Your Monday Night Open Thread

NYG @ Mia: Having lost 4 of their last 5 the Giants are sending notice to the rest of the NFC East that as far as the championship of the division is concerned, they’re in this for the long run. The Fins are responding with, “Playoffs?, Playoffs?” Literally dozens of fantasy wins are on the line tonight. Shall we watch? Yes we shall…

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Fucking open carry Star Wars advocates…

Old School Zero

That’s how you lose a Greedo.

Moonbatting Average

So is BLEERGH taking his day of rest?


King Hippo

Even He can’t bear to watch, blessed be His name



So the Giants are going to do Coughlin a favor and just give his gold watch at halftime, shake his hand, thank him for his years of service and let him go his way.

Old School Zero





Lothar of the Hill People

Looks like Eli’s getting soy milk instead of cow’s milk before bed tonight!


Eh, still better than the Malk that Sam Bradford has been getting.

Lothar of the Hill People

I forget, is Malk the stuff from mice? With your full daily requirement of Vitamin R?


Neither team wants to win, they just want to lose less.

Recovery Whiskey

Hahahah god these teams are bad

King Hippo

yeah I was just thinkin this might be the shittiest shit game we’ve seen all year


I think offensive pass interference should result in the ball given to the opposing team at the spot of the foul. I mean that’s basically what they do for defensive pass interference.


Or how about the penalty yardage is same as distance from line of scrimmage?

King Hippo


Lothar of the Hill People

I think more offensive plays should result in a loss of down.

As it is now, defense goes offsides? Free play for offense.
Offense false starts? Do-over, 5 yards back.

Hell, some offensive penalties are worth replaying the down.

Lothar of the Hill People

More offensive penalties should result in a loss of down, dammit.


Did everyone else get that Bloomberg commercial? The music in it reminded me a lot of the bank heist scene in Heat. Which I suppose is fitting considering that the purpose of most financial services providers is to steal your money.


Things that will never interest me:
1. Dr. Who
2. Star Trek
3. Professional wrestling
4. The NBA
5. Any story my wife tells me that includes her mother


That’s a good list Boss.


You are so full of shit…

Don’t act like when you learn how your mother in law kicked the bucket, you aren’t sitting at attention.

Recovery Whiskey

The exception proves the rule


“There is no rule against stupidity; no penalty on the play.”

Lothar of the Hill People

Holy fuck, Jenkins nearly broke Tannyhill.


If you need a single shoe, Jim Tomsula is the man to talk to.

Recovery Whiskey


King Hippo

FUCK, you is on fire tonight, boss



Would your wife kill you if you organized a commentariat outing to “The Block”?

King Hippo

Will there be 40s in paper bags for us all?


If you’re talking to me, she’d be cool with it, but The Block is a broken, empty shell of what it was. Still, nudie bar’s a nudie bar. . .

King Hippo

oh shit, I thought you meant to watch his gangland scrappin


Haven’t been here in more.than 15 years. Pre-Wire. The only time I went toa strip without a lady friend.


Is it me or does this Miami offense look competent?

Recovery Whiskey

Giants defense might be somewhat to credit here


You were saying?


He almost got dead there.

Moonbatting Average

Dear NFL,

Even as a Broncos fan, I have to say that this orange bullshit is out of hand. FIX YO SHIT

Moonbatting Average

See: Cleveland, Tampa, Miami

Lothar of the Hill People

Eli’s wife told him she’d do him doggie style if he didn’t throw a pick in the game. He told her he prefers kitties, preferably ones barely holding on.

comment image


Sadly, that commercial does a better job of coherently addressing pressing political issues than the last Republican debate.


Does Coughlin still do Elf on the Shelf with Eli?


According to PK, every year Cam Newton does self on a shelf.

Horatio Cornblower

PK’s elf broke the whole shelf.


Tracking one of these down for the kids this Christmas. Seriously, it’s for the kids.

comment image

Lothar of the Hill People

Heh. They’re updated for the 21st century, but Matchbox sells all that shit still. I know, because we have about 30′ of track and miscellaneous Rube Goldberg shit in my basement, where my 3 year-old plays with it.

The Maestro

I still got mine from the early 90s. Dope as fuck. Gonna pull it out next weekend for my little 4 year old cousin and blow his mind.

Lothar of the Hill People

By the way, definitely use the cars that come with the updated track. They actually roll more smoothly and faster.

Horatio Cornblower

I wasted so much time with those tracks as a kid and I regret none of it.

Lothar of the Hill People

They make really good weapons. You can really welt someone up with them.

I’m pretty sure AP has a couple yards of track he uses for disciplinary purposes.

Lothar of the Hill People

Wasn’t Howard Cosell’s “Look at that monkey run!” moment when a Miami player broke loose? I’m waiting for Gruden to do the same.

