The Hunt FOAR JV NFL October – 7 Oct Early Thread

Some weeks, I just can't really be arsed to preview all the Lesser Footy.  Especially with the German Elton John up on his cross again, wailing about the Spurs match/VAR fuck-up.  You've gotten waaaaayyyyyy more than your fair share of oopsie-doodles over the years, please just STFU. Full schedule is here,

Closing a FIne Lesser September – Part teh First

September is such a beautiful time of year, and not just for the "windows down" time in the car.  That does make the outside world a teenier bit MOAR bearable, though. Also!  We get a proper Saturday morning of footy, with Villa hosting the Trashbirds early (7:30, USA).  I can't promise

Glory Hallelujah, First Fall Saturday 2023

Technically, it was still summer before.  And summer can get right fucked. It's not all rainbows and sunshine, as we get NO early morning fixture.  GUH.  Only three in the 10:00 window, as we go "Sunday heavy" this week, with some "name teams" in Zooropa.  City of Men hosting Robins Hood

Full Lesser Glory – Now Hopefully Without Nonces!

Did you miss the Premiership last weekend?  Of course you did.  Even with NFL back on the schedule, one needs sommet to do with one's mornings. Obviously, sleeping in is much preferred to the filthy Redshite beating up on Wolves (7:30, USA).  But some of y'all heathens will watch anyway. 10:00 window

Huzzah September and a Full Sportsball Day

Autumn, indeed, is proof that God loves us.  Football everywhere, y'all. Team Knifey host Everton early in the morning (7:30, USA).  Midweek, the Toffees very narrowly averted disaster (ie, losing in the Cursed Caribou Cup to team #92 out of 92 in the English Football League).  But fuck it, at least

Lesser Week el Tres, JV NFL Week Nil Open Thread

Apparently, 26 August is National Blow Notre Dame Day (congratulations to those who celebrate).  Not much other excuse for them playing bad-even-for-their-recent-history Naval Academy crew...with essentially the ENTIRE slate to themselves.  Seriously, this is absolute monkey feces.  But I get ahead of myself, we have good Premiership action first. Cherries host Spurs

Requiem For A Waking Nightmare – Futbol Returns! (2023-24 Prem Preview/Predictions)

That's right, we are LESS THAN A WEEK before our first actual match (Boo-urnley hosting City of Men).  Who knows who will win THAT nailbiter?  So, we better get our prediciones on record before anyone can question our sporting integrity. As always, these picks will end up dreadfully wrong.  Making fun

2pack Returns With Dutch Treat (2023 Women’s World Cup Team Report – The Netherlands (Dutch Ladies!))

The Dutch ladies currently ranked 9 th in FIFA world standings are in Group E along with the USA (1), Portugal (21) and Vietnam (32). They begin group play with Portugal on 23 July, followed by the USA 27 July and finishing up with Vietnam on 1 August. Going strictly

Good Jerb Panama! y Otra Miscellany

Holy shitsnacks, do we ever need MOAR meaningful footy in our lives.  As y'all know, I hold a certain disdain for the Golden Shower Cup.  Yet I still appreciate how the assdick USMNT lost in the semis, maybe the 8th best Van Halen single? Either Canalz FC or Mexico will