Your “Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 14” Thursday Night Open Thread

Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe say like a mix between Doug Fecal, Jack HandeyBalls’ 25 questions, Rev’s take on Larry King, and I don’t know, my own fucked up mind? With that backdrop I present to you the fourteenth edition of a potentially sporadically recurring irregularly scheduled Random Thoughts with BFC!  Now also (occasionally) in open thread form! If you want to make this interactive, drop a note/question/bon mot in the comments ala my old Mouth Flies Open attempt at an advice column.

  • LitreCola is off tonight, something about meeting another internet friend IRL.  I’m not jealous, just worried that someone is going to get murdered.  NGL, since I’ve met Litre, it’s better for me if he’s the murdered vs the murderer.
  • Ah, the NFL offseason. When other sports don’t seem to exist because they’re just not the same. And that’s one of the many reasons my mind keeps racing from random thought to random thought.
  • Plenty of offseason action already, and has your team done something cool like trade for DJ Moore or cut Ezekiel Elliott? Or has your team done something they think is cool but is profoundly stupid, like spend too much money to re-sign Geno Smith and wait for him to regress to the mean.
  • I know, I owe Boris a bottle of hooch. Boris, would you meet me in South or central Florida as a compromise?
  • No matter who you root for in the NFL, I think speak for all of us when I say fuck Aaron Rodgers with a rusty scabbard.
  • Toward the beginning of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indy tells his class he’ll be doing office hours for the next hour and a half if anyone has any problems. And then he jumps out of the fucking window to escape from those students that have questions. What a shitty teacher.
  • Is it just me, or is the actress from those annoying Drivetime commercials sneaky hot?
  • I couldn’t sleep the other night (an increasingly frequent occurrence), and I had pulled up a Cougar Town clip on youtube for one of my many links in a DFO post.  Next thing you know I’ve watched like 3 full episodes and fallen asleep on the couch with the show still going.  You’re welcome for the hulu residuals, Courtney Cox.
  • Speaking of suboptimal behavior patterns, I’m currently eating like a goldfish. Doesn’t even matter if I’m hungry, I just keep eating like Jared Lorenzen at the post game buffet/trough.
  • What’s that, Jared Lorenzen is dead and has been since 2019? Am I supposed to feel bad about the joke or not being surprised given his later playing weights?

  • Moving on, here’s a list of ridiculous book titles I’ve come up with recently that should never be published but to which I assert retention of the rights–
    • Let Your Meat Rest: A Guide to Grilling and Sexual Self Discipline
    • Other Barry and You, Getting to Know Your Psychotic Inner Self
    • Top 50 Reasons I’m Not a Farmer
    • Shut the Fuck Up With Your Sea Shanty Bullshit
    • I Give Amazing Advice and Can’t Take Any of It (A Memoir)
    • Add It To The List So I Can Keep Making My Life Harder (Another Memoir)
    • Let’s Go Visit Grandma in Hospice (A Children’s Book)
  • Earlier this year, Amazon quietly shut down their Amazon smile charity giving, the sneaky fucks. I lost the only thing making me full just a tiny bit better about how Amazon was making the world worse every time I order from them.
  • How the hell can Trader Joe’s afford to sell a Waldorf Salad for $4.99?  Salad, walnuts, chicken, grapes, chopped apples, celery, dressing, plastic container, labeling, have to be $3 or so, there is at least SOME labor involved, the cost of the machines/assembly line, shipping, stocking, and some loss from rotten salads they throw away…..I’m guessing child labor or something nefarious is going on.  Salad is pretty tasty, though.  And makes me feel dumb for ever going to Sweetgreen or Chop’t.
  • On one of my recent flights, the guy next to me was housing a bag of Trader Joe’s roasted peanuts. Bold fucking move, bringing on the one thing the airlines all stopped serving since it can kill their passengers.
  • Some of you may remember the ethical conundrum I raised regarding the laptop charger from the hotel lost and found. Well I paid that forward this very day, as a colleague misplaced her laptop charger and the hotel generosity has this been passed to her. She also intends to pay it forward further when she reclaims her original charger at some point.
  • The word “hijinks” should be spelled “hijinx”. In singular and plural forms.
  • Alright, this is just fodder for you all to share what’s going on in your lives, so let’s get to the fill in the blanks and let the commentists take it away–when it comes to dealing with stress eating, my mother always told me ___________________.

