A year ago today, KSK Smelled Us Later, Forever. It’s hard to think it’s been so long, or even so short sometimes, but I know that many of us feel that we owe the good folks who Made U—–X Great Before a debt of some kind. We’ve heard from Ape, so let’s hear from some of the estranged former Kommentors on what KSK meant to them, and after a year, what DFO means to them now.
Balls of Steel:
My favorite piece of all time was probably Punte’s Mike Mayock Porn Draft Preview. I don’t know if that’s the official title, but that’s what I remember it as. It was just so wrong and so perfect in all the right ways. He nailed the Mayock speech pattern and the way he describes potential draft picks. The pictures that went along with the post were also perfect.
Alas, I tried to find it, but the pictures were gone and it just wasn’t the same. That’s why, kids, you should savor every moment of happiness. Also, kill some trees and print shit out. I know I saved one of our fellow commentists when he was looking for one of Sarah’s old recipes by having the paper copy.
Also, take nude Polaroids instead of saving them on your phone.
Lastly, even though I never read Footsteps Falco’s CFL Beat, he inspired my own AFL Beat posts that you all love. YOU LOVE THEM, RIGHT?!?!?
Anyway, I want to thank the creators of KSK for creating this awesome community and inspiring me to write creatively. If anything, it’s made me a happier person and that, these days, is actually kind of a big deal. Thanks!
yeah right:
I was originally drawn to KSK because of Drew, I followed him from his FKS days but it was Ape, Ufford, Maj and Punter and the rest that kept me coming back. I think my favorite bits were the Ookie posts. There was one post with Vick holding the “Shopped” in bag of weed were he said “I’m higher than Betty Crocker!” and I pretty much fucking lost it.
I’m in complete agreement with my esteemed colleague Balls of Steel when he mentions the “community” that was there in the Komment section. While I won’t get too deep into the bashing of the former overlords, I will say that I felt like they took something away from me on a personal level and I was and still am pretty goddamn pissed off at that.
Moving on though, I will say that without the shutdown of the former blog I would have never been given the opportunity to start doing my own Sunday Gravy posts which, as you all know by now have since expanded into a worldwide frozen food line, my own set of vineyards and also helped propel me into my next career as a world famous chef and beloved Food Network star.
One thing we have been able to recreate is the sense of community on our site, which I actually feel is stronger and closer than at the previous site. We’re our very own social network! Love all of you good folks.
Like about ⅓ of the current Commentists, I too was a July 31st refugee when the old site blew up. I can’t remember who I was following when I found out about DFO, although searching my email finds some back-and-forth with Unsilent about Top Chef, and Maske sent me a shirt from their Breaking Bad contest. I also tried sticking around the old place, because I (still) enjoyed Stroud’s wrestling coverage, but it wasn’t enough, especially once football season started. The spirit of the Komment Section lived on at DFO, which is where I want to be for my football blatherings.
Plus, no Nat Turner!
Somehow, I worked up the courage to submit a couple of articles to the DFO overlords. They were deemed worthy enough – after some editing – and then I was given access inside the machine. Weekday Open Threads have become my off-season responsibility, and I really enjoy the freedom I get to throw my twist onto the daily news coming out from behind The Shield.
When the regular season starts, I will defer Open Thread duties on weekday game nights to others with more vested interests. I will even try to come up with some original material for publication, based most likely on my attendance at Seahawks games. Oh, and I’m channeling the spirit of Ape and will try to review the MMQB each week. KSK & DFO has made me a more critical consumer of the NFL, and for that I’m appreciative.
Doktor Zymm:
I can no longer watch anything even vaguely Steelers related without thinking THE BEN WANT CHOCO TACO HARF HARF! I’m pretty sure this condition is permanent.
Nowadays, I assume that all girl scouts have lesser known Great Old Ones in their basement and wish people would use finger guns more often. I have a much clearer picture in my head of Goodell, the brooding evil, and I know how Australian football works, kinda! Can’t wait to dick joke the way through the next NFL season with y’all!
I can’t believe it’s been a year. In that time, I’ve switched jobs, traveled a ton, learned about Aussie Football, and seen Peyton Manning’s forehead grow three sizes bigger.
Which is apt because I first found KSK when Peyton Manning and I were hanging out together in Archie and Olivia’s basement. He was livid that they exposed the private writings in his diary and how they got it all wrong about his attitude toward sex.
