Good day to you, beautiful degenerates. Reverend Mayhem here, subbing in for the intrepid Horatio Cornblower. Grand Admiral Cornblower is currently on detached service with the Bey of Backscratchistan's Navy. We will preserve the time-honored Rites of The Mock Draft: 1. First come, first served, subject to my whims and fancies; 2. For
Tag: Reverend Mayhem
Larry King Not Live: A [DFO] Hate Week Special
Instant Counterfeit Hippo Thoughts – Championship Sunday, #NuAIDS Season
King Hippo is on assignment, having been informed that someone did NOT get that thing he sent them. His faithful translator/squire/parole officer Reverend Mayhem is your substitute teacher.] /Takes a slow, lingering drag off the last cigarette in a pack bought January 8, 2000. /Puts it out on his forearm. Ahhhh, there it
#DisBelieveland: 2020 Cleveland Browns Bye Week Update
Quick: without looking at their record, are the Cleveland Browns a good team or a bad team? Got an answer? You're wrong. Whichever way you answered, you're wrong. Cleveland is a Limited Heisenberg Uncertainty Team: at any given time, you can know where they are, but you can't know where they are going.
What We Drank Last Night: Finding Your Feet
Football’s Sh***iest Cosplay: Your 2020 Detroit Lions Season Preview
Your “You Can’t Say That On Television” Thursday Evening Open Thread
A Feast of Crow: 2020 San Francisco 49ers Preview
I Can See Cleeeeeaarrrly Now, Tom Braaaaady’s Gone: 2020 Buffalo Bills Season Preview
[Author's Note: Despite the overwhelmingly positive response to last year's All Interpretive Dance team preview, I have decided not to go back to that well a second year in a row. Try to contain your disappointment.] So here it is. It's finally happening. Like Christmas morning, high school graduation and losing
The Burning Stream: Your 2020 Cleveland Browns Season Preview
Cleveland, Ohio is a wonderful city, bursting with many shining examples of culture, fine dining and friendly people. Every single word of that sentence is a filthy lie, except for "Cleveland," "Ohio" and "City." And frankly, "city" is being generous. I would have gone with "penal colony," except that usually requires
Uninformed Oscar Previews and Miscellaneous Tuesday Open Thread
Walk Unafraid: 2020 Hate Week Super Bowl Narrative Roundup and Open Thread
We’re rounding into the final straightaway before The Pepsi Hard Rock Casino Super Bowl LIV Presented by Odor-Eaters. It’s a tight one this year (somewhere Kobe Bryant just sat up and started paying attention) as the Chefs are a consensus 1.5 point favorite over Santa Clara. This is one of two sub-2-point