The Legend of (Pretend) Bernard Gilkey – Day and Night Open Thread

No doubt you remember the original.  #BFIB regular, excellent defender in LF (before such was really appreciated, sadly), well-rounded offensive profile.  A few Hollywood cameos, even!

Well, he’s been re-born as a Salford-native midfielder-turned-manager, thanks to Football Manager 2020.  He would have stayed at Everton forever, but the Board pissed him off.  Their Pretend loss is Pretend Man City’s gain.  We are winding down the 2153-54 season (fuck you, YOU have a problem), and there is a magnificent White Whale on the horizon.

I have never before made it to the last few weeks of a season with a triple digit goal differenrtial even a faint possibility.  Made it into the high 80s a few times.  Just enough to WANT it, but not actually TASTE it.

But here we are, muthafuckas (Bernard likes to say that).  36 Prem fixtures played, 2 remain.  Both at home, to bottom-half opposition.  Sitting on 94 points, so a nice, even 100 surely beckons?

Much more importantly, our Pretend Goal Differential sits at +99.

First up, home to 13th-position QPR.  We have most everyone healthy, save for our star right winger (out with a broken leg since February, we rallied around our talisman).  Start aggressively, hopefully break their will.

But things start nervy, and mostly stay that way.  We out-shoot the fuck out of them (duh), but few clear-cut chances.  Our reserve striker (Yodel-Ass Muthafucka) nets a clinical finish in the 30th minute, a nice breakthrough.  And that’s all she wrote.  1-nil to the good, 97 points and +100 GD.

Lastly, we have 12th-position West Ham.  Fronk’s great-great-grandson is no doubt watching on.  These have been a bogey side in the past, and their manager is fighting to keep his job.  I expect itchiness.

Not so fast!  We tally twice in the first half, control the ball and pass them to death.  2-nil to the good, Hammers don’t so much as register a shot on target.  100 points (still waiting to hit 105+ there), +102 GD.  Fucking fantastic.

We still have the FA Cup final (Plymouth Argyle, them old-man-socks muthafuckas) and Shempions (Cluj) to round out the fun.  What a season, what a team.

We really need some real life sportsball back, and right soon.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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“Or can I have it customized to “My Ruling Her Choice”???”


I tells ya, between my affinity for bagels, pastrami, corned beef etc, respect for the lack of proselytizing, (a “hot for teacher” kinda thing for Mayim Bialik) and now this, if there’s any organized religion I would want to join…

Brick Meathook

a ‘hot for teacher’ kinda thing for Mayim Bialik” is not a real thing.


The Good Mrs.Reefer and I marched and yelled ourselves horse. Then got some great Greek afterwards, and barhopped. Now drinking & smoking myself into oblivion.

BC Dick

Good on you. I marched as well. I will not – nay – cannot rest until we win the fight to ban plastic drinking straws.


Yeah, as I said:
“We realize that it won’t mean jack squat to the cabal of federalist society shitbags that have hijacked our country, but at least it will be cathartic…”

and it was.

…wish plastic drinking straws, instead of religious fascism, was the most pressing political issue your neighbors to the south had to think about

BC Dick

An optimist would say it’s a win for democracy, putting the law back in the hands of the elected rather than the appointed. A pessimist would point out how the cardboard straws turn to mush after 30 seconds and you get a bunch of paper flakes in your mouth.


Or a realist would say that this is a slide towards religious fascism, when half of the supreme court was installed by a president that didn’t win the popular vote & 66% of Americans don’t want R v W overturned. (and paper straws work just fine. had one for my marg tonight lasted for at least 10 minutes, with no paper flakes)

Ya gonna start railing against lo flow terlets. LED lights now?

BC Dick

Don’t get me started on low flow. Turlets are the most important place to have flow.


Disaranno sour. It is good for you. I swear.