What’s on Tonight?


Getting closer but for now only in Arizona and Florida.


Even the XFL and USFL aren’t bothering to play yet/on Thursdays/don’t expect me to keep track of either of those leagues.


Thunder at Clippers on NBATV at 9:30PM DFO time, does that count?


This isn’t really my bag, but…

Wild @ Flyers at 5:30PM DFO time on ESPN
Penguins @ Stars at pm DFO time on ESPN
Other ice-capades on local affiliates as applicable

Aussie Footy?

Yuuup. Carlton and Geelong already played today, watch that or stay up for Brisbane and Melbourne.  But NO SPOILERS! Seriously, though, you should be watching this sport.

Nothing else, really.  Maybe a jigsaw puzzle or a nice book. Have you tried talking to your family/cohabitants/strangers at the bus stop?

FINE, there’s college basketball / March “madness” on offer. Check your local listings.  I’ll be on a plane, so do whatever you want.  Just let us know about it in the comments.

In the meantime, our resident new Jimmy Garoppolo fan Rikki-Tikki-Deadly, has a new DFO playlist for us to enjoy.  This one comes to you as a result of the Request Line prompt of “SPORTS!” “Dirt.” I have no idea what the puzzle song is, because I don’t understand how he does the puzzle clues.  You might say I find it all….puzzling.

HUZZAH, to the music, sports, and music about sports!

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BFC is a Chicago native transplanted to our nation's capital and transplanted again to the mountain West, then to SoCal, then back to the mountain West, and then again back to our nation's capital. He enjoys football, whisky, and the oxford comma.
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I don’t know which school is the green one.

Last edited 1 year ago by WCS
Horatio Cornblower

Oh man, if UCLA could somehow get this into OT, and then both teams could somehow play like 5 more OTs, as a UCONN fan I would be very much in favor of that.


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Horatio Cornblower

UCLA couldn’t throw the ball in the ocean from the high tide line right now.


I wish absolutely nothing but the worst — utter worst — on whoever is responsible for that Airbnb commercial.

Horatio Cornblower

You’re going to need to narrow that one down a bit.


Probably could have stopped after Airbnb.

Horatio Cornblower

Is #24 for UCLA the only one allowed to shoot?

Mr. Ayo

What the hell happened? How is Gonzaga ahead now?

Horatio Cornblower

UCLA has gone as cold as…

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Ashlii Babbit ten minutes after she climbed through that broken window?


Target Ads: “Be fat, bitch. Be proud and jiggle them all up and down with YOUR moves on the multiracial dance floo. Yeah yeah yeah!!! Life’s too short!”

My Vet: “Your dog is one fat bitch. Stop it or she’s going blind.”


My dog is underweight right now. It’s awesome being able to feed her any and all scraps. She’s so happy to get them.

Horatio Cornblower

FAU is going to beat Tennessee.

I’m sure that will save my bracket.

Mr. Ayo

Volling Down

Horatio Cornblower

Oh well done.


(gleefully continues watching the world burn)

— Rick B., Knoxville, TN

Horatio Cornblower

UCLA has two guy right out of Welcome Back Kotter playing.

Horatio Cornblower

It would seem UConn will be playing UCLA on Saturday.

Horatio Cornblower

I misread the time as 1:50+ instead of the 15+ minutes that were left. Still don’t think much of Gonzaga, but they certainly have a ton of time.


I’ll likely be in Orlando next month


When the Canadian contingent head to Palm Springs, which airport do you fly into?
A- Palm Springs
B- Ontario
C – LAX and drive
D – Other


Palm Springs airport seemed pretty active when I was there last week.

King Hippo

Man, these Noo Yawk ticketholders getting their money’s worth


I am 46. Been coming to your country forever
Your booze prices are astounding. I understand how the blue hairs here are completely wasted all the time.


