Sexy Friday/AFL Beat! AFLW Round 6

This week, the lights went out in California (more specifically, a one square mile block where my house happens to be in), so I was not able to get the Beat out. Therefore, here we go! Apologies as one game has already been played. Actually, make that two games.

Sexy Friday – Pre- Valentine’s Day 2022

I've got nothing. Literally. Enjoy! *** For those of you prudes that don't like cheesecake or beefcake, click HERE to skip to the music videos. Here are your 11 pictures of the week. (Balls' Pic O' Da week!) *** YOU'RE-A-PRUDE *** And now, for the music! As I mentioned before, I've decided that I must take up the

Sexy Friday – First Friday of February 2022

As I was browsing YouTube last week looking for songs to play for you, I stumbled across a little bit of genius that got me to say out loud, "How the fuck did I not know about this???". This is what is in store for you today on the

Sexy Friday – Last Friday of January 2022

Thanks to Spur and what he himself called "Beefcake Saturday", we have a TON of sexy pictures for you tonight! *** New Year Resolutions Update! Goal Número Uno – Fitness Last year, I achieved my goal of getting below 20% body fat and keeping it there. My goal this year is to get jacked

First Sexy Friday of 2022 and AFLW Preview!

It's a brand new year and we have brand new boobies and booties for you to enjoy! We also have a new fresh puzzle to start off the new year! First, the AFLW Preview!: *** AFLW Round 1 Preview Admittedly, the AFLW season has kind of snuck up on me.

Sexy Friday – Mid- December 2021 edition

Today, we have a special Mr. Ayo showcase! Mr. Ayo very kindly and graciously bestowed upon us a bevy of pictures last Friday and they truly are spectacular. Thank you and please thank your penis for us! As far as the music, I am rerunning last week's puzzle. I

Sexy Friday, Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 edition

It's a holiday, which is perfect timing because the pics today are all from Halloween and they are all courtesy of Spur. Thank you, good sir, for providing so much delicious candy that weekend! This time of year, it's normal to say what you are thankful for. I don't

Sexy Friday, Pre-Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 edition

I am still catching up from previous pictures you all have posted, so today you get more than just 11 pictures. Thank you to all that have contributed! *** For those of you prudes that don't like cheesecake or beefcake, click HERE to skip to the music videos. Here are your Top