Eh, fuck it, I’m too fried for creative writing today. I found KSK through Deadspin. The crossposts lured me in AND THEN I WAS HOOKED. From 0-60 in two Rex Ryan foot fetish posts. I started emailing KSK links to my friends, family, and co-workers so regularly that eventually my colleagues (rightly) asserted that I was the reason the site got blocked by the work filter.
I lurked for a REALLY long time until I finally joined in the reindeer games during the liveblogs. That yellow bar was horrendous, but the joy of having a joke manually cleared by the dickjoke experts was a bright light during a time when a lot of other things were going wrong in my day to day. And suddenly, KSK was more than a font of NFL player parodies and links for me to send around to my friends. It was a community where I could go and exchange my thoughts on the Bears or share in mutual HATE HATE HATE for a TWIFY or learn a new douchey nickname for Philip Rivers or just bask in the warmth of the community that made fun of each other but also loved each other.
That didn’t really hit me until the mental health post. You know the one. Ape hit it on the fucking head. The writing was raw, honest, and beautiful, and it prompted a flood of support, love, and sharing from the Kommentariat that underscored the importance of this collective to one another. KSK was amazing because Drew, Flubby, Ape, Unsilent, PUNTE, Ufford, Sarah, MJD, Rappoccio, and even Footsteps Falco opened up and invited all of us to know them and let them know us and each other. And we did.
So it was more than disappointing when the douchebags at U****X tainted our beloved site and then pushed Ape until he could be pushed no more. It was devastating. Eventually I followed a link from an exiled Kommenter to football to the groin and was thrilled that some of the crew brought the same spirit of kommunity to a new community. And shockingly they let me contribute every once in a while. But more importantly, they’re there for one another thanks to the precedent set by our friends at KSK.
The second week after I started my new job last year, I ended up in the hospital in Boulder for four days [SPOILER ALERT: I lived.] I knew literally no one in the city, the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with me, and I was scared. I felt comfortable enough with the commentists that I opened up about it and had an outlet that was there in my time of need. Cuntler gave me pointers about CO and even offered to meet up with me if things got really dour, DTZM was amazingly supportive, Dok shared knowledge and encouragement, and all of you helped me get through the loneliness until the doctors felt comfortable sending me home. I’m tremendously grateful to have DFO, the descendent of KSK, in my life, even if I never meet any of you in person. I’m sure WCS, Porky, and countless others feel the same way, and I know we’ll all be there for anyone else that is willing to share our community and open up. We’re here for dick jokes, but we’re also here for each other.
The KSK Krew deserved better from their corporate overlords, but hopefully they feel at least somewhat gratified by the fact we aim to continue their legacy. We may not be as funny as them sometimes, but we have damn good recipes, some funny SOBs, and a lot of love.
Not sure if Putin has posted this to Wikileaks yet (it’s not their fault my password is password1) but here is what I sent Ape after the shutdown
Yes, I bcc:’d it to [email protected] because I didn’t know if he used an abbreviated version of his name for his contact)
Also, Sarah gave me my first ever Komment of the Week mention so she became my internet crush. But, after the site closed down and I began ‘surfing the web’, I discovered just how vast the internet is and it turns out that I have a lot of internet crushes now.
The Maestro:
I got introduced to KSK from a buddy who sent me a link to Drew’s “Scenes From A Summer At Camp Ryan” in 2010 and I was immediately hooked. Hard. KSK was my diving headfirst into become a far more serious football fan than I was before that date. It was also my first foray into a true online community – I’m so grateful that its spirit lives on at DFO today. I still find it so ironic that my buddy who pointed me towards the site never really read it much outside of the Rex Ryan: Greatest Coach Ever posts, but good fortune smiled on me that first time I ever clicked the link.
Also, fuck the liveblog yellow bar. May you burn in hell, you piece of utter garbage. BRING BACK THE OLD LIVEBLOGS!
Senor Weaselo:
I originally got into KSK from the first Rex Ryan post, a friend sent it to me and I was rolling. From there I started reading everything else and lurked for a couple years because either I couldn’t think of what to say or was afraid of being mocked or ridiculed or something. Like because the community and the Kommentariat seemed really cool, I wanted in, but at the same time I didn’t want to fall on my face and look like an idiot. Especially if one of my friends could figure out if it was me (no idea if they did).
