Your “Greatest Day in Motorsports” Open Thread

Today is, arguably, one of the greatest days in the calendar year for ‘Murricans.  We are smack dab in the middle of a glorious three-day Memorial Day Weekend (four, if you were smart and took off on Friday) and there is nothing to do all day except for consuming large quantities of food and alcohol, wearing no pants, and doing whatever the fuck your significant other tells you you are going to do.

For those of us lucky ones without anyone telling us what to do, we have, at our disposal, an entire day of racing action to drunkenly pass out on.  In order:

The 75th Monaco Grand Prix

Yes, the 75th is the diamond anniversary.  It’s a little late by the time you read this, but I want to give you this link so you can start making your plans to be there next year.  Alls I know, is this is my plan to watch the race next year:

So, seriously, this is where all the girls get kidnapped and shipped off to the Middle East to be a part of harems, right?

If there is one motherfucker left in this world that promotes white slavery (Das Raycess!), it’s this guy:

As for the race itself, it will really depend on who wins the pole and how many teammates are around.  The best bet is points leader Sebastian Vettel or Hamilton Lewis.  I do love me some Daniel Ricciardo and Kimi Räikkönen though, so a win by either of those two will get the day off to a good start.

One name I did not mention is Fernando Alonso.  That is because he decided to skip this race and instead race in

The 101st Indianapolis 500

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Last year was the BIG anniversary, but this year’s race has plenty of things happening around it.  There is the aforementioned Fernando Alonso racing in Indy for the first time.  There was the Taco Bell robbery of Scott Dixon and Dario Franchitti (ex-Mr. Judd and new daddy.  Take that, Ashley!!).

And there was the crazy crash in practice that saw Sebastien Bourdais taken to the hospital with multiple pelvic fractures.  Luckily, he will be ok and he already has two kids, so his wife was only slightly annoyed.

As for the race itself, Alonso starts the race in the second row and has posted very good times.   I’ll be rooting for him but will also be happy if Juan Pablo Montoya wins.  Even though he didn’t really run well in NASCAR (I really am the king of the segue), he did do quite well for himself

Which brings us to:

The 58th Coca Cola 600



That’s more like it.

The nightcap to the day is the longest race in NASCAR and, arguably, the most challenging.  It starts off in daytime, finishes at night, and provides the ultimate test of engine capability.  Whoever wins here has a very good team.

Who will win?

Kevin Harvick won the pole and my favorite driver, Kyle Busch, will start the race next to him in the front row. There are a lot of young drivers making waves this season and they’ve all done well in qualifying.  I’m speaking of Erik Jones, Chase Elliot, Ryan Blaney, and Kyle Larson.  As long as their engines don’t blow up, any of those drivers could win.

So, there you have it.  A whole day you can devote to watching auto racing on one screen, porn on the other, and a drink in your free hand.  Have a great day!

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Brick Meathook

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Evening. I’m exhausted so just pooping by to say good luck, we’re all counting on you.


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Boy, did American Gods ramp the fuck up this week. Fun episode.


Crispin Glover is a goddamn maniac.

Brick Meathook

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I watched a bunch of Craigy Ferg clips today. I love the old Late late show theme music


I just got my Sirius radio turned back on and was fucking thrilled to find out he’s got a two hour show on every day.
Also, I had no idea Chris Isaak wrote that theme song.

Senor Weaselo

Evening lizard people. Went to an engagement party, Cards Against Humanity broke out once the kids and old folks left, fun times had by all.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

BTW, one evening of the next DFOCon will be devoted to Cards Against Humanity


If I make it, we’re playing secret Hitler

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I have that every time you bet, don’t bluff


Sadly, this information checks out.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Someone tell tWBS I am going out for a cig while he restarts his computer.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Anyone up for poker tonight? tWBS you know your chips want to end up with me tonight

Mr. Ayo

Your what?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I forget your name. I remember you as the guy who bet 80k with a Q-6 and 4-4-3 on the board.

