I’ve greatly enjoyed the Olympics. I think I’ve enjoyed them more because the coverage is more focused on the action itself instead of all the hoopla around it. I haven’t seen one story about sex in the Olympic Village and I’m really happy about that. Which brings me to this:
Trigger Alert: Old Man Rant
What The Fuck ever happened to “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”?
I understand that we live in a different world than the one that I grew up in, but I think a big part of society changed for the worst when cell phones became cameras with the ability to make a phone call.
God forbid you actually make a phone call on your cell phone these days, though. The only people I’ve seen talking on cell phones are businesspeople and old farts. These kids today use them as entertainment centers and messaging vehicles. Whether they message each other through the text app or through Whatsapp or Snapchat or whatever other social media thing that exists out there for people to communicate, no one ever uses the phone as, you know, a PHONE.
I was thinking about getting old when I read an article in Variety this week (oh, you don’t read Variety? You must not know anyone in the biz…) about the demise of what was once the most influential radio station in the US: KROQ.
I may be writing this directly to SonOfSpam as he is the only one among us that I know of that grew up in Southern California. And I know he grew up listening to KROQ.
It’s become almost cliché (or as some pretentious assholes would call it, a parlor game) to figure out at what point “KROQ died” for different people. I started listening to KROQ in the very early 80s. I want to say 1981 or 1982. The station at the time was located across the street from the Pasadena Hilton on Los Robles Avenue in beautiful Pasadena. Back then, the DJs would pronounce it as Passa-Duhna. I remember DJs like Dusty Street, Freddy Snakeskin, Jed The Fish, Ramondo, and Richard Blade. If you never listened to KROQ in those years, think Johnny Fever from WKRP but playing New Wave and loving being weird on the air. That was every KROQ DJ in those years except they all had their own special brand of weirdness.
Richard Blade’s autobiography, “The World In My Eyes”, tells the story of early KROQ really well. It was a groundbreaking station playing music that no one was playing. It broke New Wave in the US as well as several other styles of music that came out in the 80s. It got to the point that “KROQ music” was its own genre.
And, of course, as time tends to, it rolled on and things changed. First the morning show changed from Ramondo and the Blade to Richard Blade and Poorman and then Poorman left and then eventually Kevin and Bean came in and then Bean left and then Kevin left and I don’t even know what exists in that time slot.
You can also point to changes in ownership. When the station started its revolution, it was privately owned. Somewhere in the mid-80s, it got bought by a corporation. Then that corporation got bought by another corporation and then that got bought by another corporation. At what point did the station lose its soul due to increasing corporate influence? That’s another debate.
At the end of the 80s, the music changed too. Instead of going in the electronic/dance direction as Richard Blade and others wanted, KROQ went with grunge. New DJs came in, new music arrived and time rolled on. Eventually, we got to the 2000s and there was no more grunge and there was no more new wave and there was only “alternative” except no one knew what “alternative” was anymore.
When “alternative” is the mainstream, it’s not alternative.
I discovered satellite radio at some point and never looked back.
I honestly can’t tell you when I stopped listening to KROQ but I’m thinking it had to be sometime in the 2000s. It’s a very weird experience to have something that meant so much to you in your youth become something you ignore.
The program director of KROQ said in the Variety article that they made a conscious decision to let their listeners “age out” and to focus on attracting younger listeners.
That strategy makes sense on paper but it completely ignores the history of the station and what made it great in the first place. The people that grew up on that station loved it because they loved discovering new music. You don’t “age out” of that.
I listen to Sirius XM and, as I shared with you last week, I get excited when I hear a new song I like. The quest to discover cool new shit doesn’t “age”.
What happened with KROQ is that the music they played got progressively worse.
New is not necessarily good.
So, I write this with a bit of saudade.
I also write this as a message to all of you: Nothing, good or bad, lasts forever. The best we can do is enjoy the good things we have for as long as we can and as fully as we can.
That way, when you look back, you can look back with a smile and say, “Man, I lived through some cool shit!”
No sexy today. Instead, I want to focus on music. I’ll provide you some videos with lots of music in them that I hope you will like.
Hopefully, Anthony in TX will come along and share with us another one of his cool playlists with new music. The last time he shared one, I didn’t know a single artist on it and yet I really liked some of the songs.
Discover something new. See the world with fresh eyes. Be open to new experiences.
Jesus, I turned into tWBS so gradually I didn’t even notice…
As Dusty used to say when she signed off, “Fly low and avoid the radar!”
