Wednesday Night Game 7s Are a Blast if It Doesn’t Involve Your Team Thread

In the world of sports, there are very few things better than a Game 7. By that point, the series has been balanced, both teams are clearly evenly-matched, and it’s come down to whomever makes the fewest mistakes, who sticks to the fundamentals a little bit better, and sometimes, who just gets lucky (PHRASING).

Tonight, the aformentioned Cubs of hockey travel to the late Minnesota North Stars of Dallas for Game Seven of their second round series. The series as a whole has been a great one, and it really should be mandated to go 13 games. While Dallas has home ice, it hasn’t meant too much, as the visiting team has won four contests so far. Both teams are looking to reach the Western Conference Finals since the very early Aughts: Dallas in 2000 (when the lost in the Cup Final to New Jersey), and the Blues in ’01 (losing to eventual Cup champ, Colorado). The fun starts at 20:00/19:00 on NBCSNCNNCNSNNCB.

I personally don’t have a dog in this fight. I’m too busy focusing on the upcoming EASTERN CONFERENCE FINAL match-up with Tampa WOOOOOOO GO ICE STILLERS. I’m just looking forward to a terrific game, that hopefully goes like nine overtimes, though I imagine DTZM and Monty would disagree with that sentiment.

She makes a strong argument for St. Louis.

There’s also two Game 5s in the NBA Playoff games tonight, with Miami traveling up north against the Raptors, and Golden State looking to close out Portland. MIA-TOR tips-off at 20:00/19:00, and GS-POR 22:30/21:30. I’d probably enjoy the NBA a balls load more, if it weren’t for TWWL endlessly forcing it upon us, like THE BEN in a Georgia bathroom. The Stephen A. Smiths and Chris Broussards of the world don’t help, either.

There’s also baseball, probably.


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Mostly .gifs, some filler It's in your best interest NOT to call me when I'm at work.
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If you take an Uber in Germany is it called an Uber alles?


So it took about 3-4 weeks of daily pain and grind, a couple of days of rest by doctor orders and a couple two-tree days on meds over here.

I can do that standing on my head.

I feel good folks!

Let’s go out there and do some good!


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Spoilers from Captain America: Civil War. Look away if you haven’t seen it

So they just leaned into the whole Captain America is a terrorist that betrays his friends to save another friend who is both a Nazi and kills people all the time. And we are supposed to root for him? And be glad he wins at the end?



Senor Weaselo

Also the last scene was kinda abrupt.


A public service announcement:

If you can’t whistle don’t.
Especially not in public.

And never. Ever. Whistle the duh duh duh duh duh duh Charge! At a sporting event as loud as you can.


This has been a public service announcement.


Having been drinking it for the last four days, Nashville’s Hap & Harry’s lager is delicious.


kudos…usually after 34 hours, I am onto the windex….


Report from the field: Boulder beer continues to be excellent

Covalent Blonde

Yay! I was concerned and was actively working to send in reinforcements!

Covalent Blonde

May favorite part: At long last!

How many years were the fans clamoring for this sexy little tell-all?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Oren probably typed it in three days with the help of amphetamines (bennies, man).

Covalent Blonde

What Rube Goldberg ass play did GSW just pull off for that last 3?

Covalent Blonde

Oh, hey there Marin headlands. Look at you all pretty there in the background of Alcatraz.


Why bother

Covalent Blonde

Has the doom of the Pacific Northwest already settled back in your bones?




I am in a dangerous place. Within 12 hours…I got to have a phone conference with some wankers in England. The information from Japan never showed up…so I have nothing to tell them.

I am not drunk enough to pass out completely or to think its a good idea to get some sleep. I am sober enough to realize that I don’t want to have this phone conference tomorrow at 1100 am.

I have about two and a half tubes of airplane epoxy and 9 more beers in the fridge. How many of both/either should I do? Please show your work in your answers and include a justification for my behavior tomorrow to my immediate supervisor in your answer.


Solution: Call Japan (collect or from a work phone) and tell them they have 12 hours to give you the info or you will throw them under the bus so hard they will become speed bumps.

Then find some speed and make shit up in case Japan doesn’t come through. Leave the epoxy for another day and drink beers prior to the meeting to slow you down.

/may not be a doctor

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I didn’t receive your news letter this month, fucker.


You have never worked with the Japanese I see. They are masters of the passive aggressive emails and ignoring shit.

On a positive, I once met the dude that nearly got me fired, we were in Nagasaki and he had no clue who I was until I introduced myself.

I had 8 inches in the fucker. I gave him a smile, a firm handshake, indicated I knew exactly who he was, and I swear to god, I smelled piss.


Note that I said “call”, not email. I’ve plenty of experience dealing with passive aggressive dumbfucks and I know emails can be easily ignored. A phone call, specially from somewhere that they may reasonably expect phone calls from and should answer, is not that easy to ignore.

The speed advice is still good, though.


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I love the movie “Fight Club” just because the average person that loves the movie doesn’t get it at all. The are equivalent to the idiots that thing “Moby Dick” is all about a fucking whale.

