NFL Noise:
- It’s mostly coaching news today:
- It was, according to PFT, “Love at first sight” between Jerry Jones & Mike McCarthy.
- BTW – worst Marvel pairing since Sue Storm & Matt Murdock.
- The Panthers are hiring Baylor’s Matt Rhule as their new coach.
- It’s a seven-year, $60 million deal, which doesn’t include the additional $6 million to get Rhule out of the last year of his Baylor contract.
- Right after that was announced, the Giants announced their hiring of Patriots assistant Joe Judge as head coach.
- He turned down an offer to take the head coaching position at his alma mater, Mississippi State, to take on the Giants job instead.
- Wade Phillips – available!
- It was, according to PFT, “Love at first sight” between Jerry Jones & Mike McCarthy.
In amongst all the fun of the Sunday games & the tale of my possible hobo-murder, we forgot to take a moment to really savour the fact that the Patriots lost on Saturday & are out of this year’s playoffs.
Breathe deep the air of freedom.
And, let’s check in on how the hard-done-bys in Patriots Nation are taking things in a flashback to a segment I used to call, “Hope Clicks Eternal“.
First off – Patriots twitter.
Final score. pic.twitter.com/wXfXOPrxTv
— New England Patriots (@Patriots) January 5, 2020
I thought I’d just look at the game score page, because the rest is unfiltered “we’ll be back” nonsense I don’t need because I’m here for the pain! So, let’s see what’s up –
Okay, that’s a good start. But where’s the rage & irrational pain I’ve come to expect from Patriots fans?
I didn’t come here for the glib. I came for the misery & wallowing in self-pity.
There we go. The combined delusional rage that only a Pats fan can muster – switching to Jacksonville because of one loss, and that the coach threw the season to get rid of his QB.
But I need a little more – perhaps an over-the-top reference to dramatic closure?
And what, pray tell, is the appropriate reaction to such histrionics?
As for the rest of Boston, there’s the glib,
and the desperate to move on. So let us check in on those impartial fair & balanced folks over at WEEI. Thank God they have the Red Sox to lo–
Oh my. Looks like a Patriots-esque controversy and an adjacent Maple Leaf Gardens scandal just in time for training camp. A banner winter so far up in Mass’y.
To close out the look into WAT PASSES FOR DAHKNESS, someone decided that the result of the game all came down to the spouses.
In conclusion, I don’t know what we’ll do for this year’s [DFO] Hate Week during the Super Bowl lead-up with our usual target of ire gone, but I’m sure we’ll find something.
Tonight’s sports:
- NHL:
- Avalanche at Rangers – 7:30PM | NBCSN / Sportsnet
- Penguins at Vegas – 10:00PM | Sportsnet
- NBA:
- Trail Blazers at Raptors – 7:00PM | TSN
- Thunder at Nets – 7:30PM | NBATV
- Knicks at Lakers – 10:30PM | NBATV
- NCAA: hoops
- Ohio State at Maryland – 7:00PM | ESPN / TSN3
- Miami at Louisville – 7:00PM | ESPN2
- Florida at South Carolina – 7:00PM | ESPNU
- Providence at Marquette – 7:00PM | FS1
- Kentucky at Georgia – 9:00PM | ESPN
- Baylor at Texas Tech – 9:00PM | ESPN2
- TCU at Kansas State – 9:00PM | ESPNU
- Villanova at Creighton – 9:00PM | FS1
Tonight’s TV:
- Jeopardy – the GOAT tournament: Tuesday thru Friday – 8:00PM ET; PT / 7:00PM CT; MT
- 9:00PM Calgary because you get Spokane TV
Perhaps our own [DFO] Jeopardy contestants will chime in on their own experiences.
Hi. I should sleep. But don’t wanna
Speaking of cats.
I just watched Alien for the first time in for fucking ever and why didn’t they mention at the onset that they were transporting a fucking cat.
Fucking thing just shows up as a fright scare and then becomes a major plot point.
You could have said that part of the Nostromo’s mission was to find out about the long term effects of space travel on feline cat forms, but no.
We’ve got a jump scare.
And it’s a fucking cat.
And would it sacrifice your mission to see how the alien interacted with the fucking cat?
Jesus God man.
A cat?
No wonder Rob Sheridan has been a part of NIN. https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2020/01/03/a-conversation-with-the-guy-who-took-mushrooms-and-saw-cats
I just realized Pacino looks more like Reagan than Hoffa in The Irishman
Holy shit, I’m glad I clicked on “Bobby Portis,” wondering who he is and why he’s trending on Twitter.
