Sexy Friday, It’s November 2021 already? edition

This week, we have a special treat! Mr. Ayo decided that 11 pictures wasn’t enough a few weeks back and provided a bounty of booty! Please enjoy a special Mr. Ayo showcase in the pictures this evening!


For those of you prudes that don’t like cheesecake or beefcake, click HERE to skip to the music videos.

Here are your Top 21 pictures of the week.

h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo
h/t Mr. Ayo




And now, for the music!

As I mentioned before, I’ve decided that I must take up the mantle that tWBS ran with and help to make this world a better place. I will do this in the one way he couldn’t: By introducing you to good music!

This week, we’re back to the puzzles. See if you can figure out the link between these 6 songs. Enjoy!

Song Number One:

Madonna – Material Girl

Canción Número Dos:

The Police – Spirits In The Material World

Chanson Numéro Trois:

Bad Religion – Digital Boy

Canzone numero quattro:

The Verve – Bittersweet Symphony

Canção número cinco

Iron Maiden – El Dorado

Seigarren zenbakia:

World Party – Ship Of Fools


That’s all for this week, folks! Be good to each other and fly low and avoid the radar.

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Goals for the weekend:
— make a huge pot of coffee and a good breakfast
— get haircut
— clean my goddamn kitchen
— make a huge pot of french onion soup
— drink
— make dick jokes


As long as you do the last two, I think you can count that as a victory.

yeah right

My big takeaway from today was a photo of me and my friend and Holy fuck do I look exactly like my dad.

Nobody told me their would be aging!


This wasn’t even that hard a week, but it’s still a relief to sit on a Friday night with a cigar, a glass of wine (not my first!) and my Gordon Lightfoot Pandora station.

Hope your weekends are off to a good start.

yeah right

Cheers, my friend!

Another 3 day weekend coming up over here.

yeah right
yeah right

Hey! Good to see you good folks!

I actually got to say hello to one of my very favorite people ever today.

She’s best friend Mike’s wife and her son is stationed in San Diego and her nephew is my godson who is part owner of El Segundo Brewery and ANYWAY!

I got hugs from one of my best friends and it was wonderful! And I got to watch her and her son eat amazing pizza and drink great, fresh ESBC beers and I was at work until 5 hours later and I was jealous as fuck.

I didn’t consume anything. Stupid work.

But I hugged Kathy!

She’s one of those truly good people.


Is there another part owner of that brewery named Tim? I can’t remember if his is El Segundo or another brewery in that area.

yeah right

Rob is the primary owner. He started the place but they took on investors. You would remember Tommy. That’s my boy.




Good lord. Connor McDavid isn’t human

Mr. Ayo

No idea. However, New York led 4-1, then 5-4, lose 6-5 in OT. Experience Rangers Hockey!!


Doktor Zymm

Infrastructure bill is go! About damn time, you can’t try to leverage people who aren’t up for election in ’22 when you are and you’ll lose the majority if you continue to do fuck all

Last edited 3 years ago by Doktor Zymm

We’ll take it!


If Cincinnati gets a new bridge started, Biden/Dems will win the OH/KY/IN Tri-state counties. Hell, we may even name it after him!

Brent Spence Bridge northbound – YouTube

Last edited 3 years ago by Redshirt

IT trying to put everything on OneDrive because they hate us. I originally put all my spreadsheets that can’t run off a network drive on my C drive because they don’t function (crash repeatedly and save in just about 5 minutes and lock up when a major calculation happens). Now they are trying to enforce the OneDrive. Fuck them. I put everything on a thumb drive, and it still runs better than that shit they got. Assholes.

Doktor Zymm

Complain, make them fix it for you


That reminds me of me at my past work. I saved everything to my hard drive then save it to the network at the end of the day. My boss is upset at me for not doing it, but I say it take too much time to save it. My boss actually comes to my office to see why I don’t do it. I click the “save button” and we stare at the screen watching it try to save. After about five minutes the program freezes up.

“Is that normal?”
“No. Usually it freezes up about two minutes sooner.”

By the next week, I had a brand new/refurbished computer.