When everything went to hell and I learned about our new digs I went there to see what was going to happen, a little worried because we were on our own without that simian leadership. And it proved to be the same community and if anything we seemed to band together even more, open up about even more topics. I’ve personally opened up to you guys and vented in comments about some things, and with that combined with actually writing things it’s fed more into a personal reminder that’s seemed to be the theme of this year for me, that “Yeah, you’re good enough.” So I thank you all for letting a lurker into the party way back when and for letting me write about nearly dying of hot sauce and about fighting robots. Hopefully I can take on some more creative projects, and after BattleBots ends I’ll actually start the House of Pain feature in earnest (still potentially a working title).
Now to go play a double.
In proper tribute to KSK and its most popular feature, I’m gonna make this all about MEEEEE.
A lot of people found their way to KSK via one of Drew’s pieces that went viral. Not me. I found my way there via With Leather, which I had found via What Would Tyler Durden Do. WWTD, if you can believe it, had its own little community of commenters not entirely unlike our own. But I digress. What actually kept me reading KSK wasn’t the kharacter pieces, it was actually the Friday fantasy drafts.
The one that sticks in my memory is the “Skills” draft because, in my opinion, Ufford completely won it. It’s idiotic to say that someone could “win” an online activity of such an arbitrary nature, but I’m an idiot so there. I enjoyed the drafts so much that I eventually decided to start submitting my own suggestions for topics. It took more than a few swings and misses before they finally used one, but DAMN if it didn’t feel good. So I kept it up, with Unsilent Majority occasionally picking one of my suggestions and massaging it into something decent (or if I might treat my own ego an old-fashioned, something great.) It sounds strange to say that coming up with ideas for imaginary drafts helped me develop confidence as a writer, but it actually DID. Knowing that people whose writing I enjoyed were actually interested in using my ideas made me eager to come up with more. And eventually it inspired me to try to come up with more than just ideas. I did my own version of a Raiders prekkake in the komments in 2012 (I predicted they would go 6-10 – too optimistic!) and it meant the world to me when Flubby reached out via email with some encouraging words and it meant even more a year later when Christmas Ape actually reached out to me to contribute my VERY OWN PREKKAKE in 2013.
It’s not easy to live up to the dick joke standards that those guys set. But knowing that THEY thought I could live up to them – even for just a single post – really meant a lot. I’m proud to have carried on the tradition here at DFO and obviously we owe pretty much everything to those guys. So I’m grateful to them for not only giving me the confidence and encouragement to try my own hand at this long form dick joke business, but also for creating a community with enough momentum to keep going even when a corporate entity who will remain nameless decided they weren’t really #UpForWhatever. Thanks, guys. You really did create something special.
Low Commander of the Super Soldiers:
I found KSK in possibly one of the most backwards ways I can think of. A good friend of mine who read FilmDrunk sent me a link to the King Laserface Twitter account (which apparently doesn’t exist anymore! DO SOMETHING, CONGRESS!) back in December of 2008, during the height of the Rivers-Cutler feud. After pouring through its history and loving every second of the secret ramblings of our fowl-mouthed Marmalard, I followed the link listed on his bio to the Mothership. It didn’t take me long to realize that I had found something that felt so much like home. Gratuitous Simpsons references? PK take downs? Actual smart football takes? Shitting on, well, everyone? It was glorious.
All of a sudden, 7 years go by. I graduated college, went through 3 jobs, traveled coast to coast across the country, matured (still a point of contention) and watched the football season after football season pass. A year ago today, I got to work, started doing going through my daily routine, only to have my browser fly open to reveal things wouldn’t quite be the same. In hindsight, that week ended up being one of the worst in recent memories. But thankfully, there was [DFO] to help ease the pain and it certainly has. Being able to continue on with new Kharacters and bad Photoshops are what always got me, and I’ve tried to keep that part alive in as much of my work as I can,
Anyway, I want to thank Ape, Drew, Ufford, Punte, Flubby, PFTC, Trevo(u)r, Sarah and many others for their work and for making this one corner of the internet a great place for me and the rest of us Commentsits. If not for them, we wouldn’t be here, doing whatever it is we do everyday, and I’d miss all of you glorious bastards and bastardettes. The Commentist Party is family, and I love you all.