/WOO’s reflexively
I normally don’t approve of glorifying street fight shit, but this one gets an exemption on account of being so very special.
I don’t follow JV Bouncy Football that much, but: was Roy Williams always this much of a whiney pud? “Least gifted?” Then maybe they could benefit from some coaching, cock-knocker. NC State Commentists need not respond.
Megatron’s Butthole is now officially the second-largest asshole in the South
The correct answer is yes.
Ukranian-bound jet down over Tehran.
180 on board.
Goddamn it. I’m sick of these lazy remakes of 80s hits.
So, instead of wrapping myself around the axle about this iteration of Wagging the Dog, I’m binging this, another story of an empire gone wrong.
Intern for the Turtle? No way
Vat-grown College Republican trust fund baby, future Federalist Society chapter officer, and burgeoning serial killer.
And future Supreme Court Justice, no doubt.
So THAT’S Redshirt?!
That’s just mean to Redshirt
Baylor seems only appropriate for hiring a head coach if your QB is Jameis or Big Ben
As a Yinzer, I’d endorse this, just to get THE BEN out of here. Thanks for the Super Bowls, you’re going to Hell for everything else.
With Brady DED, you could probably get a 2nd and a 5th from the MASS-cists for Mason “Didn’t bomb Myles Jack with the N-Word” Rudolph though.
Yup, me too.
He’s the one creating the chaos.
Found a Star Wars funny:
The Senate, starting tomorrow
The Canucks got waxed in Tampa tonight. Much like Robert Kraft, they leave without a happy ending.
Trump is going to let Mike Maccagnan run the military draft.
The NFL Network wants to televise it as part of “Salute* the Troops” month…
*Paid for with your tax dollars, by the Department of Defense
“I’ve got bone spurs” is the magic safe word-phrase to get you, your kids, or your grandkids out of serving.
If “There Can Be Only One” does that mean that two of these three end up decapitated at the end of the week?
I sure hope America is better at drafting than Steve Keim…..
Just take all those “tired, poor, huddled masses and wretched refuse” Lady Liberty was carrying on about and send them to war.
-RNC steering committee
—and then deport them back to the country of their origin once their enlistments are up, if they survive.
Seems like we’re all in agreement. Bring in the hookers and blow!
We already do that.
My point exactly.
We didn’t institute a draft after 9/11. We’re sure as fuck not going to now.
Oh yes we will, as long as the old rules apply (if you have money or come from money, you are off the hook).
Can this guy doing the iceball game stop saying “circles the wagons”?
Very offensive to the Okies out there.
And very descriptive of Mark Sanchez’s dating rituals.
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/romancing-alone-self-partnering-1.5414683 Pathetic fucking millennials. Trust them to re-brand dedicated masturbation as some sort of righteous life-affirming ceremony
Do you self partner after tanning your taint?
That is just charging my anus. NeighboUrs don’t like it but it’s only a couple minutes a day
No need to tan it any more. I had it tattooed so I never get another burn.
I think the problem is the opposite actually, in that they are not fucking.
One thing about having a romantic relationship with your hand is you know you will never be betrayed.
Suggestion for the losers investment club:
Raytheon Company
226.54 USD −0.048
Boeing Co
337.28 USD +3.54 (1.06%)
Lockheed Martin Corporation
414.50 USD +1.39
Very impressive that their stocks started to surge before thE drone strike, and they managed to do so without committing a single felony, we’ve been told
The cheerleading has started on every news outlet. They’re rock hard for that ratings surge.
Good lord. Anyone need a drink?
Not to mention that our current National Security Advisor’s first official act was to pull a “Jerry Springer” type of fucking surprise with the parents of a kid who was killed by an state department employee’s spouse who then fled the country.
So swamp, drained?
Thank God. They have scraped the bottom of the barrel with the losers in this administration now. Could it get worse than Betsy De Vos and Ben Carson? Oh fuck yeah it could!
Sadly relevant
9 seems like a lot of points to give Los Tits.
This is only 25 years old.
How embarrassed are you that Iranians threatened the NYC & LA SAG offices? Like that’s how you REALLY hurt Americans; blow up a bunch of actors and agents. Fuck me.
ppl forget that Aramaic is read right-to-left.
Here may be found the last words of Joseph of Aramathea. He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the Holy Grail in the Castle of Aaarrrrggh.
Maybe he died while carving it?
Well, that’s what they get for not rewarding Tony Shaloub at the Golden Globes for his work in “Mrs. Maisel”.
