TGISF…aka Your “Themeless Themed Theme Complete with Themes Theme” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Da Fuq did I just say up there? OK, my cheese may or may not have slipped further off my cracker a little more this week I'm afraid.  Also, the word "theme" might have gotten stuck in my head for a little while I was trying to decide on a theme

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 3

[6:43pm, dusk, Exterior of balls' kick ass beach house, Deck/Patio area] At the bottom of the stairs leading from balls' house down to the beach, tWBS sits alone sipping wine.  He's lost in the sounds of the surf as it crashes on the beach repeatedly. balls approaches from inside the house and

World Baseball Classic Preview – Seoul/Tokyo Pools

So, what can I say about the World Baseball Classic which hasn't already been said? /realizes nobody talks about nor knows (nor cares) what the World Baseball Classic is What is it?  It's kinda like the Olympics, but for baseball. Who plays?  Lotsa major and minor league players.  Also lots of players you've

TGISF…aka Your “Ash Wednesday Has Passed, But Here’s a Belated Mardi Gras Theme for Sexy Friday Anyway” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Wow that's a long title.  We're gonna get letters. But it's totally true.  For some reason I can't quite pinpoint, it's been an odd coupla weeks.  And I totally overlooked it.  Oh well. But the truth is, I got so excited last week about Baseball starting that I didn't bother to plan

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 1

[10:05 AM, Interior of Dave, The 5, heading south] tWBS: I thought you said we had to stick to the yellow. balls:  Yes. tWBS:  So, why are we heading south on I-5? balls: The 5. tWBS: I-5! balls: The 5. tWBS:  Look, it's part of the United States Interstate Highway system created by the Federal-Aid Highway Act

Commentist Beer Barrel – “tWBS Ruins It for Everybody” Edition

OK, I'm not gonna lie...I really had the best of intentions when I agreed to sit in for makeitsnow this week on the beer barrel. But dammit, I don't have a Lady Snow to keep me honest.  Thusly, I ended up staying up all night last night getting drunk (yes, for

TGISF…aka “El Béisbol Vuelve….Sort of…” Sexy Friday Open Thread

That's right sports fans.  Baseball is back.  Sort of. MLB Spring Training is in full swing and exhibition games get going this weekend. Moreover, by the time you're reading this on Friday I will already be back home, hopefully at least a little drunk, after having watched some (hopefully good) college baseball

In Search of a Goddess – Prologue

[2:33 am, Interior, Bedroom] The telephone rings, interrupting tWBS's masturb.....errrrrr, waking him up. tWBS:  Hello? Man on Phone:  It's time. tWBS:  Time for what?  Dude I was just in the middle of masturb.....errrrrr, sleeping. Man on Phone:  Just pack a bag and get out here.  It's time. tWBS:  Time for wh.... CLICK tWBS:  Dammit - Three Days later, tWBS sits

TGISF…aka Your “Post-Valentine’s Day Sexy” Sexy Friday Open Thread

So, Valentine's Day has come and gone.  And you, gentle kommentists, thought you were in the clear. You did the dinner or the flowers or the candy or the whatever it is your girl loves.  Or maybe you did all those things, you lover boy you.  And your girl was looking

TGISF…aka “Valentine’s Day Sexy” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Yep, with the NFL season now officially on ice I thought I had run out of easy "low hanging fruit", as far as theme/scenario choice type things for Sexy Friday. Then I looked at the calendar. Valentine's Day.  Holee Molee. As mixed metaphors pour thru my Amygdalae (look it up if you must),