There has been enough recreational fitbaw the last couple of weeks to make it inevitable [grabs chest, sighs]... That Week 1 is Coming Soon. We stand at three more weeks. It is time to start making the transition to receive unto us Red Zone channel. Amén. I’m sure that, like me, your
Author: Don T
Can You Smell It? – PRESEASON Monday Open Thread
I Read The Watson Decision So You Don’t Have To – Monday Open Thread
Welcome To The End – Monday Open Thread
The offseason ends this week—let’s dance wooo! The Hall of fame Game is August 4, the Thursday after this one. By tomorrow, all NFL teams will have started their training camps. Personally, I’m getting pretty freakin’ excited about this season. My watch list: -Everything AFC West. Sign me up for the reality
A Condiment Declines – Monday Open Thread
The only news that grabbed me today was the Steelers renaming their field as Acrisure Stadium. I had no idea what Acrisure was, it sounded like a type of lettuce or... dryness medication. No, Acrisure is a financial services and insurance conglomerate that boasts of successfully uniting human resources and
Anger Is Dumb – Tuesday Open Thread
Diversity is a buzzword that has some heft. It compels opening your mind to different cultural mores or even languages, and letting go of prejudice, stereotype and hate. And sometimes, to overcome our own revulsion to something foreign, unknown, or questionable from our Normal. Embracing diversity can cause a jolt. Students'
Trying to Tip Toe Around THAT – Monday Open Thread
New Places – Monday Open Thread
Yesterday was Juneteenth, the anniversary of Union Army General Gordon Granger going to Galveston, Texas in 1865 to announce that all slaves were free. The Emancipation Proclamation was in 1863, and the Civil War had ended two months before Gen. Granger’s announcement. Since Texas don’t care, official action was required.
Taking It Personal – Monday Open Thread
"Tell Michael it was business, not personal”, said Abe Vigoda near the end of “The Godfather”, and then Tessio gets the business end of betraying the Corleones. Business or Personal: the distinction matters. In this duo, Business is geared toward benefit, profit, progress, expansion, and other rewards of calculated, logical action.
Memorial Day / Monday Night Open Thread
Today is Memorial Day in the USA, which honors their fallen soldiers in not-classified wars. I’m sure the CIA still resents that today is a mere lunes in most of Latinoamérica. Hey hey I’m just kiddin’. Wars of occupation, amirite? Boop! /takes index finger to tap your nose -Dafuq’s wrong with you?! //ducks haymaker Ok.