I also officially declare this thread: OPEN. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, folks. Remove those pants and raise a pint or your other preferred glass/substance to the fallen and the future.
Status update: Day 4 from the hospital. Day 3 was fucking terrible. Baby is still inside wife and is OK. Mrs. Wakezilla is hanging in there. Hospital fucked up bad. I’m at Women’s Hospital, which is supposed to be a good hospital, too.
This isn’t even an isolated incident. The woman beside us is in really rough shape do the medicine she was given.
As for KSK, I was there from the beginning. I still can’t believe Ufford made The Sarah Sprain train famous. I hope she gives him money for that. Sex Canon was my favorite kharacter, but some of their homoerotic fan fic from the old days pretty spectacular.
As sad as I was to see KSK go, I’m happy to see DFO rise from the ashes. I really believe we have something special here. Thank you all for being awesome and letting me post some open threads/previews. Most were a hot mess, but a couple of them were surprisingly adequate!
Love you all.
I’m pretty sure the doctor who replaced the one that we aren’t letting near my wife–because she’s a fucking disgrace to her profession–has the last name of Seaman. Tee hee hee.
Best wishes for teh missus, of course.
Let’s make that a DOUBLE SHOT on the best wishes.
Yeesh, sorry it’s been such a shitshow. May the trendline continue to slope positive
I hope everything goes well!
I’m sending my prayers and/or good thoughts your ways.
I took a quick looksee at our stats for today (because I’m on a plane and completely neglecting the work I need to finish for tomorrow) and have two observations:
1) Clearly Ape retweeting the link to Maestro’s interview with him was a boon for views today. We should get famous people to retweet the house account more often.
2) Who the fuck is Ashlynn Brooke, and why does someone find [DFO] almost daily by searching for her?
Just doing my part….I dunno who she is.
As I thought about today’s anniversary, I realized I actually have no idea when I actually found KSK. I suspect it was via Deadspin (which I also don’t remember how I discovered) but I know what drew me in was Drew’s glorious “Fuck it, I’m throwing downfield.” As a Bears fan, I appreciated someone making Rex Grossman’s reckless dumbfuckery amusing. I also liked making my then coworkers uncomfortable by making them read about how the dragon was unleashed.
I lurked for a long time visiting the site frequently but didn’t comment until about three years ago or so. I remember what got me to finally sign up and join in: some blistering hot take about Colin Kaepernick’s tattoos. After that, I was hooked and appreciated having a place to pass my Sundays and my cubicle monkey time during my first years in Chicago where friends were few, money was tight, and my relationship prospects about as bleak as the Browns’ Super Bowl odds.
Make no mistake, I’m still an odd mess of a human being, but at least I can compare myself to all of you bizarre fuckers and tell myself it’ll be alright.
I think I found KSK through WWTDD, but I really can’t remember.
I had been reading for a day or two when the news came out that Nickelback was playing one of the 2011 Thansksgiving game’s halftime show.
I thought that was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard and had to register to komment.
Someone, probably Drew, had done a FJM of Bill Simmons and it was one first things I read there. He had proposed an alter ego known as “Sill Bimmons,” and that sounded like as good a fake name as any.
Some computer shenanigans with a photo of Simmons looking constipated and here we are.
What was your second fake name choice?
That kid walks like a South Park character.
Holy shit. He does.
Putting on punched greens is a pain in the ass
What sells it is Eric Davis’s reaction to Mayor Mallory’s “pitch”.
Oh, Honey….
I tried shooting a basketball today for the first time in forever and I don’t think I looked drastically different from this here.
I did that a few years ago during down time at a certification course, and hit nothing but net from half court. I should have quit there. I’m not sure, but I believe that was the only shot I made that day.
Nevar gets old.
I’m not sure how I found KSK. I think I stumbled upon the wrestling open threads on a web search and then about a few weeks in, I ventured out and saw there was other non-wrestling stuff there. It stumbled upon a Best Comments thread for KSK and laughed my ass off. I saw one comment from something called an “Early Game Open Thread”. I decided to check it out the next week’s football games…and I was having so much fun reading the comments I forgot that there was football games to comment on. I still firmly believe that NFL and Sunday Tickets should send you guys a fruit basket.