Mr. Ayo

I say! This libelous statement will not stand! I do declare!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

If you told me I punched a nun in the face while drunk I would believe you, but forgetting poker hands does not happen.

Mr. Ayo

That poor nun

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Demand satisfaction!


Why do we used sealed decanter sets for whiskey or cognac but why not for clears like gin or vodka?


Everybody knows you put the lid down when making a whiskey, and leave it up for vodka. NO ONE DENIES THIS!

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

I have been told that 1. Decanting hard alcohol is most for presentation (since there is no sediment to separate) so there is relatively little point with clear liquids, and 2. to the extent decanting is for “breathing”, whiskeys and cognacs benefit from it, while clear spirits usually don’t


I just wanted presentation.


Did science ever get around to figuring out that way to undrink something?


Hmm I was hoping for a time machine or a stomach tap. Oh wait, that one exists.


I finally got the fucking toilet flange chiseled out. It was a complete fucking mess, with my head facing my fucking sewage drain the whole time. The whole reason I did this was because the toilet wobbled and its something you should never ignore.

I get the fucking toilet off and I see the flange was cracked, which started this whole journey.

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Plumbers that do shit like this should be fucking shot. YOU DON’T PVC GLUE A GODDAMN TOILET FLANGE!!!

I get the toilet installed again…and the fucking THING STILL FUCKING WOBBLES?!!!!

The problem can’t be solved by just doubling up the fucking wax seal. I think either the base of my toilet is not flat…or my bathroom floor is really not level.

So to properly fix this, I am going to have to drain the toilet again, spill a shit load of water, and try again with some fucking spacers.

Of course this is the downstairs water closet…so like there is almost no fucking room to move around at all.


Who says water closet?

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Oooh! New fiction column idea. “JSD: Undercover Brit”


Who rings a doorbell at 9 pm on a sunday? I’m not about to find out.


It’s only 8:15



The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem


Brick Meathook

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Not sure if very big, or very small


That makes two of you
(though I do love Natalie Portman)

Mr. Ayo

This is a correct opinion.

Brick Meathook
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

We have a lot of parents here, so I can ask this question. What is your favorite kids movie?

I go How to Train Your Dragon, but I haven’t seen Toy Story 3 which I am told is great.

King Hippo

Been awhile, but “Coraline” was good


Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Don T

Every one fucking SUCKS. Kids!

The Spongebob Squarepants Movie is fabulous. I love it.

Disney’s Robin Hood. Where they are all animals and Peter Ustinov (verbally) chews scenery as Prince John.

Also, the Muppet Movie (1979 one)


Wreck it Ralph


I saw Logan last night and thought it was pretty decent. The ending saved the film, I thought, as it was too depressing. As a father yo a 9 month old daughter, you bet your sweet ass I cried at the end.

Question about the film as I missed parts due to watching with non nuclear family members who would shut up:

Why was Wolverine dying? Was it his adamantium claws or was the gene modifiers working against his healing powers and his body started to rapidly age because he’s anout 150 years old?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Mutant AID’s. Or Fox could’t write a story for the character that saved them from being broke with out their one good character

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Logan was great though

King Hippo

To follow up on what ICRM said downstream…I agree, but with one caveat – put the autos going in one direction, and the horseys going the other at the same time, pump everyone full of angel dust? I will watch the everlovin’ shit out of that!


I’m sensing a theme…
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Ok folks, help me with something that’s freaking me the fuck out,
We have a 1 year old German Shepherd we have raised from a pup; he’s only lived in my house. Like a lot of dogs, whenever there’s the sound of a doorbell on the TeeVee, he freaks the fuck out and barks incessantly at the front door. That alone might not seem strange, except for this…

My doorbell has never worked.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Certain things inherently arouse dogs to their fight version of fight or flight. He loves you and wants to protect you. Dog’s have the intelligence of a 2 year old with this exception of his dog instincts to know where to protect


True, I just don’t understand why it’s only the doorbell sound that sets him off.
He’s a pretty smart dog, but the first two years of GSD ownership are challenging.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

If someone rings my doorbell and I didn’t order a pizza really drunk, my reaction is “FUCK THIS GUY!”. I understand it. They just get it built in as a reflex

That’s true, I was humping the TV leg when Paul Lynde was on Hollywood Squares at 2 years old!

