Good evening, fellow miscreants and dick joke enthusiasts. As you may have noticed, without Thursday Night Football and hobo season, we don’t have a regular Thursday night poster (is that joke out of bounds now that he’s paralyzed?). So sometimes you get tehHippo, sometimes you get DonT, sometimes you get a Karen Carpenter job, and sometimes you get the ramblings of someone who is so very tired, so very frustrated, so very disappointed, and so very mad at his fellow Americans. If you don’t want to hear rants like this, volunteer to take over Thursday posts! Failing that, I’m pulling out the soapbox.
Last week, I had a super long business trip back out in LA. Right before I went to the airport, I stopped off to fast charge my rental car at a station by a hotel. Mind you, it was mid-afternoon, like 2:45 or so, and there was a guy standing by the charger smoking a cigar and drinking what I assumed to be a gin and tonic. Probably mid to late 50s, sunglasses, grizzled but friendly, would probably fit right in at one of Clue Heywood’s dive bars. Anyhoodles, he started asking me questions about electric vehicles, we got to talking, he brought up the war in Ukraine, he made some vague comment about inflation and how bad the economy is and at some point mused aloud if things would be different with a different party’s President in the Oval Office. Despite later confirming my assumptions by saying he “doesn’t like to talk politics but is a Fox News guy“, I was happy to get into it.
Now, would things be different with a different party’s President? Given that the previous President was actively rooting for Russia to take over Ukraine and wanted to solve COVID with bleach and misinformation, and thinks Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero (rather than anhero), yeah, all sorts of shit would be different. Would a Republican President have prevented inflation? No. Do the data suggest Republicans tend to create economic messes that Democrats have had to clean up? Yes. Would gas prices still be high? Probably depends on how quickly Putin took Kyiv in this shitty counterfactual.
But that wasn’t the question behind the question. The smoking stranger’s frame was that Democrats had ruined the economy, and Republicans would be better for America. And the biggest difference between the parties right now isn’t one of economic policy but that one lives in reality and the other…just doesn’t. And he almost immediately went to “politicians are all terrible and none of them want to get things done for us.”
So I went right at that. We have two parties today–one that often sucks but believes in trying to govern (and democracy) and another that literally has no party platform and whose primary ethos is “own the libs” and “facts don’t exist.” Oh and fomenting white nationalism and grievance politics over any possible solutions. There are plenty of examples of how terrible the modern GOP has become, but I wanted to focus on the concrete and try and connect with rather than persuade or debate this guy. I told him I’d lived in DC for a long time and could not abide a political party that both was fine with a violent attempt to overthrow the government/overturn a democratic election AND welcomed the type of people who believed Democrats were sacrificing children beneath a pizza place in DC that I’d actually been to and indeed confirmed had no basement. Oh, and that they were willing to go shoot them based on this lie.
On actual policies, the Republican party actively opposes things it was for as soon as Democrats become for them. Democrats wanted cap and trade for climate, but President Obama proposed a Clean Energy Standard because Republicans had supported it in the past and wanted a bipartisan energy package. Hell, even Obamacare was a product of Democrats saying “let’s take a Republican idea, RomneyCare, and bring Republicans along rather than go for Universal Health Care.” In the Recovery Act in 2009, Democrats added tax cuts and credits that Republican legislators asked for in an effort to build a bridge and bipartisan coalition. I could be mistaken, but I believe the total number of Republicans that voted in favor of all three of those packages in Congress was zero. When was the last time Republicans tried to reach across the aisle or even gave a shit about what Democrats would vote for? Everything Democrats do is “socialism” or “evil” and the conservative media apparatus is committed to branding “the left” as enemies of America because the ends justify the means is an easier sell when you’ve dehumanized and “othered” your political opponent.

The Atlantic article Hippo posted the other day has really stuck with me, and I referenced in in my conversation with this stranger.
“The crisis for the Church is a crisis of discernment,” he said over lunch. “Discernment”—one’s basic ability to separate truth from untruth—“is a core biblical discipline. And many Christians are not practicing it.”
Does truth matter? Is it ok for Fox News to explicitly lie and say that I hate America? Do you think I’m evil because I’m a Democrat? Saying I’m not a patriotic American is bullshit, I very much am and it’s not very Christian to rule me out because I believe in a woman’s right to choose. I (rightly) assumed that religion would be a sensitive but relevant point. Good news, his son-in-law is Jewish, so he was capable of the slightest bit of pausing and mulling when I asked him “do you think people want religious freedom or just the freedom for their own religion?”