Once the season ended and I saw the KSK that slowed down to a crawl so I only checked it every week or so. So on August 2, 2015, I checked KSK to see that it has been completely and utterly nuked and every writer walked out like the Deltas walking out of the Kangaroo Court Disciplinary Hearing in Animal House. I went to first Open Thread and it was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen how slow it was. In one half of football, there was only 30 comments in one half of football. I attempted to find it on Uproxx, but it looks like they took it down. They may try to retcon from existence, but I saw it. It was Peak Schadenfreude. Short of the Patriots and Steelers going 0-15, facing each other in Week 17 and playing to a 4-4 tie, it is the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed.
Thankfully His Right Honorable Lord Revisisle sent me the website in a Direct Message so I was able to join along. And I continue to follow Uproxx. The only good thing there is Wrestling and the NFL Cartoons Recaps. Everything else is like those Youtube videos where people report on news we’ve already heard. If Stroud and the Pro Wrestling fans leave, Uproxx’s daily viewership will probably go down to about a dozen or two people a day.
Every time I accidentally wander away from With Spandex, (GET IT!? /cuts) or the fascist advertising system decides I’m going to a different page instead, I’m amazed at just how badly Uproxx has devolved from 5 years ago. It reminds me of the old porn clip sites back before streaming porn became the norm. Even the wrestling shit is getting pumped out so fast it’s getting homogenous. I don’t know what they pay Stroud and co., but it can’t be worth the soul-crushing experience that is Uproxx.
Just ate 7 slices of an XL pizza in 1 sitting ask me anything
Dogz iz freakz
I just ate a bag of peanut butter snickers.
So I’m not the only one eyeing her boobs, right?
hey guys
Is Fozz so silent this weekend because he’s been hanging with PK?
Only fucking Peter King would reference a fucking four year old, hipster craft beer as being the true “Baltimoron” experience.
Its called fucking “Scramble” PK. Its heroin mixed with quinine. And its fucking awesome and its a hell of a lot cheaper than a can that some douchebag who spends half his wages on beard wax, served you.
“Half his salary on beard wax? Man, that’s a pretty big investment in keeping the runway clear.”
– Aaron Rodgers
“Half my wages? Try only about a quarter for beard wax.”
-Ryan Fitzpatick, upon signing a $12million contract.
Holy shit this is fun to watch.
Thank God Football is back.
KSK got me thru some tough years in my life during the recession and a few years ago when my dad was diagnosed with cancer. The smart asses in KSK let me escape for a few hours.
A full stadium, for a glorified scrimmage. Every year it happens, and every year I’m amazed. Thank sweet jebus football is back.
Hall of Fame game next week. GONNA BE SO MANY JOKES
I’m talking about packers family night going on now.
Did they convert Lambeau into an Old Country Buffet for a day?
The one we had shut down a couple months ago. Was my first job as a kid clearing tables. Both O and D-lines came through regularly. Gilbert Brown was a monster.
Nope. 10 bucks. They know better.
For what preseason game do they charge $10?
Misunderstood. The family night is 10 bucks. Preseason starts at 45.
OK, got it. Makes sense.
Has NFL memes done their heartfelt tribute to KSK yet?
Has Up-etc. done a tribute to [DFO] yet?
“When is a door not a door? When we draw what all 32 NFL teams would look like if they were one!”
TonyHomo.com was my doorway to KSK. My favorite posting was the Chad Johnson works a sex hotline:
God I remember having to shut my office door I was laughing so hard.
Fuck, I forgot about that Segway line. So good.
I still say “down wid it”
I think I speak FOAR EVERYONE when I says…
“Fuck everything, I’m going downfield.”
Generic Marcus Mariota can really spin it down the field.
TonyHomo.com led me to KSK. A worthwhile click.
That, of course, was the beginning of the best years of my life…not the reason, but it gives me a time frame. I took KSK with me on my favorites list from my last job in California to New Mexico, where I had followed a girl I’d been chasing for some time. She shook her head at my “Facebooking football” as she graciously tolerated rivebrogs and sat with me for Super Bowls in which she had no interest. We started our first Super Bowl together in a bar where I drank six Dead Guys because she didn’t like them, then went home just in time to see Elisha stick it to the 18-0 Dreamboat.
