Sunday Morning Appetizers

(pictured above are my FF team's chances against Make It Snow) Because I haven't written anything in a long time and because it doesn't look like anyone else had anything scheduled. Today is the last day of fantasy football.  I am in the championship against Make It Snow in OSZ's league.  So

The #Humblebragger

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten Oilers lore—     While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a thudding, As of some one violently chopping, chopping at my chamber door. “’Tis Earl Campbell,” I muttered, “running over some defender poor—             Only this

NFL Speakeasy Stories

/with deepest apologies and acknowledgment to Blaxabbath He was alone, again, and again with a drink in his hand that he didn't recall ordering.  The bar was small and dimly lit and he liked that but he'd be damned if he could recall the name.  His drink, whatever it was called,