When I invoked Fox News, he told me he liked Tucker Carlson because they thought similarly and that Tucker got a bad rap even though he was “a little over the top.” I paused for a beat and said “I think it’s interesting that when Tucker got sued, the defense from Fox’s own attorneys was that a reasonable person wouldn’t assume that he’s telling the truth. What does that tell you?” I think that resonated.
Look, I won’t belabor you with the whole conversation, and a week out, I’m downplaying and/or forgetting some of the more salient points. What I can tell you is when I finished charging my car, I shook his hand and he thanked me for the discussion. He said he wished more people would talk like this, and I said we all should look up from our phones once in a while to have a real conversation with a stranger instead of continuing to heads down plow forward in the beliefs that our neighbor was evil. He promised me he’d read the aforementioned Atlantic piece, and I left feeling slightly less angry but not a whole lot more hopeful.
If you’re like me, sports are an occasional distraction from the painful reality that Thomas Hobbes has never been proven more right and our neighbors are idiots. So what’s on tonight?
Celtics @ Heat, Game 2 of Eastern Conference Finals, 7:30PM DFO Time, ESPN
Lightning @ Panthers, Game 2 of Eastern Conference Semifinals, 6PM DFO Time, TNT
Avalanche @ Blues, Game 2 of Western Conference Semifinals, 8:30PM DFO Time, TNT
Mariners @ Sawx, 6:10PM DFO Time
DBack DBags @ Cubbies, 6:40PM DFO Time
Rangers @ ‘Stros, 7:10PM DFO Time
América![]() |
![]() |
I don’t understand Mexican Liga (or most of the other Ligas) but ESPN says that’s on at 8pm DFO time if you can find it televised somewhere.
Stay up late enough and you can watch Carlton and Sydney, 4:40AM DFO Time, WatchAFL App or show up at WEW’s house
That’s it, I think. The exalted/exulted Rev covered it the other night, it’s hard not to be tired. But I guess my message, if I have one, is keep talking to each other. People are dumb and getting dumber and I probably didn’t change that guy’s mind at all, but maybe, just maybe the next time he hears some bullshit claim on Fox or one of his friends talk about “libtards” as the enemy of the state, there’s at least a chance he pauses and goes, “nah, I’m being sold a bunch of bullshit.” And recognizing the bullshit is the only shot in hell we have to getting on a path out of this crap.
[…] has been previously noted (by me), we don’t have a regular Thursday writer. No, I’m not answering the call, […]
Has she made her final decision?
This is way too late to be up working on the east coast. Night all. Remember, the point wasn’t that fox news guys don’t deserve to get fucked, it’s that no one is going to break through their bubble if we don’t talk to them (and gently shame them for crazy by association)
Been quite a night on the dating app. So far I’ve been shown profiles of (1) a dude (but he calls himself “non-binary” so I guess he’s now cluttering up everyone’s list; (2) an unvaxxed single mom stripper; and (3) a woman with the delightful instruction to swipe right “if you’re white (not sorry)”
Prairie Wino and Bro in law are in to a Barossa Valley Shiraz. So apparently he named me correct. Work is going to be awful tomorrow.
Wait you aren’t prairie wino? I misread that comment from bc dick then.
He is
Oh. I’m an idiot
Don’t sell yourself short. You’re a tremendous idiot.
If I’m your favorite idiot, you can tell the others
Absofuckinglutely! Hear that, others. BFC is my favorite idiot!
Don’t let that turn into Bare-Asso! Calgary isn’t ready for that jelly.
Tom Bare-Asso is a terrific fantasy name.
I currently have a heart monitor device hooked up to me. It’s awkward and uncomfortable and some of those wires are jabbing me. This is a stemming from the Covid I had back in January.
2/5 will not bang.
Oh, that sucks. Be well.
So you’re saying that it has a chance?
Don’t leave us hanging-do you have a heart?
Don Cherry must be furious
watching this gamelistening to the radio call of this game once they tell him that both St Louis goals have come off shots deflected by Colorado’s own defencemen,“You kids out there…”
Kids across Canada: “Who the fuck are you?”
Canada is playing some international hockey tourney and is having trouble with [flips Rolodex of former Soviet republics in central Asia] Kazakhstan?*
*I’ve been told the ‘h’ is silent
Just took NyQuil and am now drinking on top of it. Feeling good! Just got to remember I have dinner on the stove.
Also don’t forget about the stick of TNT you lit earlier, make sure to blow out that fuse.
That stuff makes me hallucinate. Once I thought I could see the rods and cones in my eyes.
Lucky! I’d be taking that stuff daily if I was you.
