Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – Round 3, 2017

Fair warning...this could get ugly... As you were all warned....errrrrr told last week, I am filling in for ballsofsteelandfury on AFL Beat for the next two weeks while he's jet setting all over the globe. Now, I'm not going to lie to you fine folks.  I'm very nervous about doing this... As everyone

Your “Saturday Night Cucker” Saturday Evening Open Thread

Yep, I know.  That title's gonna need some 'splaining. For now let's just say things got weird(er than normal) around the poker table last night.  But holy shit that was funny.  Also, Steve Bannon would have felt right at home.  Or is that Kuschner who would have felt at home?  Meh,

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 7c

Editor's Note:  Welcome to the 3rd and final installment of NOGALES WEEK!!!!!!  Yeah, yeah, don't worry....this is it.  Well at least for Nogales, anyway.  Next week, balls and tWBS start fucking shit up in Arizona.  Now that's something you don't want to miss.  Well, maybe you do...but go here if

TGISF…aka Your “The Pimp is Too Apathetic to Think of a Theme This Week” Sexy Friday Open Thread

OK, so for the first time in like....wait, how long have I been the Pimp of [DFO] again???? ....  Anyway, I'm too lazy to go check, but let's call it six months.  Close enough. But yeah, for the first time in six-ish months, I've begun typing out this week's TGISF without

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 7b

Editor's Note:  Welcome to the second installment of the glorious NOGALES WEEK!!!  (crickets chirping) ...  Yeah well, anyway... Fair warning, if you haven't begun reading this insanity before now, or even if you're just not fully caught up, trust me this is not the jumping in point.  Holee Molee.  Go

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 7a

Editors' Note:  Welcome to Nogales Week!!  This week's installment is so big, yummy, and delicious (phrasing) that it will be spread out over the entire week.  Feel free to tell us about your drunken/drug-fueled escapades in Nogales (or any other border town) in the comments!  Enjoy the ride... [8:54am, Interior of

TGISF…aka Your “ABC Final Four, and also Wrestlemania Apparently” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Yes, I admit it's another really messed up title this week.  But I'm not intentionally being cryptic this time.  It's really very simple... ABC: Anybody But Carolina.  And to be clear, that is specifically aimed at NORTH Carolina in this particular instance (it usually is...I'd actually kinda like to see Frankenstein

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 6

Editor's Note:  I HIGHLY recommend that you take some sort of...substance... before reading this.  It gets...weird. Other Editor's Note:  Way ahead of you.  And you think it's just now getting weird?  Maybe I write about some stuff up YOUR ass next time.  And now you got me tripping on acid? 

TGISF…aka Your “Yeah, The Lollipop Helped a Little” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Soooooo.... More cryptic titles from your ol' pal tWBS?  You're darned tootin'.  I need to keep you folks on your toes, don't I? This week's theme was suggested by my good friend, the lovely and talented entropy.  It came about due to a conversation we had a few nights ago. The above title

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 5

[Interior of Dave, crossing into Baja California Sur, 7:08 AM] tWBS:  So, how's it going, Mr. ... wait, I had something for this! balls:  Are you trying to reference my wet dream from last night? tWBS:  Yeah.  Come back to me. balls:  God, I hate to have to do this... tWBS:  YES!! balls:  Well, I couldn't

TGISF…aka Your “I’ve Been Threatened If I Don’t Go Green” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Yeah, a certain someone who shall remain nameless made sure to remind me it was St. Paddy's Day upcoming, and I had better observe the fact that it was St. Paddy's Day upcoming within the confines of this'n here Sexy Friday type thingy this week. Like I don't own a calendar. But

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 4

Editor's Note:  Due to a drunken snafu committed by a person that shall remain nameless, you night owls got to see Episode 3 ahead of schedule. This means you get an extra helping of ISOaG this week!  Let the rejoicing begin... [Inside balls' awesome beach house.  There are naked sleeping girls