Sexy Friday, Juneteenth Edition

Not too many people know what Juneteenth is. Considering what we've been going through in the last few weeks, that's both a sad reflection on contemporary society and an opportunity to learn. Beerguyrob does history much better than I can ever hope to, so I won't attempt at giving you

AFL Beat 2020 Season Re-Start

This week...   This is what it looks like to have fans at stadiums in the age of COVID-19. Welcome to Balls of Steel's AFL Beat! Every game that the AFL played this weekend was played in empty stadiums.  Except for one. The Showdown, the annual Adelaide Derby between the Port Adelaide Power and the

AFL Beat 2020 Season Re-Start

This week... We play games again! Welcome to Balls of Steel's AFL Beat! This is the week we've all been waiting for.  Finally, the 2020 AFL season is re-starting!  Here is this week's schedule (Please remember that all times are Pacific): Round Two Thursday, June 11, 2020 2:40 AM - Collingwood Magpies v Richmond Tigers -

Sexy Friday, June is also a girl’s name edition

Enough has been said about protests and all that, so I won't discuss that subject. Most of the major European soccer leagues are returning soon. Sports are slowly and surely restarting, which is a good thing. *** Sprots News By this time next week, AFL will have already played the first games

AFL Beat Post Quarantine Update #2

This week...   Welcome to Balls of Steel's AFL Beat! Last week, some of you in the comments asked which team you should root for.  I did my best to make some suggestions.  Then I remembered I had put some stuff together in the past to help you pick a team.  Let's start