It was really weird, not nearly as much fun as it sounds.
That’s reminds me of the first time I took melatonin. I remembered my dreams vividly.
That was fun.
Gumby’s is currently a wolf howling, but it used to be Intergalactic Planetary.
Watching Under Siege, and with Tommy Lee Jones’ natural charisma and Steven Seagal’s natural douchebagness, am I the only one that kind of roots for the bad guy in this film? Almost, like the opposite of Titanic, where you re-watch it to keep them from hitting the iceberg, you re-watch Under Siege hoping Jones somehow pulls it off.
What do I know. I’m just the cook.
Welcome to the revolution.
“You know, I missed the ’60s and I truly believe that if I could’ve been there to make my personal contribution, everything would’ve worked out fine!”
I don’t know why, but I love that line.
Busey and Meaney were legitimately laughing, and kept wondering if the director would cut. Evidently, Jones ad-libbed most of that rant, too.
/chef’s kiss
There’s a guy at work that was once very conservative so he bought into the ‘freedom!/I’m not a sheeple!’ bullshit narrative. When the vaccine arrived he was of course very sceptical but I found an angle that worked. I talked about obligations that individuals have that enable society to function properly. I linked taking the vaccine and how easy it is and compared that to the act of voting-both are so easy to do and contribute to the greater good. It has tilted his thinking and now he doesn’t immediately latch on to the dumb talking points that are out there.
/yeah I’m a hero, so what?
“Think of it this way, Gordo, if we don’t tap the maple trees today, even if we don’t live long enough to see it, there won’t be any maple syrup tomorrow.”
Really brings a tear to my freedom eagle loving eyes
Get the jab or get the jab. You choose
…and you thought all Conservatives were lost causes.
Since you all are already used to unpopular takes thanks to my quasi-Rockerfeller Republican values, here’s another one:
Vegas Vacation is an okay movie.
It way better than European Vacation (not saying much), it doesn’t hold a candle to Christmas Vacation and it doesn’t deserve to be spoken of in the same sentence as Vacation, but its not a bad movie. If its the only thing on, I keep it on.
Vegas Vacation Audrey is the hottest Audrey.
I will fight anyone that says different.
Its a Judge’s Decision, but I’m willing to concur, but only because Vegas Audrey is either legal or so much in her late larval stage, so you don’t get Christina Ricci/Winona Ryder/Alyssa Milano guilt when you see them as kids but your mind goes to their adult forms.
Sittin with BC Dick watchin SecsiMexi futbol
Sittin with Dick is fine just don’t sit on your balls like Mr Belvedere.
Unless that’s your thing, then carry on
Drinking Prairie Wino wine?
d’Arenburg Footbolt Shiraz if you must know.
COVID-19 has returned to my household. Currently just one (62-year old) and I’ve tested negative. This time I’m allowed to work because I’m vaccinated/boosted and symptom free, but I have to wear the Mask of Eternal Shame.
I’ll happily accept thoughts, prayers and money orders.
Hope you stay healthy. Along with your old-ass wife or whoever that person is.
So I see that Grey’s Anatomy is still on the air. I can only assume that the current season follows the careers of young doctors who were conceived in a hospital closet back in Season One.
It’s been on the air since 2005. So maybe Doogie Howser MD styles
Back when Dennis Miller was funny, he said “I have less of a problem believing that a 16-year-old is a doctor than I do believing that a 16-year-old still lets people call him ‘Doogie'”
I’ve never understood how someone could completely lose their sense of humor by turning heel. Even Anakin Skywalker was able to hold on to his deadpan snarkness when he became Darth Vader.
It’s “audience capture.”
Miller began forcing some dumb jokes because they were conservative jokes. That drives all the non-conservatives out of his fan base, so then everyone who comes to his shows is coming specifically to hear “conservative humor,” and his tv appearances are limited to Fox News. Then you gotta do what makes those people happy, unless you want to ditch them and start all over.
I remember a few years ago he got some profile written on him in the NYT or WaPo about how he was trying to be less political in these divisive times blah blah blah. But it doesn’t sound like that went anywhere.
I’m going through a third watching of it, start to finish. Come for the hot lady interns (hi, Lexie Grey!), stay for the Disease of the Week.
