Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Just, Ugh

I was going to do a whole thing that was basically the beginning portion of The Beatles's "A Day in the Life" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usNsCeOV4GM and then decided "meh, not in the mood to talk about all the domestic violence that's going on." Seriously, what in the actual fuck people? Yes, I'm looking at

Your 2021* BattleBots Beaties! (Sponsored by Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo)

Hey, as long as they come out before I start writing about new season, I'll take it. So, you know, just in the nick of time. Hey, there weren't Giant Washer awards this year because my non-Mexican union equivalent Dracophile (of BattleBots Update) was apparently *checks notes* donating his time

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Recovering from Gigsmas

…Kinda, he said while on a gig at press time. Here was my schedule from Christmas Day to New Year's Day. 12/25: Christmas Mass in the morning (in New Jersey), rehearsal for a show in the afternoon (in Brooklyn)12/26: Said show12/27: Gig12/28: Taught two students. This was my obvious light day.12/29:

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Your 2022 Marble League Rolldown Breakdown

Well, the torch has gone out over The Pond in Draklin, and we have our new champions, and boy, are they not who you would have expected if I told you in the summer! Let's go through all 32 teams, both Marble League proper and Showdown squads, and give thoughts,

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Holiday Rush

It's that pre-Christmas rush, or as musicians know it, time to play the same things we play every goddamn year. Okay, that's a slight mistake. I haven't had anyone ask me to play The Nutcracker this year. Part of that might actually be a soft boycott on Tchaikovsky, due to goings-on

Wumbo Wednesday with Weaselo: Hazard Pay

In that I don't get it for having TWO gigs last week outdoors, in November. I instead get to play in poorly-heated tents. I'm still sick. I'm pretty sure Wednesday and Thursday I had bronchitis. Ain't nobody got time for that! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydmPh4MXT3g We can only hope that she's doing well. How did I

Ghost of Slave Labor, or, Your Japan World Cup Preview

Oh good, we're off to the races with a Ghost of Tsushima joke. Which, after hearing about the premise and reading the history, I can tell you with certainty after watching Senorita Weaselo play about 3 hours and then getting sidetracked with another game (twice), ends in the original definition