I used to use the ATM at SAG all the time. I haven’t seen it reported that it was “Iranians” who made the threat; just that it was “Iran-related”. I’d accuse some MAGA-hat of having called it in in an effort to terrorize the Persian population in Beverly Hills, but it seems doubtful that any of them would know that’s a thing.
Seems a better choice than the ATM at the AVN Awards.
RE: Patsenfreude. The sun only shines on a given dog’s ass for a given amount of time and then moves on. In this case, the sun stood still for almost 18 years, like in Joshua in the bible. I’ll take it and accept that it finally started moving again and the party’s over. Only surprise is that it didn’t happen several years ago TBH.
This stuff is AMAZING.
Nitey nite Donskoi! Let’s go Rangers.
Hope he enjoys his suspension.
Nah. Lindgren will get the suspension. Donskoi took the hit. Kadri instigated/fought/got misconduct.
Yeah, that’s who I meant by “he”.
Uhh…potvin sucks?
The trump administration is what you get when a self hating Jew tries to install a thousand year Reich in a four year term.

/got “self-hating Jew” from a Curb episode. Not being inflammatory.
As a Jew, Fuck Stephen Miller with a 14″ diamond encrusted dildo
PRETTY FUCKED UP that the Yeopardy tournament is on a different channel than normal Yeopardy. I almost missed the intro graphics!
I forget that most people don’t get normal Jeopardy on their normal ABC.
Fucking tired of reboots, man
All Axl Rose future silliness aside, this was indeed a righteous album.
This is GnR’s best album.
Looks to be a shooting war, Mandrake.

Oh hell.
the bully never expects to be punched back. Expect a completely incoherent response.
And Trump Junior to give up hummus for a week.
Congressional Dems will fall in line because something something the time for unity. Gonna be a shit show. It’s a good thing Americans can’t legally commit war crimes according to the Hague Invasion Act
I expect not. There will be full making of Trump wear the hair shirt, like with the impeachment stuff.
Then why were they all kissing his ass save for the technicalities? When force is applied, they will fold like Martha Stewart on meth.
And every one who will is a coward and a traitor and should be primaried until they die and then continuously haunted for eternity in Hell by their victims.
Good to see Vanna White now hosting WoF, maybe now she can afford to eat (because she looks so boney and skinny, you see).
Seriously? Did Sajak finally say something Q-Anon-ish out loud?
I think it’s just temporary. And I guess Vanna’s daughter is filling in for her. Stay tuned for my pamphlet about how the Loyalists have finally won, Democracy is dead and we’ve fallen back to the throes of Monarchy.
as long as Daughter White’s not some kinda fatty obvs
Ol’ Pat got some ol’ health issues. Thought I heard the word cancer kicked around.
He had an intestinal blockage of some sort, that required surgery. Doesn’t rule out cancer though.
Sens up 1-0 over the Caps. I’ll be cheering for the entire 2 minutes until Washington ties it up.
I wonder what the “Seat of Government” bet is between the two teams.
Somehow, Melania gets to spend a night with Trudeau either way.
I’m the guy who could feel SMRT! based on performances during family and “couple friends” games of Trivial Pursuit.
On Jeopardy! I’d be the ret…Special Young Man who gets the Trebek faux pity for being at -$1600 and not eligible to write a blank response or “Three people who have never been in my kitchen” for Final Jeopardy.
“The Pen Is Mightier” for $200.
An Album Cover for $800, please.
I have a friend who was winning going into Final Jeopardy, got the question right, but fucked up the math. The shame is eternal!
I suppose I can share my experience.
I was there to match my intellect on national TV. I was against a plumber and an architect, both with a Ph.D. I was tense, and I was nervous. I guess it just wasn’t my night. Art Fleming gave the answers, but I couldn’t get the questions right.
Fast forward, well, I knew I was in trouble now. My hope of winning sank, because I got the Daily Double now, and then my mind went blank. I took Potpourri for 100, and then my head started to spin. Well, I told Don Pardo, I was giving up and to just tell me what I didn’t win.
Don Pardo kinda broke character at that moment. “That’s right Al–you lost! And let me tell what you didn’t win: a twenty-volume set of the Encyclopedia International, a case of Turtle Wax, and a year’s supply of Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat. But that’s not all! You also made yourself look like a jerk in front of millions of people! And
you brought shame and disgrace on your family name for generations to come! You don’t get to come back tomorrow! You don’t even get a lousy copy of our home game! You’re a complete loser!”
Don’t know what I was thinkin’ of, I guess I just wasn’t too bright. Well, I sure hope I do better next weekend on The Price Is Right.
I lost on Jeopardy, baby.
I’m suing!
—Greg Kihn