I've decided to switch up the format of Sexy Friday a little bit. Change is good. Go with me here. One reason is that I've found that I need a space to put some stuff out there that doesn't fall into the traditional post categories. I've done serials with tWBS,
Sexy Friday
Sexy Friday, Almost the end of the Olympics edition!
Sexy Friday, Late July 2021 edition
For the intro this week, I wanted to check to see how I did with my predictions for the Olympic fútbol tourneys. These are the teams I said would qualify for the Quarterfinals in the Women's tournament: USASwedenAustraliaBrasilChinaNetherlandsCanadáJapan And this is how they finished: USASwedenAustraliaBrasilGreat BritainNetherlands Canadá Japan Not too shabby... Meanwhile, here were