This one's gonna hurt me, just so you know. And I know at the end of last week I said this would be a multi-parter. I've changed my mind on that. I'm just going to leave a lot of stuff out because... ....the better part of valor, one might say. OK, first for
Author: theeWeeBabySeamus
Your “Soccer Hooligans Are The Bestest Hooligans” Early Saturday Open Thread
Your “Berry Flavored” Friday Evening Open Thread
I don't have anything to say this week. And if I did you wouldn't like it anyway. Count yourselves lucky. - Sports MLB Atlanta @ NYM - 7:00pmEDT - TV: MLBN (regional split) Chicago @ Cincinnati - 7:00pmEDT - TV: MLBN (regional split) That's about it. - Halle Berry is a queen. Enjoy... Yowza. I don't know if that
Wednesday Motivational – Part 1
tWBS On Relationships – Part II (aka Why Is Gerald Here?)
Your “S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!!!” Saturday Evening Open Thread
Your Second Annual “Solstice, Schmolstice” Friday Evening Open Thread
tWBS On Relationships – Part I
Your “Half Mast Kinda Night” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “Guess Who Flew To California And Then Woke Up Sick Today?” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “Minimum Effort” Tuesday Evening Open Thread Not much talky talk tonight. Almost none at all, actually. I'm not in the mood. Besides, the more I talk, the more I get myself into trouble. So let's not pull on that thread right now. Tonight is very quiet, Sportzballing-wise. Sorry. Plus I gotta wash clothes and pack to head to
Your “Final Warning” Monday Evening Open Thread
This coming weekend (phrasing), Saturday June 8th to be specific, the first annual DFO LA Metro Pub Crawl is happening. All DFO lurkers, commentists, stalkers, and authors are welcome! That includes YOU, so you should be there. But time grows short and you have to make your plans NOW!!!!! The concept