Is everybody enjoying the slow transition to Fall weather? I know I sure am. Heat and being a fat fuck don't go together too well. But sitting around watching glorious footy? That's a bingo. How weird is this? Both Manchester teams in the "up with the roosters slot." The marquee being
Boris’s Week Two Autopsy
Boris's Week Two Autopsy Again, here is where I will dissect my own advice. What went well, what did not, and what was missed. That late hammer I was talking about? I guess it was the one from Thor Ragnarok. Seriously, when Cate Blanchett breaks Mjölnir, I got rattled...just like yesterday. My lineups
Week 2, 2021 – Early Games Filler Thread
Late Fixtures Ahoy! Saturday Night Open Thread
Boris’ Week One Autopsy
Inshallah – A Very Special 9/11 Footballing Evening Thread
Boris’s DFS Week One Writeup
A Very Special Footballing 9/11 Thread
Guten morgen, y'all. I hope Santa brought everyone what they wanted this year. 20 years is apparently the fuckloads of leftover Murrikan high-tech weaponry aanniversary. NEVAR stop learnin! Lesser Footy comes back from its dumbass international break, with Spurs and rebuilding Palace leading things off (7:30, NBCSN). If early fixtures are
Boris’ Daily Fantasy Preview – Le Début
Saturday JV-palooza Open Thread (Part Two)
Saturday JV-palooza Open Thread (Part One)
Sadly, we are on international break, so there is no Lesser Footy to discuss. No Lesser Footy of any consequence, anyway. Good thing the teevee folks managed to fanagle a strong Week One slate. Among the fixtures Hippo suggests watching: Paedo State (+5.5) at Wisconsin (Noon, Fox) Walking penis James Franklin is
JV NFL Opening(ish) Night! Open Thread
The tevee fuckadoos called last Saturday "Week Zero" - even though the results count (sorry, Cornfuckers). So in a technical sense (the best kind of right!) tonight is Week 1 kickoff. You have some halfway decent fixtures! Temple (+14) at Rutgers (6:30, BTN) Y'all remember I called (and wagered) the ML for