Place: Just inside the Third Circle of Hell Time: About five minutes after BALLS carried TWBS out of the Second Circle of Hell. TWBS slowly regains consciousness after having fainted. TWBS: Whut, where am I? BALLS: You are in the Third Circle of Hell. TWBS: What happened? BALLS: Despite me
The D of S, Cerchio Due
Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 2, #NuAIDS Season
The D of S, Cerchio Uno
The D of S, Prologue
Breaking News: Wakezilla signs with the Miami Dolphins! (Your Miami Dolphins Preview)
Lesser Footy – Now MOAR Than EVAR
Yes, the action is a bit NFL Pre-season-y. But you remember Augusts, back in the pre-zombie apocalypse times? Fucking A right you watched the shit out of your favourite side's 4th and 5th stringers. Because to not have sportsball on the teevee box? Fundamentally un-American. Even more so than having a fascist
“Foof” – A DJ Taj Grim Airy Tale.
Cabin Fever – Canadian edition
HOST: Welcome everyone, to an other edition of “Quarantining Today.” I’m your host, [name redacted], and we’re checking in with some of our favoUrite DFO contributors to see how they’re coping with the societal changes that the novel coronavirus pandemic has brought into their lives. With me today are BC Dick,
Crisis Response
The M -- Henderson -- 8:44 PM Seated in a private dining room, higher and more exclusive than any of the host resort's 390 rooms, the heads of America's most influential entertainment corporations finish a meal as rich -- and still unfulfilling -- as their cloud-obstructed north-looking view of The Strip.
A Confidence is Lost
banner image via {Exterior, Coach Mike Zimmer's ranch in Northern Kentucky} [Door Flies Open] Coach Zimmer: "Hey everybody, I'm home!" Maria: "Hi Coach! Welcome home!" Beansie: "EEEEEKK!" CZ: "Man, it's good to be home but I tell ya, I wouldn't mind being in Miami right now doing some game prep." Maria: "You know Coach. You had a