I have to admit, even though he’s a Pittsburgh Steelers and have helped to ruin several Bengals seasons, I can’t help but like James Harrison. He’s one of the few Steelers players I like.

Doktor Zymm

Sometimes good people play for despicable teams, but I try not to let that mitigate my hatred of the Neutered Bovines

Doktor Zymm

Gone scorched earth and enabled kids mode on one of my echo devices so it will stop making moronic suggestions I didn’t ask for and have explicitly turned down multiple times.

Funny how you can buy an item costing hundreds of dollars with one click, but it requires four methods of idv to make the data collecting mechanism and point of sale device that you paid money for stop being obnoxious.

I named my fake kid for the required profile “Fake Kid”

Doktor Zymm

I don’t really mind the spying, I knew about that when I bought it. It is just the effrontry of thinking they can give me such a shitty user experience when I am doing them a favor and letting them spy on me and sell me shit.


I’m the same way. I don’t lead an interesting enough life for me to be useful. Plus all of my searches are all over the place so I can’t really be pinned down.

The convenience of casting music to a speaker to calm Sharkette down as needed helps a lot.

Doktor Zymm

Based on the mail/email I have received in the past week, I am a doddering senior who needs monitoring, debt relief, and a Maserati.. I am proud of my misdirection


Also I keep all of my google homes muted at all times. that helps.


Gumby is getting bombarded with ads for some Korean car, a Genesis or something?

Doktor Zymm

The Sega Genesis? Do it!

yeah right

I am proud of the fact that I need neither monitoring, debt relief NOR a Maserati.

Keep up the misdirection.

Mr. Ayo

Everyone would be better off with a Maserati.

Unless you have a Rolls Royce.

yeah right

Now see?

I’ve always been a sucker for a Rolls ever since TV Guide had an ad where you could win Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Rolls Royce Corniche; I remember a nice cobalt blue color. It was list priced at 64,500 but that was in…

1974? dollars.

Now I would drive a Rolls.

Last edited 3 years ago by yeah right

I think you could have done better with the name. Otto Von Zymm the 0th of their name.

Doktor Zymm

They only allow 14 characters. And I want their data scientists to know exactly what I am up to if I turn up as a case study in some of their analysis


A much better use. Touche.

Doktor Zymm

I know my own

Mr. Ayo

Can you make one for us, too, and call it “Fake Drunk Husband with E D”?

Doktor Zymm

Gotta shorten it to 14 characters. “Fake Floppy Dick” maybe?


Still accurate.

yeah right

Important security tip kids:

Don’t piss off Dok.


Gee, what a shock…the only voter fraud is being done by the GOP.

Every accusation is a confession.


All you need to know is the GOP/Trump projects their flaw on opponents. That way when they are accused of the same thing, they can deflect it.

That’s why I did a double-take when Trump called his critics “perverts”.

Horatio Cornblower

Watching MSNBC describe the contortions the Democrats are going through to vote on the infrastructure act, and all I can say is that now I can cross “watch a couple of uncoordinated midgets try to fuck in the back seat of a Prius” off of my list to things to do in this lifetime.


I think the political jargon for this is, “Watching monkeys trying to fuck a football.”


Actually, that would be progress where they are now.


Get your house in order, Dems! It was cute in the 2000s when you guys lost an election and collectively screamed “WE’RE NOT LIBERAL ENOUGH!” but the other side wants to elect a king. As much as it pains me to type this you’re Democracy last hope! Focus on winning and getting more seats!

Also, Moderate Democrats: As refreshing as it is to see intraparty disagreement that doesn’t end with disconnection that even Scientologists think are a bit too much, you guys cost your side an election with your shenanigans. Thanks to you, the Democrat’s first report card to the people was an I. Not even a C- or a gentleman’s D+ but an gosh-darn Incomplete.


Doktor Zymm

Ranked choice voting is the only thing that will end the two party system in the US. Unless we can sic antitrust law on the two major parties, but that is probably wishful thinking. Until then we are stuck with incompetent goodwill towards most non-foreigners v. moderately effective focus on a slim non-foreign minority with spiteful indifference to the rest, and we all know how Americans feel about incompetence


Something like a six party system for Far Left/Right, Left/Right and Centre Left/Right would do wonders.