The problem with trying to attract younger listeners to terrestrial radio is that younger listeners don’t listen to terrestrial radio. They listen to Spotify or Apple Music.
I just got the booze, need some garnishes from Hippo
Young snoop and young dre…they basically boomers now
Goodnight you all. My side of the planet is just getting started. Ciao.
I’m falling asleep. One more bear, i swear this is the last one!
It’s probably not the last one.
I will always +1 a Rod Stewart tune. Even if it’s Disco Rod, which will annoy Gumbygirl.
Anything Rod pre ’80 was very cool.
I’m not internationally known…
Which is kind of ironic because he became internationally known as a result of this song.
“And I need you more than want you…”
There’s some bullshit modern version of this, with dudes who look unvaxxed, but this is the original Alcoholiday
The modern one….I don’t trust chubby white dudes with aviators who try to rap
I do appreciate white trash chicks, but you get too many white trash people together like that and the place just turns into a meth-lab trailer park.
An interesting thing about the video is that the white trash chicks are secondary, but I assume there is a fair amount of VD circulating in that scene
Sometimes late, when things are real, and people share the gift of gab between themselves. Some are quick to take the bait and catch the perfect prize that waits upon the shelf.
But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man.
The hard part about KROQ was when the owners sold out to Audacy or however they spell it.
Once in awhile they still play something.
I like this one.
But there is so much I don’t like with the new format
I keep listening because I love music so much.
It’s not a part of my life it’s a force in my life.
I miss live music.
This may be pre-empting a future Request Line, but… artists who died prematurely?
The obvious answers are people like Buddy Holly, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin… but I have to think that Jim Croce had so many many songs left in him.
Mark Bolan of T-Rex meets the same criteria. So much talent and a true rock and roll frontman.
We literally did that barely two months ago.
The first song I heard on KROQ that I remember was never say never.
I had a weird neighbor who looked exactly like this girl. She used to call people in the middle of the night and just breathe into the phone. I heard this song on Sirius the other day amd thought of her.
When I first got my new cell phone, replacing my flip phone, just two years ago… yeah I know. Just like Gibbs. I programed a funky acordian ring tone into it. Then I went for like 6 months without ever making or recieving a call. When I finally got an actual phone call, the ring tone (long forgotten) had me and all around at the time looking at each other with the WTF face. Litterally took me half a minute to figure out what was happening.
Are you new? Or am I just drunk? Either way, welcome!
2Pack is an OG.
Glad to see his hologram back here.
Thanks buddy
I am new but have followed for years. One of Beerguys catches recently. Sober for over 25 years but I still think fondly of my drinking daze. So nawt a prude.
Welcome back!
My mother recently helped her friend buy a flip phone and it was $250! My phone/weapon that runs Android was only $100 more and it can make its own snuff film, as it is capable of both recording video and killing a man.
I have seen that flip phones are coming back, with current high tech. I guess because it give you a bigger screen to waste away the day on.
Hello again, degenerates!
I have returned from the bar.
Then what happened?
You might be surprised
Eh, I started talking to some drunken folks online. Everything after that is a blur.
A nice grilled hot dog sounds good. Think I’ll be firing up the grill a lot this weekend.
Just remember to balance it with some healthier choices
Is there nothing she hasn’t shoved in her vagina? I think the ancient Mayans even hid a crystal skull in there.
Shit, I totally misread that Indiana Jones
I believe she calls it her yoni. I’m sure she was a Native American princess in a previous incarnation. She’s an obnoxious cunt in this one!
That’s the same thing that dude who wanted to give me ‘lessons’ by touching my genitals in the park called it
My hairdresser calls her vagina her “nah-nah.”
You’re so old
You think this history book is about you
10 short of the traveller’s century club. If all goes well, will add 2 in September.
Is that 100 countries or cities?
It’s sorta countries, they have their own list that includes historical territories. Plus they let you count layovers and such, although I only have one or two from that. https://travelerscenturyclub.org/countries-and-territories
Girl, you get around! (not in the slutty sense!)
Why not both? (Although not so much anymore) ;D
I really don’t need to order more Japanese snaxx, but these butter mochi senbai? GODDAMN THEY ARE GOOD
Guy hitting for the Angels right now looks like someone who would be last seen talking to Scotchy outside of a Tim Horton’s.
I am still drunk, but I also did the dishes and got the indoor/outdoor cat inside for the night.
What I’m saying is that the US might have won a gold medal in basketball tonight, but the real hero is yours truly.
Thank you for your service.
Truly, tonight has been my Vietnam.
I’m singing the anthem, and crying a little.
Me too, Gumbygirl, me too.