I honestly cannot think of a movie that is more misunderstood. HE WAS MOCKING HYPER MASCULINITY!


I mean it’s RIGHT THERE IN THE TITLE! Who the fuck names his dick “Moby”

Not some lame ass EDM dj, that’s who!


Jurassic Park, too


Just on practice… I was going to call you a lying whore…and then I remembered the book.

“American Psycho” is another one. Seriously…the book is just utterly stomach turning. The movies is good.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Same way; just didn’t enjoy the read. I tried one of his other books and didn’t really care for it either.

Horatio Cornblower

Moby Dick is about man’s Promethean need to destroy his own gods and I’ll fight any fucker here who says otherwise.

/just kidding bros, it’s totes about whales.

Covalent Blonde

I know your team is getting its asses handed to them, but you still paid hundreds for your Game 7 tickets. At least stick around to the end, Dallas.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I would like to agree with you, but in the fans defense the Stars stopped trying like 2 hours ago


Maybe they can play instead


You’ve obviously never attended a Cowboys game.


Every time I see this movie, and its a great movie, I think of the documentary “Tales from the Script”. A script writer was getting completely fucked over by Coppola. The writer basically asked him how he could just phone it in and ruin a movie and Coppola replied “I made Apocalypse Now…It doesn’t matter what I do for the rest of my career”.

I forget what script this was related to…but it was like finding out that Santa just didn’t give a shit.

Horatio Cornblower

Explains what his daughter was doing in Godfather III

Horatio Cornblower

The Whopper Dog: All The Goat Lips And Raccoon Anuses Of Your Regular Hot Dog, With The Grease, Despair And Hopelessness Of The Original Burger King Menu!


Related note…”Great Outdoors” is a hugely underrated film….

Horatio Cornblower

It’s probably not a good sign when the announcers are suggesting you pull your goalie with 12 minutes left in the 3rd period of Game 7.


That’s fucking awesome Moose.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No I can’t find who made the gif from the Van Go (tribute to earlier thread).


Isn’t that from the upcoming movie:

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sure enough, well done! I was looking for the page I found it and went after something shiny. Thanks.


When the fuck did I turn into a putz….

I remember the good old days, getting fucked up on puno (aka “bilge wine”) and huffing some bilge red paint epoxy and then starting up an A4W nuclear propulsion plant. I used to be able to drink my age in beers every night and say “fuck it…”

Then my dumbass went to college. Got this bullshit job where I take shit from wankers all over the world, and get panic attacks whenever I get a fucking email.

My old man had the right idea….stay sober enough to knock up some chick…and then bounce as soon as the shit got too stable.

Genital Issimo

@yeah right Just tried Carne Guisada recipe. Damn Dude – amazing! Mme Boogie called me in the morning from work, having a bad day. I told her I make you a special dinner. Couple hours of shopping and prep, but it was seriously worth it. When she got home, She walked in the house and said “It smells like heaven in here”! She may have said “this is as good as sex*” as she was dining.

/She might have said better than
//Still, thanks for the recipe


Thank you.

That one is a beauty.

The smell alone is worth the price of admission.


To further reply, thanks for the feedback. I really do appreciate it.
The whole idea behind Sunday Gravy is to provide inspiration to get in the kitchen and try some new stuff.

If I can convince enough people to cook something at home instead of ordering out I will consider it a mission success.

So glad you liked it.


In honor of the Western Conference…

Horatio Cornblower

I haven’t seen a bunch of Texans shelled like this Santa Ana visited the Alamo.


Chimps R not stoopid…
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Proper preparation prevents this…

First…what is the medium that you are using to starve your brain of oxygen? Clear items prevent this sort of embarrassment. But what if you only have that glittery paint shit to huff?!?

Vaseline that face! A little Vaseline ahead of time prevents hours of explanation. Now go…I have taught you all I know…


To this day, the only warriors fan I know of before curry came along


you guy’s promiesed me a penguins collapse last night, how do I know youre trustworthy for a blues one?


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Typical St. Louis: can’t stop thinking about the Cubs.


Since they’re so sad the Cubs should gift them an 8th inning set up guy.

/fucking asshole Strop


Hee hee…suck it, Dallas.

King Hippo

Is there a 4-nil curse or can I has sleep now??

King Hippo

YAY! Sad Texas is the best Texas

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

You should be ok going to sleep… that being said it is the Blues


Its going to be one of those nights…


One of those “a lot of stuff got broken” nights. I hear ya.


Guess you could say I have home ice disadvantage.

Although it was fucking glorious to shower, shampoo and shave today after having not for a couple of days.

Also nice to get those damn mummy wraps off of the knee.

King Hippo

Man, you ain’t kidding. That first shower after the quacks make you abstain for 4+ days….HEAVEN.


Despite being wobbly as fuck it was still spectacular.

Life’s little pleasures.


Fuck Dallas


I got accused at work of misordering a $800k motor…leaving me on the hook for it…

Needless to say, even though i wasp roven right, I have thrwon my sobriety to the wind…and I am good and runk.

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King Hippo

oh snap, that was very Cubs-ish

King Hippo

Open thread finally open. THANKS OBAMA!!!!!11111