it, I just need some pills and liquid courage.

Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook

When you said you had some DP videos, I expected different.

Brick Meathook

Gonna read this as “DP Facial” and that’s that.

Horatio Cornblower

You are not alone in that.


“Riley Reid has entered the chat”.


You confused Brick and Balls. Understandable.


Blue team losing? This is Rocking!

Don T

can indentify
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Horatio Cornblower

Once on Twitter, in a thread of the most difficult books to read, (I’d read Moby Dick and Gravity’s Rainbow and I think one other; I have no fucking idea what Pynchon’s on about), I said “I’ll never read Joyce, and that’s a promise” and The Irish Literary Society replied with “*huge intake of breath*” and it’s one of my favorite things ever.

Still never reading Joyce.


I read The Crying of Lot 49. At least it was short!

Horatio Cornblower


I kind of prefer the Pacific. So…..yeah…….

Don T

Jets should go with Rev’s version, because this one is a dream lawsuit for plaintiff’s attorneys
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Found a funny:

me: im a private chef

date: oh? what kinds of things do you cook

me: [eyes narrow] wouldn’t you like to know


I once met someone whose job was “private banker,” and I spent the rest of the evening trying not to start singing like Tina Turner: “I’m your private banker/ bank all your money”


Did you not have enough to drink. Missed opportunity.


She was hot and I had vague hopes of dating her.

So, a missed opportunity in two ways.

Horatio Cornblower



Better than ASU

Horatio Cornblower

Not naming the team The Stormin’ Mormons is right up there with Cleveland choosing Guardians over Spiders, or Washington choosing Commanders over (holds up Webster’s Unabridged English Dictionary) literally everything in here, as Worst Marketing Decision ever.

Col. Duke LaCross

The Salt City Soakers!


Salt Lake City [*Redacted] s!

*said with honor


I broke a string playing tennis this evening, which always makes me feel like a more legitimate player.


Ouch, got hit in the tampon, eh?


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Be sure to have a long discussion with your stringer about the merits of using different tensions on the cross strings vs. the mains, you’ll feel very professional.

Horatio Cornblower

RIP Luis Tiant. Probably deserved more consideration for the HoF than he got.

He was once signing autographs outside the sandwich kiosk he had outside of Fenway. I gave him my Yankees cap to sign. He gave me shit about asking him to sign that hat. I pointed out that I saw him pitch while wearing that hat for two years. He laughed and signed away. I still had to pay for the sandwich.

Still have the hat.

Brick Meathook

Down the street, early this morning:


It was downright Londonesque this morning. With straighter teeth.

Horatio Cornblower

How dare you, Sir?

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Last edited 13 hours ago by Horatio Cornblower

Home Run Kamala! Home Run Kamala!
Hold on, is Kamala the Dominican in white and yellow with the bat? Sorry, I don’t follow baseball.

Mr. Ayo

Tatis Jr. is Rocking!


Goooooo Padres! ⚾️

clint greasewood

Rodgers getting on the plane after Jets loss in London
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He sees Saleh
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The call is made to Woody
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Saleh is fired
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Doktor Zymm


Doktor Zymm

These are kind of amazing


Are those boots made for walking*?

*around a secret volcano lair

Doktor Zymm

They were sold out of my size so I got the jacket instead. I love tacky shit, but I just wasn’t up to the sequinned off-brand Uggs


That could be blinding on a sunny day!


Those boots and that jacket belong in one place and one place only… Vegas Baby!

Don T

Those would class up a Hogs-era mumu
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I think I just saw this picture in a Trump campaign ad. Something about Kamala paying for their operations or whatever.


I’m watching Dancing With the Stars with the missus. Gene Simmons is a judge tonight, and to his credit he isn’t botoxed ’til hell wouldn’t have it. He’s kind of a mess but it’s all natural. Dwight Howard just danced, and he kind of just stalks around out there. The exception proving the rule that athletes make good dancers.


He was actually known for having lousy footwork in the NBA. It was one of his biggest weaknesses.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Lady Commander on Ohtani:

He looks like he goes to Diddy parties and watches.


Yes, that’s why I’m glad he’s not on my team anymore.

Horatio Cornblower

I thought it was because now the Angels didn’t have to explain why they had two of the five best players in the game in their line-up and were still in last place.

Seriously, what cursed Indian burial ground did Disney plow under to put that stadium up?


We’ve never lost a World Series and the weather is perfect every game.

Also, Disney only owned the team for a few years. And Arte Moreno sucks so much I wish Disney would reacquire them.


I am so goddamn sick of this campaign and nine years of people acting like Trump is the Antichrist when he’s a simple dolt who sometimes tells the truth by accident. There are genuine demons in American politics, but he’s just a fucking loser who happened to make the Democrats look like arrogant idiots (and they are). The choice is between a sixth Bush-Cheney term or a repeat by the hollowed out version of the guy who was a big standard republican on domestic policy but somehow less of a warmonger than every president since Hoover. There is no choice or illusion of choice. The only good news I ever read is about China actually experiencing increase in quality of life. This country has not just given up but wants to bring down everything else around us in the process.

Fuck it. I am comfortable enough not to care and will leave nothing behind. So who cares what I think. I just wish both of these right wing cocksuckers could lose.


But Kamala is a cop. So fuck her more. There is no force in the universe that will ever make me vote for her.


It must be so difficult for you, being so pure and morally superior to everyone. My sympathies.


This election is making my dad be glad he won’t have to live with the consequences of either candidate.


“Sucker. Thanks for the vote.”

-Cornel West

Horatio Cornblower

Someone down the street from me has a Cornel West 2024 sign out in front of their house and it’s the funniest fucking thing I see most days.

West is one of the biggest grifters out there, just ask his exes.


Less of a warmonger? He told Bibi to use nukes the other day. What the actual fuck?


In his defense, even he doesn’t know what he’s saying.


The people who are pulling his strings do.

Horatio Cornblower

Trump and his minions thank you for this horrifically bad take.


To be fair, um, purple monkey dishwasher?


Easy Trent, back to the ball pit with you.

Doktor Zymm

Maye, Mayo, where’s Maya, Mayi, and Mayu?

Saleh will be better off elsewhere, now that he’s gone I can full bore dislike the Jests.


Darnold calling to invite him to the Jets Survivors group meetings, it gets better.


Is that the Boeing sponsored Jets Survivors Group?

Don T

Totally agree on the Saleh firing. I think any team would be lucky to have him as a DC.
But everyone off on the weekend before Thanksgiving is folly. No fitbaw in late fall is logic gone mad! Just thinking of the off week before the Owl makes me [shivers, drops phomft35 hv


Middle Easterners and Jets have a not so great history. I don’t blame the Jets for extra security to walk out Saleh




This may be the first time the Liberals are openly supporting a turn to the Right.

Don T

That’s a novel right there.