While the Italian aperitif smells and tastes like almonds, the liqueur is actually an infusion of apricot kernel oil with alcohol, burnt sugar, and the pure essence of 17 secretly selected herbs and fruits. Disaronno is a nut-free alcoholic product.
It was originally called Amaretto di Saronno until 2001, when it was rebranded as Disaronno Originale. The liqueur is sold in an oblong glass decanter designed by a craftsman from Murano.
For a long time the Italian company has promoted a legend surrounding the origins of amaretto, “In 1525, a Saronno church commissioned artist Bernardino Luini, one of Leonardo da Vinci’s pupils, to paint its sanctuary with frescoes. As the church was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Luini needed to depict the Madonna, but was in need of a model. He found his inspiration in a young widowed innkeeper. As a gift for him, the woman steeped apricot kernels in brandy, producing the first amaretto liqueur


Although, sounds like The Maestro & “Dr.” David Chao might have another installment about this (no offense, sounds like an interesting liquor)

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Last edited 2 years ago by BeefReeferLives
Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I haven’t seen people this pissed off at the Supremes since Diana Ross took a shit on stage at the Masonic Theatre

Last edited 2 years ago by Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Man, I have seen her live, but she never took a shit on stage then. I knew I should have paid for the meet-and-greet package!



Game Time Decision


Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I actually paid for an abortion once. Going to the facility seeing all the seething stares, my lady being assured everything was going to be okay and she wasn’t going to be judged.

I had no idea Planned Parenthood sold Ishtar on Blu-ray.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buddy Cole's Halftime Show
BC Dick

I always imagined Rosemary’s baby on a loop.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Damn if gay marriage gets repealed my butch lesbian tux shop is going to go into the shitter.

Mr. Ayo

Isn’t that where you like it?

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

It’s where I like my assistant Butch, yes

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Now if Roe vs Wade being repealed means I can’t put an old bag vacuum on my cock anymore I will be furious

BC Dick

Old vacuums are fine. It’s the young ones that’ll get you in trouble

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I’m sorry but Dyson vacuums turn me into taffy

BC Dick

I like Miss Hoover. I show her what I like and she tells me to be ashamed of myself.


The schlruping suction, or Sir James Dyson’s smug sense of self satisfaction, or…

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Last edited 2 years ago by BeefReeferLives
BC Dick

Is it illegal in the U.S. of A. to burn the American flag? I would think that’s some sort of hate speech/sedition/treason vs. free speech thing, eh? Anyone who did it would certainly deserve a firm punch in the mouth but is it a crime?
I could look it up, of course, but I’m interested in opinions on the matter. And now I’m all jazzed up to slug a pinko in the chops. Think they’re so clever. Asking for it, he is.


It’s absolutely not illegal. It’s considered protected speech. For now.

BC Dick

I see. That makes sense. The US is very good at protecting speech.

Brick Meathook

In the Boy Scouts, we were taught in flag etiquette classes that the proper way to dispose of an old U.S Flag was to burn it.

BC Dick

You must be shitting me, yeah? Maybe if there was a ceremony first. You can’t fly a tattered flag so there must be an approved method.

Brick Meathook

The U.S. Flag Code says, “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Brick Meathook

Cut into dignified squares and used as patriotic jizzrags.

BC Dick

In a dignified way. That’s the key. If I had to dispose of a Canadian flag I would follow that rule. In a small coffin most likely.
If I found an old glory in need of rest I imagine I could mail it to the USPS HQ and the postmaster general would take it from there.


Exactly right. That and (IIRC, which I very well may not) the American Flag used as an article of clothing was WRONG. Yet i see it all the time….

BC Dick

That’s interesting. What of things like the Independence Day hats in MLB? It’s not exactly the flag but it’s clearly meant to be the flag on a ball cap. Or the flags on football helmets? I’m going to have to read up on this flag law now. Other flag laws, too.


Here’s a good start:

(d)The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.

Last edited 2 years ago by BeefReeferLives
BC Dick

J. No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform.
Those big league swine. Should know better

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Pyromaniacs have first amendment rights


Why should the gun nuts have all the fun, yknowhatimsayin???