For some reason I believe this, and now I know Buddy is like 10+ years older than me at least

/Archer “WOOOO!”. Buddy showed up again.

I don’t like playing my real life hand, but I was born when Days of Thunder was the #1 movie.

I just got immersed in old-ass culture as a young kid and just never lost touch. I mean, Comedy Central used to show KITH religiously on the channel during my formative years, that’s how I even know who the fuck Buddy Cole is. I was 4 when the show ended its’ original run in 1994.

Oh shit, you are just better at life and jokes than me and younger. Comedy Central used to show good stuff though. Was that before or after MST3K being played all the time for you?


I’ll bet none of you are old enough to remember SCTV.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I know it. I just saw it is on youtube. I am going to have to RW at some point soon (nothing on TV) but I am watching a movie now.


That’s what happens when you send him to Pavlov’s Obedience School

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

That dude tortured/murdered a bunch of dogs. Only because he was an asshole (I went to the first article that shows he was a dick, might not be a complete history [skimmed part of it])


You know who else had a veterinarian like that?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Dr Vick?


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King Hippo

Every time there’s a wreck, the screen should flash “THANKS OBAMA!!!111”


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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

My last comment was dark. I’ll post something on theme with today. Mario Kart 64 Wario Stadium speed run

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Conversation with my mom this morning that is still bugging me hours later

“I can’t believe how the liberals have ruined Fox News with their garbage complaints to get people fired, starting with the guy who ran it”

“The guy who had $45 million dollars in settlements because he sexually harassed and abused women for years?”

“Yeah, but that was a few women just saying it for the money”

“It was all of them”

“Yes, but women can’t be trusted and we should trust what the men in charge said. Women will make shit up to get attention and money”

“Do you not remember getting abused physically and sexually for 20 years with my dad?”

“Yeah, that is why I get to say everyone else is lying”

I have no idea what it will take to get a Republican to admit fault for anything




I’m forever grateful both my parents think Fox News is horseshit.

Oooh, semi-lapsed Republican here (I think I am still registered R) and imma get lengthy:

The Republican party has taken a shift from having a shade of classic conservatism throughout the party, and a fair amount of people who support Trump have political views that boil down to “I hate liberals and anything that pisses them off makes me happy” which isn’t implicitly conservative or Republican in a vacuum.

Where they lost me is instead of being the Republican Party, they felt like becoming the Democratic Party’s negative. There’s no original platform, it’s about running counter to “the bad guys who are ruining the country”. Even Fox, which at one point at least used to pay lip service to intellectual conservatism, has just gone off the reservation with the “if you don’t like Trump you’re a fucking snowflake” mentality.

There was a really interesting article in The Atlantic last month that found that a good chunk of Trump’s base are evangelicals who don’t attend church. The people who like to use their faith as a cudgel, basically. A quote:

Whatever the reason, when cultural conservatives disengage from organized religion, they tend to redraw the boundaries of identity, de-emphasizing morality and religion and emphasizing race and nation.


My general feeling about horsies running in a circle being of no interest to me applies to vroom vroom cars driving in a circle.


Oh c’mon, NASCAR has roots in committing federal crimes! How ‘murican is that?!?!?

Mr. Ayo

A NASCAR race has broke out!
Also, fuck off and die Honda.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Hey! Sato won with a Honda


One of my toilets was lose. So I took the toilet off to see if the toilet flange was broken.

Not only was it broken, the fucking house builder PVC glued the fucking flange to the pipe.

