Murderer Commits one last homicide in Prison

Aaron Hernadez, who still elicits remarks like "sure he killed people, but at least he didn't play like Ras-I Dowling," committed suicide in his cell. He went out of this life the same way he came into the NFL, being effective despite being undersized and failing to set proper blocks.

Note: The Crew of the Covenant Died On The Way Back to Their Home Planet

FOCUS GROUP LEADER: Okay, how many of you kids would like the crew of the Covenant to deal with real life problems like the ones you face every day? FOCUS GROUP LEADER: And who would like to see them do just the opposite, getting into far-out situations involving robots and magic powers? FOCUS GROUP

The Home Loan Expert Bracket Challenge

Hey kids, an old pal of Internet Dad's is running a bracket challenge at - it's free to enter and you can win $10 grand in prizes. There's also a charitable donation page there if you're looking for a good write-off. He's a good dude and his company does

Quick Draft: Travel Companion

I'm headed to London in a few hours, and thanks to a family connection, there's a decent chance I'll be flying in first class.  Since I'm flying out of LAX, there's also a decent chance that someone famous will be on my flight.  I've given it some thought, and I