I think the first time I had a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, I was in Wrigleyville. That was, anyway, the first time I had more than one Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I wasn't new to good beer at the time; I was just back from a semester in Europe and keen
Tag: drinky drink drink drink
Kommenter Beer Barrel: A Flying F-ck At The Moon
It's funny, when you think about it: German brewing culture, in some form or other, has dominated the mainstream American beer landscape for, what, a century or so? German immigrants brought lager to America in the 1830s and 40s, and by 1857, lager beers were outselling the previously dominant English-derived
Kommenter Beer Barrel: Animal Farmhouse
Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – Finals Week One
Programming Note: I decided to post this on the eve of Finals Week Two because 1) NFL just started WOOOOOOOO!!! 2) this post was going to get drowned out with all the NFL #content, and 3) This is a Late Night sport and it deserves a Late Night post. So, did
DFO, Money Comes In – Week 2
As we mentioned last week, Week One games are notoriously difficult to predict. Given that, I say that WhyEaglesWhy's and my performance of basically breaking even should be commended. Who knew the Vikings would suck as much ass as Amabella (image NSFW, but worth the click) ? As for King Hippo's and
DFO Late Night / International Open Thread
It's been quite a day and we're not quite done. There are still some West Coast JV football games going on and the last AFL Elimination Final will begin soon. Here are your EPL and La Liga scores from today as well as the JV Football Top 25: English Premier League Everton
DFOutstanding Commentists – 9/5/15 through 9/12/15
Even though we are blazing our own path here in the wild badlands of the Internet, there are some traditions that are worthy of keeping. One of those is praising our own when we do a good. After all, this Commentist party was built on Excellence in Commenting. With that,
A Selection Of Phrases From Recent Posts That Would Make Good Excerpts From Snooty Wine Tasting Notes
"...arbitrary and sanctimonius..." "...a long way down from the unrelenting quality of..." "...this two-year vet that's just aching to blossom..." "...its transient, opaque identity..." "...the juggernaut that was the 1994..." "...sometimes, geography was the science..." "...dark, foreboding, and imposing..." "...ranked really, really, high, and I can't quite figure out why..." "...scorched brussels sprouts..." "...outright olfactory torture..." "...the final round brought
Team Preview Parade: NEYW ORLINS SAYNTS
Please note: dementia is a horrific condition- one that I have watched ravage two loved ones- and something that should not be made light of under any circumstances. Unless you’re a billionaire asshole who has surrounded himself with terrible people all his life and made a business of consigning healthy
Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – Round 23
The regular season is over. The finals are here. We got one of the two scenarios I detailed last week, but how we got there was not as expected, which is what I love about the AFL. Who will host the trophy this year? Read on! Welcome To Balls of Steel's
Kommenter Beer Barrel: Calling All Hops
I remember very clearly, seven years or so ago, a time when the cutting edge of IPA brewing methods seemed to involve cramming as many hop cones as you could into a boiler of wort. Later, breweries would become bored with merely filling the boilers to overflowing with hops, and started cramming the hop
DFO Late Night / International Open Thread
While some of us are seeing the sights of other exciting countries and running into French Jay Cutler, the rest of us here in the US should hopefully be well into what will eventually become a three-day Labor Day hangover. Which also hopefully means So let's stay up tonight, get happy,