I spent a little less time on KSK as I started getting real jobs, but I still made as many games, Gay Super Bowls, Kommentor Drafts (personal favorite), and Home Run Derbies as I could, and while having my desk job, kept as up to date day to day as possible. KSK heard my best jokes (not that good) and paid polite attention to the events of my life as they piled up: buying my first house, getting married, and having two amazing kids. Just before my daughter’s first birthday, suddenly, KSK disappeared. For a moment, there was fear and confusion, but then Sill directed me here, where we do our best (and sometimes our worst) to sustain an interweb where the dick jokes flow like wine.
The spirit of KSK…the spirit of a large, sprawling, psychotic family of class clowns…lives on here at DFO, even as we recognize, sometimes daily, that things ain’t what they used to be. The best years of my life ended on February 25th, 2016 when my wife’s death cut the heart out of my family. You guys were here and are still here, even as my presence has become more inconsistent. I appreciate this more than you realize. Coming in and dropping a terrible pun or mildly relevant .gif is actually quite therapeutic, as is (God help me) the time I spend at work bullshitting with coworkers.
I’ve become more sentimental and nostalgic than ever, to the point where if you leave me alone for too long, something is probably going to get me all weepy. In those moments, I can almost understand the Trump voter who pines for “good old days” that weren’t so much great times, just great for them personally because they were young and the world had yet to beat them down. KSK is one piece of those times, and voting for Trump won’t bring it, or $0.25 cheeseburgers, or M*A*S*H, or FM radio stations that play Englebert Humperdink, back.
The Gay Mafia had something really good going on, but like C. Thomas Howell once said, nothing gold can stay. Luckily, there’s a whole bunch of pyrite here at DFO. Three cheers and ten beers to KSK and the Original Gay Mafia! And the same for DFO and its, um…LGBT Clowder.
Fuck you I’m gonna live forever!!!
Wasn’t M*A*S*H about all these people getting maimed in a pointless unwinnable war?
That’s actually one show that can be remade in the modern day and it would make total sense.
The novel and movie are SOOOOO much better than the TV show.
For all of Alan Alda’s liberal shit, he made sure to remove all the brothers as soon as the first season was over.
Alda was in charge of casting?? THE MORE YOU KNOW!
Spearchucker Jones was a major character in the film and movie. In the film he is played by the criminally under appreciated Fred Williamson.
In the TV show, he was played by Timmy Brown and lasted five episodes until CBS decided to white up the cast.
This happens all the time with TV shows. Minority characters get rewritten as white people or you end up with white people playing minorities. My personal favorite is how they don’t even bother to get a handicapped actor…they just have someone play gimp.
Not saying the CASTING director didn’t do it then, and people still do (TV and movies); you implied it was Alan Alda which he never had say for casting.
Moose…I don’t think you quite understand what a casting director does and how their job works.
They don’t really stick around after the casting is done.
The show changed cast members a lot for various reasons. Whom ever picked new cast members as replacements would be the shows producers. Maybe casting director was a poor choice of title, however the point is still the same. Granted I am no Hollywood expert.
You need to read up on that show.
By the end of the first season, not only had Alda gotten the minority cast members removed, he got most of the original editors, writers, and directors removed.
Half of the total cast was gone by season 3.
Alda didn’t cast anyone, but if you were in his way or he didn’t like you, your ass was gone.
I’m good, no need.
Also, in the remake, the doctors are all black women now.
Majors and above are all white men though — gotta stay true to the story.
A good conversation to waste hours on is “what remake was the worst”….
I nominate “The Longest Yard” which I am convinced no one involved with that film, including Burt Reynolds, watched the original and/or understood why it was a good movie and did not need a modern remake.
If we’re going straight up quality, I’m going with the remake of Day of the Dead.
I didn’t hate that film as much as I expected. I didn’t like the fast zombies, but I thought it was rather rare that it was a horror movie filled with characters that I didn’t absolutely detest.
Oh no, not the big budget “Dawn of the Dead” remake. Specifically, “Day of the Dead”, which was the military installation one.
Total Recall
I’m raising a glass to you good friend Porky as we speak.
Good to have you here!
Porky; sorry we ruined your great post.
The fucked up thing for me is when I use my Kindle (90% of my DFOing) and there’s a long series of reply posts, each successive post gets pushed farther and farther right until I can no longer see them.