So now that what’s considered “legal” in the United States is now dependent on “history and tradition” does that mean we can burn Amy Coney Barrett as a witch, since there’s plenty of instances of that happening in the past?

BC Dick

Only if she floats. There are rules.


I’m giving this some thought and wondering if I could write a legal brief arguing in favor of it, using the same logic they used to overturn Roe.

BC Dick

I’m sure the definition of witch can be worked on. Find a county law that lets you toss witches off a cliff and put on an all-you-can-eat shrimp buffet in said county. When she shows up, it’s tossing time.
It works, trust me. Sometimes you even get to eat the shrimp.


A: “Two scoops of ice cream and a dead handmaid”


Listen, CODA was a very fine film, but Best Picture? Really?


you start that comment with “listen” on purpose or nah?


I wish I’d have been clever enough to have done it on purpose.


It really sucks that this is what the Right wants. Not just imposing their dogmatic bullshit but also us being so fucking dispirited to take it as read.

BC Dick

If those harlots did more sucking they wouldn’t have to worry about the abortions.


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Brick Meathook

This is the Clarendon Station on the Orange/Silver Line of the DC Metrorail system. This station was built right next to my grade school. The construction site and all the tunnels from Courthouse to Ballston were the greatest playground an eleven year old boy ever had.

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Doktor Zymm

There’s a lot of cool shit about the DC metro, even if we don’t score as high on the ‘longest escalator in the free world’ scale as we used to


Been there many times. I love the DC Metro.


I haven’t been on the metro yet since we’ve been back.

BC Dick

It’s really empty though, isn’t it? All that money to build it and not a fare in sight.

Last edited 2 years ago by BC Dick
Brick Meathook

I only take empty pictures. Sometimes I have to wait a while to frame everybody out, and even then I sometimes only have a second or two window of opportunity.

BC Dick

Oh. I thought they were some sort of promotional pictures taken before it went into service. You had to wait out the crowds and got good pictures. that’s impressive.


Since miniature American flags weren’t good enough, apparently, how about this: for every abortion performed in a state, that state receives $150 in federal funds.


Ron DeSantis will approve of this, reject the money, and blame Democrats for “politicizing state’s rights to federal dollars.”

Doktor Zymm

Probably blocked by the ban on federal funds paying for abortions, but maybe call it life coaching or something

BC Dick

And $75 for miscarriages? That’s God’s abortion.

Doktor Zymm

In re: Clarence “conflict of interest” Thomas’s solo concurrence – while it is true that the Constitution doesn’t explicitly mention gay marriage, it doesn’t explicitly mention marriage at all. Marriage in general is deeply rooted in religious tradition, and in so far as we still have seperation of church and state, the government should either recognize no marriages, or any marriage within a religious tradition, which is all of them. Oh, and btw, lots of religions condone or even require abortions in some situations, so have fun sorting out the mess you’ve made, crunchwrap supreme court

Doktor Zymm

Hell, for most of the past millenium a Catholic couldn’t marry a Protestent without severe consequences. Probably the most sever being the St. Bartholomew’s day massacre

BC Dick

Marrying a Papist is punishment enough.


One of the Satanic churches claims abortion as one of their sacred rituals

Horatio Cornblower

Oh Zymm you’re adorable, thinking the Constitution means anything other than what 5 politicians pretending to be judges want it to say.

Doktor Zymm

Gotta campaign on something for the next 50 years. Shit, now I have to live to be 90


WORD. “Marriage” is a word/construct that has been historically linked with religion and should therefore have no legal bearing for ANYONE. (Hey, if you want to have an officiant like a priest, rebbi. imam, ,minister, reverend, pastor, whateves, marry you, go for it & have fun) but it seems to me that the only legally binding construct should be a civil union, which should be available between any two consenting adults.

yeah right

I truly hope none of you have to experience a memorial service for your first and only wife. It was not very much fun and was beyond surreal.