Recovery Whiskey

JPP was only a finger or two from making that tackle

Lothar of the Hill People

Wait, JPP only has one arm now?

King Hippo

Little known fact – he’s actually the drummer for Def Leppard.

Recovery Whiskey

That tackling was ..


NFC Eastish

Spanky Datass

Lacking in digits?

No wait, “left handed”?


Now that the Ravens are deader than dead, I’m paying closer attention to the different rioting groups that will be competing with one another in Mobtown in the next few weeks. Haven’t picked a favorite yet, but give me a few days.


I’m partial to the quiet ones, but that’s just me.

King Hippo

Maw always said that’s who ya had to look out fer


Wait for the college students to get pissed about a lack of of booze. Fells Point will be be a shi. hole. Even more than the rest of the city.

\Loves B’more

King Hippo

I was wondering why nobody on the Giants was trying to recover Landry’s shoe.

Maybe have been watching too much teevee



Elisha is 6 TDs below Johnny.U, on the all tine list.

/Ducks torrent of crabs.

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

Greg Jennings: Still alive!

Recovery Whiskey

Dan Marino never has to worry about finding his super bowl victory ring to wear to these things


Plus Isotoners would never fit over a ring.

Lothar of the Hill People

Yeah, just ask O.J.


Well, it’s hard to find anything under those Isotoner gloves . . .

King Hippo

I’m glad that he’s an asshole and I don;t have to feel bad for him.

Spanky Datass


Eli’s dealt with his kind before.

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Defensive Back Mike Wallace

I love how teams can have linemen like Suh or Jurrell Casey and STILL have an awful defense.

Recovery Whiskey



My sons and I have been talking like Marshawn Lynch since about 5 pm today, ending every sentence with “boss.”

I think my wife is going to leave us.


“We’re just here so we can eat dinner.”

Recovery Whiskey

All bout dat prenup boss

Lothar of the Hill People

Is that how you get a wife to leave?


Apparently – dinner was pretty damn funny.

“I’m all about that pasta, boss.”

That was the breaking point, although it was funny.


Hon, you boys are winners, boss.


Guess who gets a Yoohoo! at halftime.

Lothar of the Hill People

Eli’s wife told him she’d give him a hummer if he wins the game. He loves kazoos.

Recovery Whiskey


Recovery Whiskey

At least neither defense looks like its in any danger of making a stop.

The offenses, different story


When you said “stop” Tom Coughlin looked wildly around to see who was composing a telegram.


Is it too late for the auto gyro to Siam?


Given that asshole chef’s smug recitation of his resume, I think it’s fitting that he’s shilling a car with three I’s in its brand name.


“He’ll gain 9…”

– Jillian Michaels during Andy Reid’s weekly weigh-in on Celebrity Biggest Loser

Recovery Whiskey

All he had was salad!


Chicken salad, egg salad, and potato salads are salads!


Don’t forget taco salad!

/Andy didn’t

Shogun Marcus

A five-gallon tub of macaroni salad. Extra mayo. Left in the sun.


Mother of God. If this team keeps playing like this I ill make happy Zymmsound logicak.

Fuck clothing.

Shogun Marcus

Shh…don’t let Big Pant hear you.

Also fuck clothing seems oxymoronic. Hinders the process.

Recovery Whiskey

Be sure to have your bathrobe game on point


The Jints are going to make me ignore all public nudity laws. I think I should call Sill or Entropy for local support/ bail options.


If MIA loses this, are they out of the playoff hunt?




Recovery Whiskey

Turf Derp


So many practice squad players are going to be berated from that overthrow tomorrow…


At least they don’t have to worry about Tanny getting so enrage that he throws something…

I mean it ain’t like he can hit them…

Recovery Whiskey

Tannyhill seems to be a master of the overthrow

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

In his defense even if he hits his receivers in the hands they are dropping it

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

No! I am!
-Teddy Bridgewater

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

For fuck sakes Miami, just clean house already!


You’re not saying that because Miami is a predominantly Hispanic city, are you?

Shogun Marcus

They clean once a year. Like most frathouses.


I just want to see what happens when Watson tells someone to kill their own family.

Son of RAM

Recovery Whiskey

Ashley Ryan … I can replace your job and the jobs of most of your colleagues.


Ashley Madison can replace your spouse and take half your stuff.

Lothar of the Hill People

Just turned the game on. Has Stompy stomped anyone yet?

Recovery Whiskey

Eli sacrificed his running back to him once. 6 yard loss tackle in the backfield

Shogun Marcus

Good old Stampy. Miss that elephant.

Lothar of the Hill People

You know, Mrs. Simpson, some elephants are just jerks.


The IBM bot…watson…better or worse if he replaced Gruden on MNF?