Even on the iPad, the “Day of the Dead” reply was about four letters wide.
Is the Grey Cup today? I am totally confused…someone please explain minor league football to me…
There seems to be a lot of pageantry in what looks like a cold Texas high school football stadium.
Okay…I think they just had the trophy there to announce that Ottawa would host the next Grey Cup.
CFL is fucking weird…they don’t boo their commissioner.
Its Canada, with Bettman still at the helm of the NHL you’d think they would do that for every commissioner.
Not cold, can tell you that. About 95 here in Ottawa today. But it’s exciting to have the Grey Cup back here in town – first one hosted here since 2004! I’ll be getting tix as soon as they’re available.
That there is pretty chilly for Texas this time around…
Dear god I have to fucking be in Houston in the morning…fucking kill me now…
Just saying….
I’m listening…
I came to KSK via WWTDD, and Warming Glow . I lurked for a long time before tossing my hat in the ring to try and be as funny as the postings were in the open threads. Glad I did and was able to contribute over there and here now.
Perhaps I’m remembering it with rose-colored glasses, but for a while WWTDD had a really vibrant comments section. And Brendon’s posts weren’t terrible either.
I was a fan of WWTDD which lead me to Ufford’s With Leather which lead me to KSK. With the exception of Filmdrunk, Ufford had a hand in creating just about everything on the [redacted]. I think they owe him some money.
I think the best TAEK of this post was blaxabbath’s. That guy is way cool.
Very well said. I loved KSK because it was about the NFL, it was funny, and meathead crap (if any), was very likely tongue-in-cheek. Ape was the best, for me. He poured himself into it wholly and with integrity, and he’s tops as a writer IMHO.
This Ricky Williams post, even mangled without pics, is still freakin’ hilarious.
Much thanks and love to KSK. As for all of you degenerates, LAST SUNDAY WITHOUT NFL-LIKE #GAMECONTENT. FOOTBALL IS BAAAAACK!!! Cheers to another season of us talking shit to one another, and welcoming more.
And if ya hear from Martin, tell him he’s missed.
*Offer not valid in St Louis
This is the image I referred to.
Still cracks me up.
*CUMS HARD* (but also sadly)
That sounds a lot like last night for me…
I’ll take “What I Do on Valentine’s Day for $800, Alex”.
My kingdom for another Marmalard-Cutlerfucker feud. My be-all favorite post remains the one where Rivers tries to trade Cutler to the Broncos. I don’t know that it was my particular favorite in terms of KSKharacter dialogue, but the various disguises for Philip Rivers while he was on the phone had me fucking rolling for reasons I can’t really understand.
[Reuploads profile pic from all non-DFO sites]
Eat a dick, Uproxx.
Anyway, on the mothership, actual Door Flies Opening shit is what I fell in love with, but I was only ever really active in live threads, which allow me to embarrass myself making attempts at what can loosely be called humor. I’m far more active in the new home, as I actually find DFO far more comfortable for non-cutting humor/cutting myself commentary.
Thanks, guys. I’ll always remember you all whenever I say Marmalard and Harf Harf in public and have to start explaining myself to sane people.
Also, I kind of miss LOLNFL.

That’s my favorite post of all time too, and where my profile pic comes from!
The mask one is more common, but the mustachioed villain version kills me on sight, and I’m starting to think I was the last person with a copy of it.
I thought that one was lost, to be honest. Good on you for keeping it around!
As soon as I get off this goddamn people mover at Dulles and get to my gate, I’m getting a drink so I can pour a little out for ksk. And raise the rest to you fine gentlepeople. To the only internet friends I’m willing to admit I have.
She is the subject of my very first tattoo, circa 1981.
That’s right! I’ve got tattoos older than some of you folks.
Christ I need a drink.
1983 here. Thanks for being the old guy.
Sincerely: Thank you all for sharing the memories. I’d been reading KSK since the Rex Cannon post when it shut down, and I don’t know where I’d have gone if not for some of you prescient assholes setting up DFO. I’d probably have become a Serious Favstar Twitter person or something. One shudders.
The sex cannon is one of my favorite pieces of writing ever. Tom Wolfe could learn a thing or two from that post.
I remember seeing that for the first time when I was five and went to New Orleans.
Where is teh…..
