Your “TGISF Hostile Takeover: TGISS!!!” Sunday Evening Open Thread

I do hope we are all having a wonderful weekend.  Those of us in the States are, if we're lucky, in the middle of the rare four-day weekend due to the Independence Day holiday falling on a Tuesday.  So without further adieu (and before that pain in my ass, ballsofsteelandfury

TGISF…aka Your “Happy Birthday ‘Murrica” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Can't fool you guys, you're too smart.  Yep, it's Independence Day weekend.  Uncle Sam might not officially turn 241 until Tuesday, but we're celebrating the whole damned weekend. So find your beverage of choice, grab your flag (I said FLAG!!!!!!)....and let's do this. Sexy, Patriotic, Red, White and Blue Girls is the

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #5 – “In Heat”

Tonight's Episode: "In Heat " He exited the stadium along with a crowd of others.  It was a quiet and somber mass of humanity as the Cubbies had dropped the Sunday game vs the Cardinals, thus losing the weekend series. "This sure as shit ain't like last year!!!!" one frustrated fan shouted.  The

TGISF… aka Your “Vicious Cycle” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Ahhhh, the first weekend of Summer.  Long days.  Plenty of time for summer activities. So I've decided that peppered in here and there, among other timely themes over the next several weeks/months, will be themes pertaining to summer activities. This week?  Hot Chicks on Bicycles. Why?  BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!! And also.....because I've recently

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #4 – “The Friendly Skies”

Tonight's Episode: "The Friendly Skies" The hotel room was a mess.  The sheets were on the floor, there were high heels and underwear everywhere, and the mini-bar was empty. It had been a good night. As he stepped out of the shower, he gave Candy a firm slap on the ass and told her

TGISF…aka “¡Oh Dios mío! Sólo el Béisbol y el Golf?” Sexy Friday Open Thread

So what should our theme be this week?  Wednesday was Flag Day, so I considered doing the USA/Red,White,Blue/Stars n Stripes type thingy.  But that would just shit on Independence Day in a few weeks.  You know, kinda the way "Independence Day: Resurgence" shat on last year's Independence Day. Jeebus that movie

TGISF…aka “Better A Nerd Than One Of The Herd” Sexy Friday Open Thread

In spite of how it might sometimes appear around here, you know at around 7pm Eastern each Friday.....   It's actually a fact that I prefer the company of a woman who is intelligent. OK Vlad, you can stop laughing any time now....I'll wait.....  jerk. But I'm actually very serious, truth be told. 

Tina’s DFO Erotic Friend Fiction #2 – “Baker’s Dozen”

Tonight's episode: BAKER'S DOZEN It was a fresh crisp evening in the Pacific Northwest.  The hipsters were riding their bikes to the food truck farm alongside the river while vaping their legal weed.  Off in the distance,  a distinct roar of a crowd could be heard as a piece of Tall Timber