Doktor Zymm

I would enjoy 3x the choices!


For ONCE I thought I had a guy who I wouldn’t trace through the pill piles.(when he says grabbing vicoden through puke, I’ve seen it)

Horatio Cornblower

This is somehow a shot at Hippo,


Of all the great names in this Virgina Tech-BC game, Knox Kadum, I’ve decided, is the most offensive. Two K’s, but pronounced in two different ways? I’ll have the Rolling Stones killed for this.


Dear A A Ron, do people still die in car crashes when wearing seatbelts? Yeah. Better chance living wearing the eh State Farm boy?


Irish cream with your milk in Cheerios is so damn good. Why yes I have been getting stoned all evening. Why do you ask?

Doktor Zymm

This place was awesome, and I never did find out what actually happened. So few of my NYC spots left


Perhaps they ran out of everything?

Horatio Cornblower

Really sad to see what Cleese has turned into in his old age.

I guess the lesson to take from him is to try not to be such a prick that you’ve burned through 3-4 marriages and given a good chunk of your lifetime earnings to 2 of them.

Doktor Zymm

Don’t know anything after where his biography ends and now know not to look. I will follow Clarkson’s decline however

Mr. Ayo

Oooh, my favoUrite is still around!

Hamilton’s deli Monte Cristo was the best. Their breakfast sandwiches were life savers as well.

Mr. Ayo

Also, my favoUrite pizza place, Koronet is still there.

$2 for a huge slice. Saved me from starving during those years.


“Hamilton’s you say? LIFE SAVERS you say!?”
-Aaron B.


I need to research my usual haunts to see what is still around before I go in April.


My parents (and I) have lived a stone throw away from him. Still do.
I DID want him to bury the Favre into the ground.
Fuck it. Fuck him. Fuck.


Olivia would’ve steered him right.


Yes, she’s done wonders for John Mulaney (another guy whose rep has suffered recently).

Maybe she’s the devil.

Or maybe A-a-ron is a much bigger idiot/asshole than we thought. Probably that.

Horatio Cornblower

I mean, I’m not sure if Olivia’s the evil one in a relationship where the other half is a coke-addict alcoholic who celebrated leaving rehab by also leaving his wife, but I suppose I could be wrong.


Thing is, I’ve MET him. Multiple times. This is WAY left-field! In his Harumph and defending who says yes to his boner…he’s easily swayed.



Horatio Cornblower

Can I come over and pick up a couple of stones?

I just want to see something.


Come on by, I’ll drive.


All these songs are decrying the object-oriented nature of society while lamenting the lost quest for spiritual and self-actualizing purpose. Also, I’ll bet Madonna’s sucked at least 17 dicks in her life.

Last edited 3 years ago by SonOfSpam
Mr. Ayo

It’s been 20 years, but I’m sure she’s met another 16 dicks since then.

Doktor Zymm

They prefer to be called Richards

Game Time Decision

Or not called at all


Yeah, I just wanted Dante to feel even worse.

Horatio Cornblower

I mean, she didn’t get that good at it sucking 35.




In a row?

Game Time Decision

Watching CFL ( BC vs HAM) and am wondering why all the coaches look like a dad that was told he had to coach just before the game started


According to the pool’s picks matrix, I picked HAM which seems appropriate.

Game Time Decision

Good callas there’s just over a minute left and they are up

Game Time Decision

These are all should have been forgotten 80’s bands


lol right, like ANYONE has forgotten World Party.

Horatio Cornblower

I own their disc.

I’m pretty sure I don’t need to confirm that ‘disc’ is correct, and that there’s no need to see if it might be plural.


Oh, you’re the one?

Horatio Cornblower

Great Sexy Friday, Balls! I haven’t seen people showing this much of their ass in public since…well, since Aaron Rodgers finished his radio appearance this afternoon.


Nice. Also, accurate.