I’m finally starting to feel like I’m grounded in reality again.

yeah right

/ reads news

Oh fuck, that’s right. Reality ain’t all its cracked up to be.

yeah right

I was so busy coordinating and texting everybody to get them to the meeting spot at the beach that I didn’t notice Eldest granddaughter bringing a black box inside a drawstring bag. The beach thing did not work. At all. We had three different cars trying to reach us and all driving in circles trying to find parking.

We went to plan B at a park near where the ex used to live.

As we were gathering our stuff together to go to the new location brother DJ TAJ said “Don’t forget Jan.”

It was her ashes in the black box that I was sitting next to.

That was fucking strange.

Horatio Cornblower

You’re a good man, Yeah Right.

yeah right

I really appreciate that. I’ve been close to tears all day but I’m the strong one for this.

I guess.


“Phoebe Cates willingly taking off her bikini top in Judge Reinhold’s imagination makes her subject to a two to four year prison sentence in New America. Yes, I understand that at 58 she will likely die in prison.”

-C. Thomas, having a boner dream


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— Brett K., DC

Last edited 2 years ago by WCS
yeah right

Back at the hotel. Now we’re at a Cuban place waiting for a Cubano and some ham croquettes sipping a cold Cuban cerveza. That’s more like it.

Don T

Does it taste like the revolution, wordy and police state-ish?

Don T

The beer, of course. The only sows in Cuba are the Castros.

yeah right

It was a very tasty, cold, delicious beverage. I’m feeling much better about things.


You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline – it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.”
-Frank Zappa


Fast Times at Ridgemont High is on AMC right now-thinking about smoking a doobie and watching it.


Forest Whittaker? What? What? Had no idea…


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Platoon would like a word.


According to some wobsite, Amin was married 6 times, 4 of which ended in divorce, which is nice. Genocided 200,000 people but took the time to file appropriate legal documents to end his marriage.

Horatio Cornblower

He is friggin’ amazing in that movie.


Not gonna lie-I thought his role in The King of Scotland was much better.


In between he played a pool hustler exquisitely in “ The Color Of Money”. Small role, but he goes yard with it.

Doktor Zymm

I’m pretty sure we could get enough people together to all move to “Wyoming” and take over their two senate seats.

Or donations are good too:


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John Carpaccio was in five movies that were nominated for Academy Awards and countless tapas dishes. An earlier multi-tasker that will never get his due.


/time for another poll I guess

Is “Wyoming”

a.) the name of a Korean/Japanese fusion resto in Brooklyn?

b.) Alberta’s fanny pack?

c.) that place where ‘Gramps’ went to, according to his gun-hoarding son-talking to his kids. There’s automatic weapons there as far as the eye can see!

Horatio Cornblower

The combined population of Montana, both Dakotas, and Wyoming comes to roughly 3.6 million.

Connecticut has 3.6 million.

Connecticut has two Senators, one of whom doesn’t understand Instagram. Those other four wastelands have 8.

Just can’t quite put my finger on why this country is so fucked.

Doktor Zymm

Hippo, congrats on your fake footy team success!
I read a book once where the main character advised saying you were a Plymouth Argyle fan to get out of talking about footy as even the most ardent sport enthusiast would avoid the subject with you. I kind of want to travel around the UK and go to various sport pubs just to see if it works.

Senor Weaselo

I didn’t think it was possible to hate a team more than a team from Boston, but the *tros manage to find a way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Senor Weaselo
Brick Meathook

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I get the impression that Mitch McConnell read “Eichmann In Jerusalem: A Report On The Banality Of Evil” as an instruction manual.


/I was listening to the Sirius Fantasy Football channel earlier

Me: “Is this the year you finally give up on Devin Singletary as a potential RB1 that you can get in lower rounds?”

Other Me: “He’s in a potent offense, they spread the field, he should have huge running lanes in theory and he’s capable of breaking long runs-plus they seem to have given up on Moss so he’ll get goal-line carries!”