Not to mention our availability!


We like a nip after decades in the mines without compensation.

Horatio Cornblower

What are you, a WEEI producer?


I love his “I’m not racist! I’m sexist!” defense. Sports radio is the worst.

Horatio Cornblower

Whole station is unlistenable right now, and that’s even without considering that half of them are unlikeable assholes.


Also, eat it Vichy Whalers!

King Hippo

I am as amazed as y’all are that they is still here.

Horatio Cornblower

Don’t even know what this is concerning but I’m always going to +1 it.


Ice Giants W. Plus, Vichy Whalers after all.


Another book title: BFC and the Sisterhood of the Travelling Laptop Charger

King Hippo

Oh yeah, they learn so very much about their vajayjays

Game Time Decision

That’s not a laptop


UCLA’s strategy for shutting down Drew Timme (artist’s conception):

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Game Time Decision

when it comes to dealing with stress eating, my mother always told me
To slow down and chew my food or to remember to breathe as I was shoveling food into my mouth at a rapid rate


It’s an honor having you here, Governor DeSantis.


Did ure mum give advice to Houston tok when her mouth was full??

*no slander on momma GTD

King Hippo

Is you all #DesertDrunk?

Game Time Decision

It’s Litre. I’d be more surprised if he wasn’t drunk or at least drinking
Also. He will have a connection with at least one of the wait staff


The bartender was a volunteer within the community. He was astounded when I tipped 3 dollars on a 3 dollar beer. Was also fine if I brought good wine to the community pub if I gave him some, and tipped each glass I had….

Dale is a beauty. He is from backwoods Wisconsin.


Given the way I’ve seen Tennessee plays the D, if Fla Atl wins, it will be the most amazing upset of the tourney.*

*Purdue was incredibly flawed


/Fightin’ Blaxi enter the chat


I wasn’t shocked. The one good thing about all this chaos in college sports is, i feel, there are more ways than ever to build a team for the tournament.

Almost as if the free market tends to offer the consumer exactly what it wants — madness.

King Hippo

And why it’s the likes of Notre Dame complaining about said market forces.



King Hippo

The Vols bring the D, yet FAU has the wang logo


I fly to Miami direct from PHX late April. Honestly the longest flight I’ve taken fly work ever. Since i can’t get loaded and enjoy myself on the flight, I’d appreciate any tips from the road warriors with experience to share.

Plus I’m gone like 5 days which sucks too.


Are you flying during the day or is it a red eye?

In Miami, are you staying in South Beach or downtown?


Flight out is Saturday like 1p. Figure i get to the hotel about 9p.

Miami Beach. Looks like the south part — is that South Beach?


Yep, that’s it! Good location!


Find the topless beach section of South Beach
Drink bottled water on the plane and take some with you to the hotel.
Calle Ocho
If you can’t get comfy on plane seats, get an aisle seat so you can walk around
Understand that everyone will be in WAY BETTER shape than you.


That’s fine. I’m down low enough to surf on RTD’s Golden Oldie’s beaches.

This is my first big work trip. I’m making a point to schedule ahead and stock some foods when I arrive. I pride myself on my grind.


Download your entertainment to your favorite device ahead of time. Earbuds. Hand sanitizing wipes. I dress in sweats and slip on shoes to make it through TSA without issue. Take Imodium if you have long stretches of no access to a clean shitter.


Me: “Son, I’m tired of waking up at 4:15am twice a week to make sure you get on to one of our trucks. Things have got to change somehow.”

/that son is the heaviest sleeper ever and sleeps thru multiple alarms

Son: “I’ve got a solution! I’ll stay up all night after I get home from the warehouse!”

Me: “But what if you fall asleep?”

Son: “Well,,,then,,,you could wake me up!”

Me: “…”


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Kid has heart.


Thanks. I needed to hear that.

King Hippo

Yall is playing for a Westwood Klavern banner pic in Saturday’s thread. Best bring it!

Horatio Cornblower

UConn looks…good.


Bowl game, Elite Eight…

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Horatio Cornblower

“Bowl” is doing a lot of work there.

