Even Harold Baines Thinks You Guys Were Wrong

Let me say that I genuinely like Harold Baines.  His handful of years as a Baltimore Oriole, and otherwise.  While in Baltimore, Baines didn't hit for power.  But he did DH and pinch hit to a tune of approximately .300 for his years in Baltimore.  Admittedly, that's impressive for a

A KHunt By Any Other Name Is Still a KHunt

‘Madden NFL 19’ Video Game Removes Former Chiefs Back Kareem Hunt  (Deadline.com) The video game company told CNN via email that Hunt will be removed from copies of the video game and replaced by a generic player with the same ratings and attributes. “The updates have fully gone through now, so Hunt has

Your “Let’s Get Stuffed” Friday Evening Open Thread

I've been in a weird mood lately.  Lotsa reasons for that, I suppose.  No need to go into all of them.  Or even any of them, actually. But my point is that this week's theme is well....ummmm.... Weird.... I have no idea why the idea for this week's theme popped into my head

Your “Well I Guess That’s Music Allegedly #2” Friday Evening Open Thread

Nearly a year ago I threatened to do this occasionally. And by "this" I mean thrill all of you with my horrible taste in music.  And the sexiness therein.  Well, it took me nearly a year to get back to it, but here we are. Well I Guess That's Music Allegedly #2....is

Your “Rooting For Another Tie” Sunday Night Football Open Thread

No, it's not Father's Day.  Not that kind of tie. Back in week 2, these two NFC North "juggernauts" treated us to a 29-29 tie of futility.  Let's hope for more of the same tonight, shall we? To coin a phrase from the lovely and talented Scotchnaut.... ....TO THE GAME!!!!! Packers @ Vikings (-3.5,

Your “Bad Medicine” Friday Evening Open Thread

Fair warning, I have no idea what to write about this week.  So I'm not even going to try. I've been burning the candle at both ends for the past several months in a lot of ways.  Much too much, actually. Now more recently, between excessive traveling, lack of sleep, dealing with

tWBS’ Adventures In The Swamp – Friday Evening Open Thread

I'm in Florida this week visiting a friend.  And aside from the reason I'm here, which is the aforementioned friend, which admittedly has been very nice and a lot fun... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8WLa6umgdw Well, that part aside... Simply stated, Florida is a shithole. I DROVE 12 HOURS FOR THIS???? Full disclosure, I hadn't been in the State

Your “Keep On Truckin'” Friday Evening Open Thread

I have no idea what to talk about, so I'm just going to talk about the good things which happened this week, because I've been an insufferable prick the past few weeks (trust me, I know that), and have been bitching about everything.  Sooooooooo.... First and foremost.... DAVE IS HOME!!!!!!!!! He was kidnapped

Rest In Peace, Mr. McCovey

I'm no Giants fan, to be sure.  But this man was a class act. And he could sure as shit mash a pitch. Willie McCovey dies at 80 after Hall of Fame career with San Francisco Giants  (CBSSports.com) McCovey starting in 1959 as a 21-year-old spent 22 seasons in the major leagues. All