tWBS On Relationships – III (The Former tWLS)

This one's gonna hurt me, just so you know. And I know at the end of last week I said this would be a multi-parter.  I've changed my mind on that.  I'm just going to leave a lot of stuff out because... ....the better part of valor, one might say. OK, first for

Your “Berry Flavored” Friday Evening Open Thread

I don't have anything to say this week.  And if I did you wouldn't like it anyway. Count yourselves lucky. - Sports MLB Atlanta @ NYM - 7:00pmEDT - TV: MLBN (regional split) Chicago @ Cincinnati - 7:00pmEDT - TV: MLBN (regional split) That's about it. - Halle Berry is a queen. Enjoy...   Yowza.  I don't know if that

tWBS On Relationships – Part II (aka Why Is Gerald Here?)

OK, so in mid-May I drove up to Maryland.  I met up with some old High School friends and had some nice dinners.  Saw the Yankees beat the ever loving hell out of the Orioles.  You know, the standard fare. But that aside, when I checked into the hotel I was

Your Second Annual “Solstice, Schmolstice” Friday Evening Open Thread

Yep.  Another year, another first day of Summer again.  Which means I get to experience heat and humidity, and sweat and be uncomfortable, for another four months.  Yay. Last year on the summer solstice, we honoured Summer Glau. Which was fun.  We like her a lot. And holy shit, I can't believe that's

tWBS On Relationships – Part I

OK, I churned this out literally overnight after going back and forth on whether to even start writing this stuff.  I am not fully on board here with writing these posts, just so you all know.  And mostly it's because I'm still pissed off.  So don't get your hopes up

Your “Half Mast Kinda Night” Friday Evening Open Thread

I just got in from the airport at around 2am this morning after a cross country flight  (and boy are my arms tired). I was already cranky due to having to leave California and come back home to North Cackalacky in the first place.  Then I hit a snag in LA

Your “Guess Who Flew To California And Then Woke Up Sick Today?” Friday Evening Open Thread

Seriously, it's almost funny.  I woke up sick today.  Not sick enough to miss the pub crawl tomorrow.  But sick enough that I stayed in today and napped most of the day so that I wouldn't HAVE to miss the pub crawl tomorrow. Anyway, I have no idea what to talk

Your “Final Warning” Monday Evening Open Thread

This coming weekend (phrasing), Saturday June 8th to be specific, the first annual DFO LA Metro Pub Crawl is happening.  All DFO lurkers, commentists, stalkers, and authors are welcome!  That includes YOU, so you should be there.  But time grows short and you have to make your plans NOW!!!!! The concept