Doktor Zymm

I have started responding to customer service surveys by saying that their product would be way better if they stopped pestering me with surveys all the time. Then I feel bad because I know survey data is really useful, and then I feel less bad because lazy people are using it in situations where it isn’t necessary and ruining it for the rest of us by giving the entire population of the US permanent survey fatigue


Oh, fuck yes. I am so sick of not being able to conduct the simplest transaction without being pestered to provide feedback, rate and review, etc. etc.


Got some hash in the mail today! Glass of red wine, have next week off. Time to do…. absolutely nothing and that is perfect.

Doktor Zymm



Vieux Pin Syrah Zymm!

Horatio Cornblower

comment image?odnHeight=612&odnWidth=612&odnBg=FFFFFF

I usually just go to the store to get my hash, but you do you.


/seen on the twitter

Maybe it’s not Rodgers’ family that is toxic…

Mr. Ayo

That Verve song always reminds me of living in Manhattan.

Hey, I’m walking over here!


Here’s a tune that reminds me of living in Sudbury, Ontario. If you’ve ever been there…you know.


“Hey, I’m walking over here!” – Not Ryan Shazier

Anthony In TX

I don’t know about y’all, but tonight I’m watching the newest episode of Great British Baking Show. I think [redacted] is going home this week.
Then I’m gonna catch up on Foundation. I’m 2 episodes behind. It’s not the best sci-fi show ever, but it’s gorgeous and entertaining.


There has been very little suspense on this season of GBBS because there is too clearly defined of a hierarchy among the contestants. Before the episode even starts you can make a good guess of the two or three contestants who will be on the chopping block, and it’ll be like that for another two weeks or so untill all the chaff is gone.

Anthony In TX

You’re right–there is definitely a very specific line between the haves and have-nots this season.
Overall, I will say I think the challenges and bakes have been better than last season.
Plus, I like looking at Crystelle.

Last edited 3 years ago by Anthony In TX
Doktor Zymm

I have never had to shop for a refrigerator, but if I ever do my main criterion will be that the damn drawers are easy to remove and replace. I need to wash the cheese drawer in my apartment fridge and apparently the only way to remove it is to empty off the entire top shelf of the fridge so the entire shelving unit can be removed and then disassembled by twisting at angles that are blocked while the unit is in the fridge. Fuck that, it has been a long week. My cheese is going in the main section of the fridge

Anthony In TX

Ooooohhh look at fancy Doctor Zymm with a whole extra drawer for cheese.
I put my cheese where I put the rest of my groceries: in a sack by the side of the house.


You keep your cheese in a drawer like a savage, instead of a salt-water adjacent cave with a south-easterly opening that remains at exactly 57 degrees to perfectly mimic the Amalfi Coast?


Man the prices to import that water have gone up.


I think it’s pretty awesome that the U.S. Secretary of Transportation is a commenter here.

Doktor Zymm

The zoning regulations in California are very anti-cheese, it is a sad state of affairs which I hope to rectify during the next recall election


Hmmm, should I vote Yes on the Cheese Issue or No…


Special interests are spending a lot of cheddar to convince voters that this ballot proposition would be gouda. Their support in Monterrey is jack, so their feta will depend on how they fondue in other bleu areas. Frankly, I’m not sure I give an edam about these Swiss-style referenda.

Doktor Zymm



I stilton think it is a question that should be raised there manchego.

Doktor Zymm

I am glad we have been able to caprese the Istara Chistou. In Jarlsbergs from now, they will still taleggio tales of what we have Dunlop

Mr. Ayo

Boohoo. My oven’s timer won’t stop buzzing when plugged in. I had to turn off the circuit breaker to stop it.

PSA: Don’t mess with an oven’s internals when the electricity is on.

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, electrocution isn’t nearly as fun as it sounds


We had to completely replace the motherboard on ours, it got fried by lightning and started displaying crazy stuff.


THIN BLUE LINE on repeat on the display?


The songs all have to do with greed and wanting material things.


That it’s not going to make you happy

Horatio Cornblower

But it will improve your bargaining position.


The moment at 0:11 where Pat McAfee almost falls apart laughing is absolute gold:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Pat McAfee could not contain himself when Rodgers said he’s taking Joe Rogan’s advice <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; B.W. Carlin (@BaileyCarlin) <a href=””>November 5, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>

Anthony In TX