Me: “You could have just said ‘NOPE!'”


Whelp, The Good Mrs. Reefer is even more pissed about this shit than I, so we’re going to go downtown this afternoon and scream at the sky with a few thousand of our fellow libtards.

We realize that it won’t mean jack squat to the cabal of federalist society shitbags that have hijacked our country, but at least it will be cathartic…


Give em hell. You guys, I am not in a good place. I won’t be around much for a while, could not funny right now if my life depended on it. I’m past the age where I would need an abortion, but that’s not all this ruling is about. The Supreme Court just told me, and every other woman and girl in this country, that we are basically 3/5 of a citizen. You guys are all great allies, and I appreciate that more than I can tell you, but I feel like I’ve been kicked in the face. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the enormity of this betrayal.


This has been a horrific development but there has been no betrayal. Republicans have wanted this for 40+ years and they’ve used everything at their disposal to achieve their goal.

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, they haven’t exactly been subtle about it. They built entire institutions like the Federalist Society while being totally public about their intentions.



Democrats: “ah, but you’re totally not serious about it, right?”


Democrats: “lol! That’s ridiculous-brazen acts like this simply don’t work in our beloved country!” [wraps themselves in previous court rulings]


Democrats: “partisanship? that’s cool, right?”


Democrats: “absolutely wonderful! let’s work something out.”

Doktor Zymm

Plus one but for accuracy, not approval


It’s absolutely a betrayal of everything we’re supposed to stand for as a country. Freedom, equality under the law. People have died to defend those rights. My husband, and also my child and myself, spent years of our lives in the service of those ideals.. I totally feel betrayed.

Doktor Zymm

To be fair, we’ve never really embodied those ideals. The freedom and equality were just exhaustion responses from white dudes tired of the 300 year long religious war that wracked Europe. We’ve always been a third-world country with first-world money.


Yeah, but damn…

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“Ideals? Ideals? There are no stinking ‘Ideals’-there are only end goals.”

-You Know Who


It’s also a betrayal of the oaths these justices swore when they sold their souls in exchange for a lifetime appointment to the court.


Yup. Once again:

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Most Popular Hallmark Movie Sub-Genre: Is it-

a.) Person from the city arrives in small town to save parent’s restaurant?

b.) Person from the city arrives in small town to save parent’s farm?

c.) Person from the city arrives in small town to save parent’s store?


I’ll go with d: unapreciated woman finally finds love with a man who lives next to her parent’s farm.

Game Time Decision

The answer is e) all of the above

Brick Meathook

Lonely single mom works 2 jobs to support her special needs son and keep her modest home in one piece; hunky skilled contractor fixes everything in exchange for hard pounding sex. He cums in her face and then everyone has a wonderful Christmas.


“How Stella Got Her Tube Packed”


She starts to O every time she hears the phrase “white Christmas”


Don’t forget the Christmas sub-genre:

Down-on-their-luck-fish-out-of-water inexplicably meets undercover royalty and falls in love.

Oh, shit, they stole my life story! I DEMAND RECOMPENSE!
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Last edited 2 years ago by WCS
Game Time Decision

All stories are fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead are a coincidence


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Starring Mario Lopez.


I like the ones where the guy is rich but he’s actually ethical and nice, as opposed to in real life where you don’t get rich without being completely ruthless and sociopathic.


I need to get to the farmers market before the weather gets worse.


Would went earlier, but a few drinks might have allowed me to sleep in a wee bit.


LAFC to sign Gareth Bale.


Shit. I may actually have to spend money on MLS and get some tickets during his one year deal. I know it’s a publicity stunt for the MLS and a final career moment cash grab for Bale. Still gotta see it, though.

yeah right

Banco California stadium is bad ass and I haven’t been yet. It’s directly in the shadow of the Coliseum off the 110 at Exhibition. May have to go myself.