Nah. I’m done. These right wing fucks just criminalized abortion, then immediately pivoted and voted against helping the FDA sort out the baby formula crisis. How in fuck do they think all these babies, which they just told women who are suffering unwanted pregnancies to just “put up for adoption”, are supposed to get fed? I ain’t talking to any of these fucks, Jimson. They belong in reeducation camps, sentenced to hard labor, or lobotomized. Over 70 million of these cocksuckers watched Trump for four years and said, “GIMME FOUR MORE YEARS OF THAT”. Too stupid to breathe my air. I DO want their guns. I DO want the US Constitution rewritten. And I DO want Fox News and their ilk banned from the airwaves. And I DEFINITELY want Fox News taken off every public television screen in the United States military. And I DO want the public executions of their talking heads. And I’m not ashamed of ANY of those opinions. Forty five years of this fascist evangelical horseshit. But none of that will happen. Because we’re too stupid to see that these solutions are our only chance at redemption. But if a bone could be thrown my way, I’d love at the very least to see Fox, OAN, Newsmax etc. deprogrammed from basic cable packages. You want it? Fine. You can add it to YOUR package and let them set the price. But every single cable subscriber being forced to stuff money in Rupert Murdoch’s pocket because we want to watch sports at home is bullshit. Weed needs to be legalized federally, and the churches and billionaires need to be SEVERELY taxed. I read the Atlantic article hippo linked to, and I saw that cocksucking preacher in TN shrieking about Democrats being demons who should get out of his “church”. And warning that we hadn’t seen a REAL insurrection yet. Fuck that. Time for them to get taxed. They are nothing more than political organizations now. And shitty ones at that. Fuck these people. They’ve won quite enough. It’s time for the pendulum to rocket back the other way and take these right wingers out like a fucking scythe.
Oh I don’t disagree with you. But that shit ain’t gonna happen, so it’s either peel em off or prepare for civil war 2.
These people aren’t Christian. These people aren’t human. In my lowest moments, the only reason why I still continue to believe in God is because the victims will go to heaven and the heathens will suffer eternal damnation.
I would prefer they get their comeuppance here and now. I’m with Fronk. Fuck these fucking fuckers with a red hot poker up the wazoo.
I know, but we weren’t promised paradise down here on Earth.
I’m not saying I’m against your plan, I’m a big proponent.
Took the test just before COVID, but I haven’t joined yet because they want money. Is it worth it in any way, shape, or form?
Shouldn’t you already know the answer, there smarty-pants?
Well, I cheated on the test obviously.
I’m in Chicago and in a good mood as I’m mostly packed and have wrapped up the majority of stuff for work and only a positive covid test can screw things up now. Iran requires a PCR 72 hours before arrival rather than before departure, but I found a place downtown that guarantees results withing 5 hours for $249, which is a bargain compared to most same day PCRs. Rapid tested negative yesterday, so hopefully my mild March infection is keeping me safe from the Bay area hotspot of omicron variants and I’ll be good to go. Enjoying some whiskey tonight before heading to a dry country for 2 weeks (although there will be plenty of booze on the flight there too)
/on the flight out of Iran
Stewardess: “Would you like to see a drink menu?”
Zymm: “Bring me one of everything and, yeah, I’m buying a round for the entire plane as well.”
Pilot/Co-Pilot: “No thanks, already got one!”
Finally getting revenge for Alexander the Very Good, eh?
-Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Reason for your visit?
-Make “Not Without My Daughter” tik toks
[Points to magnum of champagne marked “Dolores”]
You should see if you can get a ride on Elon Musk’s jet. I hear there’s a free horse in it for you!
Gonna see that Farsi doo-wop group? Shah Na Na?
I hear they do a great cover of Rock the Casbah
Maybe you can work in a sidetrip to Afghanistan.
My sister in law is flying home after packing her daughter up in College Park. They just got a text that the daughter’s boyfriend tested positive. Everybody at her house is vaxxed and boosted, but Gumby’s dad is 89 and lives with them.
That sucks 🙁 Fingers crossed it stays contained
The Sens hired a hardcore Leafs fan as their marketing director. Amazing.
If you can’t beat em, join em!
Watch along with Hippo, STRAIGHT INTO ME VEINS
Well done with rando dude, while I hate populists I don’t hate (most) of the people who fall for their schtick. It’s not even ignorance most of the time, they know exactly what’s wrong and probably no one knows how to fix it, so it’s really tempting to go with the guy who presents an answer that sounds good and is confident in that answer. Specialists as a rule are not charismatic and have difficulty being confident without being condescending because they don’t realize that the average person doesn’t give a shit about confidence intervals beyond the fact that 95% < 100%. My job is basically explaining stats to an audience that's much more savvy about this stuff than gen pop and it's still difficult.
GOP populism sucks more than lefty populism, but it’s ALL SHIT and leads to stuff like hippie cities not flouridizing their water.