So now I get to fucking spend the day chipping the flange away in pieces with a chisel and hammer.

If they had installed it right with screws, it would have taken me at most a half and hour to have my toilet back and working.


NFL Network is doing an Super Bowl Team Marathon. They’re doing the first one that’ll be painful to watch (’88 49ers).


Tesla needs to put a car on the NASCAR circuit. It’ll be glorious to watch the petroleum-sponsored ICE car teams complain of the unfairness.

Mr. Ayo

3 hour pit stops? Sponsors would love that.

Mr. Ayo

I’m not your Buddy, pal!


Pit Crewleader: “#18. Youi car is falling apart. Pit the damn car!”


Dude got held up by gun point and then had a horrific crash. If I knew him, I’d probably stay away from him for the time being.

Mr. Ayo

He’s due for a good run of luck now.
/I’m not a good gambler


We’re talking motorsports, thus I feel justified unleashing some country on ye’s…


Hold up. Its Indianapolis. Its Midwest Country.


Only for the moment. The rednecks are already gathering an hour and a half to my west….

The most heard phrase in Charlotte today?

Here, hold my beer and watch this.


A good friend from college lives around the corner from the Speedway. He treats this weekend like a natural disaster…he either evacuates for the weekend, or stocks supplies and holes up.

I think he holed up this yr. So to speak.


“I crashed. Thanks to my team/sponsors.”


“I would like to thank my sponsors for providing me a shitty car with poor handling that caused this wreck…”

Mr. Ayo

Woah. Can’t believe he can walk away from that.


Absolutely incredible.

Mr. Ayo

It’s like the lego gt3 rs crash in real life.


Agreed. That’s why I’m so nervous about IndyCar. If a stock car goes upside down, it lands on the roof. If its an IndyCar, it lands on the drivers head.

That was one bad angle away from this being a disaster.

Mr. Ayo

Same with F1. These cars are too fast. Enclose the cockpits already like WEC LMP1.

Mr. Ayo

I’d pop her bottle


No opener necessary.

Don T

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Don T

That would never would have happened at The New Yorker. Well, the Tina Brown years maybe…

Mr. Ayo

They’re capable of perfectly cromulent blibjibs.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Having dated several Women of East Asian Ancestry, I would say both Skill and Enthusiasm are distributed across about the same range as the women of other ethnic backgrounds.

Of course, it’s different when performing oral sex, because you’re always hungry an hour…no. No, I can’t do it.

Senor Weaselo

…Squidward plays the clarinet.

King Hippo

Jonathan Taplin’s “Move Fast and Break Things” is a very excellent booky-book, FWIW. Just started last night, can’t put it down.

King Hippo

aka “the day Hippo’s teevee box stays off.”

FFS, HBO isn’t even showing The Leftovers tonight. I have to be depressed by stupid fucking reality.


Hey Mr Hippo, check the listings again. I’ve got the Leftovers showing at 6 local time. Episode 7.


Usually porn in one hand means no free hand for a drink.


Let me make my dick joke in peace


Hard taek…I really dislike the Indy 500.

Its pretty much everything to dislike about NASCAR and F1 combined.


Considering that Hamilton didn’t get to 3rd stage qualifying yesterday and started in 14 position, I would not have put money on Hamilton.

I mean…he finished 7th which is a fantastic performance considering how poorly he did in qualifying. That is more passes than his last championship winning season. Interesting seeing Ferrari go 1 and 2 on the podium. And I am loving seeing Mercedes have issues.


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Senor Weaselo

Isn’t Monaco notoriously difficult for passes though, even by F1 standards?


I used to watch the Indy 500 solely because my mom went to grade school with Eddie Cheever. And he won it one year when it was shortened by rain I believe. Might have to put it on in the background today while entertaining.


I had to look it up. 1998 in the Rachel’s Potato Chip car.


Buenos ding-dong-diddly-dias
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