I have not. The last time I watched anything downtown it was not nearly as bad driving out as it was at any A’s or Raiders game. I’ll have to add an extra hour of commute time and pick up Porto’s on the way home.


MLS is much further down the list, just behind the-dog-has-diarrhea and just ahead “Are you awake? Oh, you weren’t? Since you are now, can you go to Starbucks for me?”.

yeah right

I’m thinking this whole memorial thing was not well thought out. It’s the weekend before the 4th of July and they wanted to do this at Mission Beach in San Diego. We’re here 2 and 1/2 hours early and got one of the last parking spots within 2 miles. We’ve got a table right on the water though. Good luck to the late arrivers.

yeah right

Serious fucking flashbacks walking around this place. We used to come here all the time back in the late 80’s early 90’s.


Abortion is too controversial for the federal government to regulate. Leaving it up to states is better than leaving it up to the feds. But it’s pretty controversial at that level, too. Maybe we should make it more local – leave it up to the individual cities and towns, or — and this would be crazy — the individual.


“Personal freedom??? Well, that’s just crazy talk!”

-The Personal Freedom Party


Me: “C’mon Sports, give me something, anything!

Sports: “Here’s some baseball for you.”

Me: “No, not that.”

Mr. Ayo

Wait, there’s also golf.

Oh, OK, I see the problem here.

No wait, NASCAR! In Nashville!

Crap. I admit defeat. If only there was some type of global footy contest on right now.


Come On You Slutsk!

She prefers to be called “Eileen” — Dexy’s Midnight Runners


“The worst losing streak in West Coast Eagles History has come to an end…”



I did NAWT tip that right

yeah right

Look who’s taking initiative! Think me and TAJ are going to head to the beach early to claim a gathering spot for the former missus memorial gathering.

This is all about making sure we have a home base and has NOTHING to do with extra hours of unjudged bikini ogling.

For the record.


Bikini ogling is a time honored, and very noble endeavor.

yeah right

The thing is, my former wife would expect nothing less. Hell she’d probably be disappointed if we didn’t.


At the beach my wife is totally on to me. I’ll be sitting there in wrap around shades checking out what the ladies (frequently topless) are displaying. This one time a very stacked and she knew it lady went by and wifey says, “those are fake”. Not taking the bait I simply responded, “what’s that Babe? “

Last edited 2 years ago by 2Pack

The Dr. Mrs. and I actually have a secret signal that we share when one of us spots a giant pair of boobies on display.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

Ass man over here!


If the Fightin’ Balls isn’t the name of Ball State’s sports teams, then something is wrong with them.

Oh, wait. Ball State produced Jason Whitlock. There’s definitely something wrong with them.

Horatio Cornblower

I think they’re something lame, like the Cardinals.

Horatio Cornblower

RTD’s secret signal:

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Is it a phrase with the word “Toledo” in it?

Don T

Acknowledging third-party breasts = looking for murder by ‘Rican gf


Just watch the wind.

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/for Rockingdog

Imagine being a guy named Johnson and meeting another guy that also liked putting powder on babies as much as you do and his name was Johnson also.


I really should have gone to Glastonbury when I lived over there and was younger.


Glastonbury was the name of our rival high school. I still hate those smug jerks.

Horatio Cornblower

They just changed the team names from Tomahawks to Guardians.

Really should have gone with Wasps.

yeah right

“BG” In block text – for bitcoin gangster.

Game Time Decision

“19th hole” tramp stamp

Horatio Cornblower

I wonder how the Democrats will handle the Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

I’m just kidding, I’m already getting emails asking me to donate to decrepit fossils who haven’t done anything in years, and will continue to do nothing until they’re in the grave. After which they will continue to run for at least two more terms.

Horatio Cornblower

Just looked up the CT delegation. Dick Blumenthal is running for another 6-year Senate term. He is 76. Will I vote for him? Yes, because I have to. Should he retire? Well, he has a net worth of $103 million and has no actuarial chance of seeing anything that he votes for him personally matter to him beyond the next 15 years +/-, so also yes.