Whizzing out eight beers and waiting for a rocket ride to the moon.
We wrote about Rosie earlier this week.
Since I started reading and checking in with KSK and subsequently this site, it’s always felt unassuming in every positive way. A joke was made and even if it wasn’t my taste or it went over my head (they often do), the Kommenters were worth a read on their own. And it continues to be that way and the conversations continue to evolve. Been a pleasure to take everything a little less seriously with all of you fine people.
I never felt comfortable coming up with any kind of eulogy for KSK when it ended, and I guess I kind of still don’t. I loved kommenting, and kommenting was polite to me in return, so I’m just going to repost my favorite komment I ever made:
Commissioner’s Log, October 3, 2014. When we left on this mission, I was convinced I could change the domestic violence space for good. Now, I’m not so sure. But these men need a leader, and I, Roger Goodell, am—
Out of nowhere, THE MOST ANNOYING SOUND IN THE GALAXY reverberates through the bridge.
What the FUCK is that? Are we being hailed? Media Officer King, report!
Media Officer Peter King stops LOUDLY SLURPING through a straw at the bottom of his frozen coffee drink.
Just my soy cinnamon nutmeg gingerbread chai latte. Sorry about that, sir. Please don’t benchpress me again.
God dammit, Peter.
Also, yes, we’re being hailed. Maybe. Origin unknown. What a country, am I—
Stop your blithering, King! Main screen!
On the main viewscreen, an image appears of a sturdy, oaken table. Seated around the table are a half-dozen black women, armored in heavy plate. In the center is RIHANNA, wearing a menacing horned helmet.
(visibly taken aback) Oh… um… hello there… Adele?
Silence, fool! It is I, Ser Rihanna, of the Black Women’s Roundtable! Or did you think I would not have my satisfaction after you slighted me at the season opener?
Oh, right, Iggy Azalea… and, Jesus, you’re still mad about that?
You have besmirched my very honor, and I will never forgive. But it is now an even more urgent matter that obliges me to treat with you. You are in possession of the thing most precious to the Black Women’s Roundtable: Excalibur.
Oh, okay. I think I see where this misunderstanding is coming from. See, our Excalibur isn’t a sword, it’s the name of the ship—
It belongs to Queen Bey!
You know, you’re not really even in the right genre. This was supposed to be more of a sci-fi thing.
Duplicitous peasant! If you will not turn over that which is rightfully ours, we shall take it by force! We will burn your homes, and salt your fields—
We’re actually using these really cool replicator things—
Shut the FUCK up, Peter.
A forboding silence descends on the bridge.
(coldly) We attack at once. Prepare to face the wrath of the Sisterhood of the Roundtable.
The viewscreen goes blank. X.O. STEPHEN A. SMITH approaches the Commissioner.
Sir, with your permission. The Roundtable has only rudimentary arms that are no match for our advanced technology. They have absolutely no means of harming us. We could simply walk away and we’d be fine. If forced into a fight, we’d completely obliterate them. And man, they are SO asking for it.
My God, Stephen, you’re right! Weapons Officer Hardy… ready our elevators!
But… the new League policies! Commissioner—
GOODELL angrily pounds his fist on the console in front of him. Then, abruptly, his expression lightens. A tentative smile widens into a huge shit-eating grin as he turns to the camera.
Commissioner? I hardly know ‘er!
SportsCenter theme plays. Fade out.
I’m actually getting a bit teary-eyed over here.
Another true story: Some years back my absolute favorite kitty of all time, my beloved Maggie died.
She lived 18 years and had a wonderful life but it still really broke my heart. Not knowing how to reach out to someone I knew without feeling like I would be criticized because “It’s just a cat” I emailed Ape. I remembered that he was a cat owner – hope Jean Grey is still doing well, Mike – and Mike couldn’t have been more supportive or sympathetic.
I will always remember the kindness he showed me that day.
Then I took the day off, got shit hammered drunk and hung out with the Kommentariat for the rest of the day.
I truly do love you folks.
Here here! Or is it hear hear? Either way, I’m raising a glass.
Thank you to everyone.
I can’t believe we didn’t mention Sexy Friday…
“Here, here.”
– Brandon Marshall during training camp roll call
That’s tremendous!
The death knell, to me, was when the fascists took Sexy Friday away.