King Hippo

A game worthy of the Garden. And of Allie TheForce


Getting some serious Kemba Walker vibes right now.


“All Glory to God”?

/getting some serious Michael Chang vibes right now
//anyone remember when he won the French Open and thanked god and the French crowd booed him? Good times.


They were right to do so.

Also, that was the heyday for Orange County athletes. Chang, Janet Evans, uh, maybe someone else…


Probably a figure skater or two.

King Hippo


King Hippo

Islamic BOMB!


We’re at Bananacakes at the moment.


INSANE FUCKING LOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

King Hippo

No look, or almost so. He has 18 assists. Entire Wolven Sort TEAM had 3 on Friday

King Hippo

Pig Sooey halftime team talk….ain’t quite work

Last edited 1 year ago by King Hippo

This game demands four overtimes.

King Hippo

8 year old got MOAR open than he expected


Settle down, Coach Tressman.

Last edited 1 year ago by WCS
King Hippo

Afraid he left the chat when scotchy referencing aging well.

King Hippo

I’d foul the Sparty dude who just missed.




/hopefully this comment will age well


Oh, did it ever.


Fightin Horatios are looking very tough. Hope they get to face the Fightin Balls on Saturday.

King Hippo

What Clubhouse scenes!


I look forward to a ‘small person’ trying to dunk with the help of a trampoline at the half.


The “Esq.” part of Dr. Mrs. Deadly, Esq. comes from UCLA. So you could also refer to them at the Fightin’ Hoovers.

King Hippo

A Deadly house divided!


A cracking game.


I love that I can tell whether the Cats win or lose by checking my email and seeing if they are offering a percentage off merchandise at the Cats Shop.


Just the tip?


Noell is insane.

King Hippo

The 8 year old playing on one leg? Yeah, dude can ball.

King Hippo

If you bounce it off a guy’s ass to in bound it…doesn’t he have a moral obligation to punch you?


No, that’s just funny. If it’s the groin, that’s an automatic broken nose.


As a kid I was called “husky” but I don’t think that’s a good enough reason to cheer for UCONN.


Horatio’s Dwarf is judging you intently.


As opposed to scotchy’s victims who have had razors in their backs.


Throats, backs, Achilles’ tendons.. it’s just meat and sinew.

King Hippo

We are gonna be mighty glad to know him once humanity resorts to cannibalism.


And Yeah Right!

King Hippo

OF COURSE, Bobby Hurley is talking on his cell during the performance




You know what I’ve been doing lately, and I don’t know why? Watching extreme cleaning videos. My favorites are Aurikateriina, Midwest Magic Cleaning, and Cleaning With Barbie. I fucking love them.


I like Cleaning with Barbie but that one is on Pornhub.


Is she good at poles?

King Hippo

Holy shit, Stan Van Gundy is still alive?


In the sense his body hasn’t actually realized that his brain shut off about a decade ago, yes.


You must be thinking of Ron Jeremy, who actually isn’t dead, but in jail.


Is he really? Did he get convicted?

King Hippo

Of having a yuuuuuggggge cock?


Oh wait, did I peek ahead too far in THE NARRATIVE?


Ahem, the playlist is actually from the “Dirt” edition of Request Line.


Already have done.


Jimmy Garoppolo has been offered free sex by two courtesans at a legal brothel near Vegas.

For life.

King Hippo

The hoopsballing starts earlier, because old fucks like me MATTER MOAR THAN UR HIPPIE-ASS TIME ZONES


Fucked me over here in Az. I thunked it twas normal time


Feast your eyes on the Wildcats pint-sized point guard Noell-he’s so fun to watch.


Also, Trader Joe’s salads are awesome!


The dill one is a revelation. It’s really good.


I would like some Waldorf salad now, pleaseandthanks!


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Last edited 1 year ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

He looks like my 5th and 8th grade teacher, Mr. Matthews. We called him Chuckles.


I like that the actress’ ethnicity is “Aubrey Plaza”.


She’s not really human, she’s some interdimensional goddess. That’s just science.