Chris Murphy, our junior Senator who is not running but who actually tries to get something done on gun control, is 48

John Larson, out of Hartford is 73, a high-ranking member of the Democratic leadership, and as near as I can tell hasn’t done anything but get reeelected in years.

My rep, Joe Courtney, is 69. Nice.

Rosa DeLauro is 78. There has to be someone younger than that available in the Greater New Haven area.

Johann Hayes and Jim Himes are 49 and 55 respectively.

So CT has 7 Congressional reps, 3 of whom won’t see 70 again, two of whom will see 80 before their next terms expire, one of whom is 69, (nice!), and three of whom are of actual working age where long-term trends and laws have foreseeable consequences for them.

The GOP is basically a bunch of racist psychopaths at this point, but they’re also racist psychopaths who are, (assuming that Covid doesn’t ramp back up again, or monkeypox doesn’t get out of its niche target audience), will be alive in 20-25 years and therefore have the motivation to get out of bed every morning and by God make everything worse for anyone who doesn’t look and think like them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Horatio Cornblower

The real problem is that the leaders of the party don’t trust the young ones and thus prevent them from having any real power and being able to make any real change.


Just look at what happened to AOC.


She was reduced to full performance art by the Democratic leadership because they didn’t trust her.

She could be the leader of the party right now but they didn’t want her and they didn’t mentor her.


That’s the problem. You try to please everyone and you end up pleasing no one.

Last edited 2 years ago by ballsofsteelandfury

The Republicans sure as hell don’t and yet they’re able to achieve their goals.

And the moderate Republicans stick with the party exactly because they get shit done despite how distasteful it may be to them.

Horatio Cornblower

If AOC were the leader of the party you can just go ahead and give the GOP all three branches for the next 20-30 years. Like Hippo said, she plays well in her district and on Twitter and literally nowhere else.

And I say that liking most of her ideas.

Mr. Ayo

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Dunstan Theatre Productions presents a play in two acts:

Act I
INT — A posh Georgetown living room.

Susan Collins: Now, Justice Kavanaugh, I have to go out to pick up the hors d’oevres. This case of beer on the table is for the party. You’re not going to drink it, are you?

Brett Kavanaugh: Senator, this case of beer consists of 24 bottles which are completely full. Each of them is sealed by a bottlecap.

Collins: Good enough for me.

Exit Collins

Act II
INT — same. Kavanaugh is splayed out on the floor, surrounded by empty bottles and bottlecaps

Enter Collins

Collins: Justice Kavanugh! You drank all the beer! I am very concerned about this!

Kavanaugh (slurring): Hey, I like beer. (glares angrily and tries to focus on Collins) Oh, like you don’t like beer, Senator Klobu- Klobushhhhar? I bet you do! You’ve never drank a case of beer between 5 and 6 pm on a Tuesday?

Collins: I’m Senator Collins.

Kavanaugh: Whatever. Wanna fuck? That was a rhetorical queshtion. We’re definitely gonna fuck.

Collins’ brow becomes increasingly furrowed



A hearty “fuck you” to all of the following:
1) The six Supreme Court justices who just overturned Roe v. Wade
2) Susan Collins
3) Everyone who whined in 2016 that talking about the Supreme Court as a reason to vote for Clinton was “blackmail”
4) Every pundit who insisted that the Supreme Court would never actually overturn Roe
5) Donald Trump
6) Every pundit who insisted that “ok, maybe they’ll overturn Roe, but they’re not coming for Griswold and Obergefell” (see Thomas’s concurrence)


And you all laughed when I bought stock in United Coat Hanger.


Sure, I laughed, but it wasn’t sarcastic laughter.

Horatio Cornblower

That vasectomy 21 years is coming up big for Horatio!

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Especially #2

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This can’t even be the fifth craziest imaginary thing going on in your life.


I think it helps his Everton induced rage.